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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier PLM645T
Thomas PLUME
Alias: Thomas PLUMME
Adm. pens. (age 15) at CHRIST'S, 24 Feb., 1645/6.
S. of Thomas (? above), of Maldon, Essex . Bapt. 07 Aug., 1630 (or18 Aug., 1630 according to the Register) in All Saints' Church, Maldon [ Essex ].
School, Chelmsford [ Essex ] (Mr Peake).
Matric. 1646 ;
B.A. 1649-50 ;
B.D. 1661 ( Lit. Reg. );
D.D. 1673 .
V. of East Greenwich [ London ], 1658-1704 .
R. of Merston [ Kent ???], 1662-1704, and R. of Little Easton [ Essex ], 1665 .
Archdeacon and Preb. of Rochester [ Kent ], 1679-1704 .
Founder of the Plumian Professorship at Cambridge [ Cambridgeshire ].
Died unmarried, 20 Nov., 1704; buried at Longfield, Kent . M.I.
Left considerable sums of money for charitable objects.
( Peile, I. 503; D.N.B.; Suppl. III. 274; Morant, I. 337.)
Thomas PLUME
Approx. lifespan: 1630–1704
Adm. pens. (age 15) at Christ's College 1645/6:02:24
s. of Thomas PLUME (1607) ?, of Maldon, Essex ,
Bapt. 1630:08:07 (or 1630:08:18 according to the Register) in All Saints' Church Maldon, [Essex],
School Chelmsford, [Essex], ( Mr – PEAKE )
Matric. 1646
B.A. 1649/50
B.D. 1661 ( Lit. Reg. );
D.D. 1673
V. of East Greenwich, [London], 1658-1704
R. of Merston [ Kent , ???] 1662-1704 and R. of Little Easton, [Essex], 1665
Archdeacon and Preb. of Rochester, [Kent], 1679-1704
Founder of the Plumian Professorship at Cambridge, [Cambridgeshire],
Died unmarried 1704:11:20 ; buried at Longfield, Kent ,
Left considerable sums of money for charitable objects.
( Peile I. 503; D.N.B.; Suppl. III. 274; Morant I. 337)