Searching for Surname=GRINDROD
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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier GRNT879JT
Grindrod, John Townley.
Adm. pens. (age 19) at PEMBROKE, Oct. 1, 1879. Only s. of John, Professor of
Music, of Blackpool. B. there. Matric. Michs. 1879; B.A. 1883; M.A.
John Townley GRINDROD
Approx. lifespan: 1861–1959
(<source>t2: 9646</source> Pembroke College <tripos>Math. I 1882; Math. II</tripos> 1882 )
age=19 : pens. Pembroke College adm1879:10:01
Only s. of John GRINDROD Professor of Music: of Blackpool, [Lancashire],
b. Blackpool, [Lancashire],
Matric 1879:10MT:
BA 1883
MA 1887
    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier GRNT844RB
Grindrod, Ralph Barnes.
Adm. sizar at ST JOHN'S, May 4, 1844. A 'Ten-year man.' S. of James, of
Swettenham [Cheshire] [and Mary]. B. there [May 19, 1811]. Bapt. May 19, 1811.
L.S.A., 1830. M.D., Lambeth, 1855. Practised at Manchester, 1830-44, and at
Malvern, 1850-83. Called the medical apostle of temperance and spent two
fortunes on efforts to promote it. The first medical man in England to sign
the total abstinence pledge, 1833. Organized a temperance mission, Feb. 5,
1844-July, 1850, starting at Liverpool. F.L.S.; F.R.G.S. Editor of The
Journal of Health
, a monthly magazine. Author, Bacchus, an essay on
temperance, for which he won the £100 prize offered by National Temperance
Society; The Compressed Air Bath; Malvern past and present; The Nation's
. Died Nov. 18, 1883, at Gt Malvern. (Boase, v. 516; Medical
Directories; Cant. Act Bk
Ralph Barnes GRINDROD
Approx. lifespan: 1811–1883
sizar St John's College adm1844:05:04
<acad ty=""Ten-year man"">
s. of James GRINDROD Swettenham, [Cheshire],
s. of Mary GRINDROD
b. Swettenham, [Cheshire], 1811:05:19
c. 1811:05:19
LSA 1830
MD: Lambeth, ???, 1855
Practised: Manchester, [Lancashire], 1830-44
Practised: Malvern, [Worcestershire], 1850-83
Called the medical apostle of temperance and spent two fortunes on efforts to promote it
The first medical man in England to sign the total abstinence pledge 1833
Organized a temperance mission, starting at Liverpool, [Lancashire], 1844:02:05-1850:07
Editor of : a monthly magazine The Journal of Health
Publ.: Bacchus, an essay on temperance, for which he won the £100 prize offered by National Temperance Society
Publ.: The Compressed Air Bath Publ.: Malvern past and present Publ.: The Nation's Vice
d. Gt Malvern, [Worcestershire], 1883:11:18
Refs: Boase, v. 516 Refs: Medical Directories Refs: Cant. Act Bk
    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier GRNT851W
Grindrod, William.
Adm. pens. at St John's, Mar. 21, 1851. Adm. at TRINITY, Oct. 21, 1851. S. of
John, Esq., M.D., of Liverpool. [B. there May 27, 1832.] School, Cheltenham
College. Matric. Michs. 1851; B.A. 1855; M.A. 1858. Ord. deacon (Manchester)
1856; priest, 1857; C. of Standish, Lancs., 1856-7. C. of Kirkby, 1857-9. C.
of St Mary's, Shrewsbury, 1859-60. Minor Canon of Chester and C. of St
Oswald's, Chester, 1860-75. V. of Alne with Aldwark, Yorks., 1875-94. Died
Dec. 15, 1894, at Southport, Lancs. (Cheltenham Coll. Reg.; Crockford; The
, Dec. 18, 1894.)
Approx. lifespan: 1832–1894
(<source>t2: 9647</source> Trinity College <tripos>Math</tripos> 1855 )
pens St John's College adm1851:03:21
Adm Trinity College 1851:10:21
s. of Esq., MD John GRINDROD Liverpool, [Lancashire],
b. Liverpool, [Lancashire], 1832:05:27
Sch: Cheltenham College [Cheltenham], [Gloucestershire],
Matric 1851:10MT:
BA 1855
MA 1858
Ord. deacon Manchester 1856
Ord. priest 1857
C.: Standish, Lancashire , 1856-57
C.: Kirkby, [Lancashire], 1857-59
C.: St Mary's Shrewsbury, [Shropshire], 1859-60
Minor Canon: Chester, [Cheshire], 1860-75
C.: St Oswald's Chester, [Cheshire], 1860-75
V.: Alne with Aldwark, Yorkshire , 1875-94
d. Southport, Lancashire , 1894:12:15
Refs: Cheltenham College Reg Refs: Crockford Refs: The Standard 1894:12:18
    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier WLMS900HH
Adm. pens. at CHRIST'S, Mar. 9, 1900. [Eldest] s. of the Rev. James (and Mary Grindrod). B. [July 25, 1880], in Tokyo, Japan . Schools, Tokyo (private) and Liverpool College.
Matric. Michs. 1900; Scholar, 1901; B.A. (Theol.
Trip., Pt I, 1st Class) 1903; Hebrew prize; Carus prize, 1903; M.A. 1909.
Sanders Reader, 1950.
Ord. deacon (Exeter), 1904; priest, 1904; C. of Swymbridge, Devon , 1904-5. Lecturer and Chaplain at Ripon Theological College, 1905-6. C. of Crediton, Devon , 1906-9. Availed himself of the provisions of the Clerical Disabilities Relief Act, in 1909.
University Extension Lecturer, 1909.
Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (Capt., R.A.S.C. (mechanical transport); M.B.E.; mentioned in Secretary of State's List for 'valuable services'). Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1920.
Of Aspenden House, Buntingford, Hertfordshire . J.P. for Hertfordshire . Chairman of Hertfordshire . C.C., 1947-50.
President of the Bibliographical Society, 1938-44.
F.B.A., 1944; F.S.A. Married (1) 1913, Jean Paterson, only dau. of Andrew Chalmers, M.D., of Sheffield.
Author, Two Centuries of the English Novel; The Ballad of Two Great Cities; Dean Swift's Library, etc.
( Peile, II. 840; Univ.
War List; Who's Who
; Kelly, Handbook .)
Harold Herbert WILLIAMS
Approx. lifespan: 1880–1964
pens. Christ's College adm1900:03:09
Eldest s. of Rev. James WILLIAMS (and Mary GRINDROD )
b. 1880:07:25 Tokyo, Japan ,
Schools, Tokyo, [Japan], (private)
and Sch: Liverpool College Liverpool, [Lancashire],
Matric 1900:10MT:
Scholar 1901
BA Theol.Trip. Pt I, 1st Class 1903
Hebrew Prize; Carus Prize 1903
MA 1909
Sanders Reader: 1950
Ord. deacon Exeter 1904
Ord. priest 1904
C.: Swymbridge, Devon , 1904-05
Lecturer: and Chapl. at Sch: Ripon Theological College Ripon, [West Riding of Yorkshire], 1905-06
C.: Crediton, Devon , 1906-09
Availed himself of the provisions of the Clerical Disabilities Relief Act, in1909
University Extension Lecturer: 1909
served in the Great War: 1914-19
Captain: R.A.S.C. (mechanical transport);
mentioned in
Sec. of State: 's List for 'valuable services')
Called to the Bar: Inner Temple 1920
Of Aspenden House, Aspenden, Buntingford, Hertfordshire ,
J.P. for: : Hertfordshire ,
Chairman of: Herts. C.C. [Hertfordshire], 1947-50
President of: : Bibliographical Society 1938-44
FBA 1944
m. (1) 1913 Jean Paterson CHALMERS only dau. of Andrew CHALMERS MD of Sheffield, [West Riding of Yorkshire],
Publ.: Two Centuries of the English Novel; The Ballad of Two Great Cities; Dean Swift's Library etc.
( Peile II. 840; University War List; Who's Who ; Kelly, Handbook )
[add:]Sandars Reader in Bibliography, 1950[:add]
[add:]Knighted, 1951[:add]
[add:] d. 1964:10:24 [:add]
[add:]( WWW )[:add]

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