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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier SCT645T
Thomas SCOTT
Alias: Thomas SCOT
Said to have been educated at Cambridge [ Cambridgeshire ].
School, Westminster [ London ].
M.P. for Aylesbury [ Buckinghamshire ], 1645-53, 1656-8 ; for Wycombe [ Buckinghamshire ], 1654-5, 1659-60 .
Regicide member of the Council of State, 1649-53, 1659-60 .
Secretary of State, 1660 .
Fled to Flanders , but surrendered at Brussels [ Belgium ].
[Died]; Tried with the other regicides, condemned to death and executed, 17 Oct., 1660.
Father of William (1640).
( D.N.B. )
Thomas SCOTT
Approx. lifespan: 1627–1660
Thomas SCOT
Said to have been educated at Cambridge, [Cambridgeshire],
School Westminster, [London],
M.P. for Aylesbury, [Buckinghamshire], 1645-53, 1656-8 ; for Wycombe, [Buckinghamshire], 1654-5, 1659-60
Regicide member of the Council of State 1649-53, 1659-60
Secretary of State 1660
Fled to Flanders , but surrendered at Brussels, [Belgium],
d.]; Tried with the other regicides, condemned to death and executed 1660:10:17
father of William SCOTT (1640)
( D.N.B. )