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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier WDNN687E
Adm. at KING'S, a scholar from Eton [ Buckinghamshire ], 1687 .
B. in London .
Matric. Easter 1688;
B.A. 1691/2 ;
M.A. 1695 ;
D.D. 1710 .
Fellow, 1691 .
Fellow of Eton [ Buckinghamshire ], 1720 .
Chaplain to Dr Compton, Bishop of London .
R. of Wexham, Buckinghamshire , 1702-5 .
R. of All Hallows-the-Great, Thames Street, London , 1712-26 .
Chaplain to the King, 1716 .
Bishop of Chichester [ Sussex ], 1724-31 .
Author, sermons.
Died 07 Sep., 1731; buried in Chichester Cathedral [ Sussex ].
Will, P.C.C.
Benefactor to Eton College [ Buckinghamshire ].
( Harwood, 85; G. Mag. ; D.N.B. )
Approx. lifespan: 1669–1731
Adm. at King's College scholar from Sch: Eton 1687
b. in London ,
Matric. 1688:04ET:
B.A. 1691/2
M.A. 1695
D.D. 1710
Fellow 1691
Fellow of Sch: Eton 1720
Chaplain to Dr Compton, Bishop of London ,
R. of Wexham, Buckinghamshire , 1702-05
R. of All Hallows-the-Great Thames Street, London , 1712-26
Chaplain to the King 1716
Bishop of Chichester, [Sussex], 1724-31
Author, sermons.
d. 1731:09:07 ; buried in Chichester Cathedral, Chichester, [Sussex],
Will, P.C.C.
Benefactor to Sch: Eton
( Harwood 85; G. Mag. ; D.N.B. )