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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier ONLY671N
Nicholas ONLEY
D.D. 1671 ( Lit. Reg. ).
Matric. from Christ Church, Oxford [ Oxfordshire ], 31 Jul., 1658;
B.A. (Oxford) 1661/2 ;
M.A. 1664 .
R. of Cottesmore, Rutland , 1669-1724 .
Chaplain to the King.
Canon of Westminster [ London ], 1672-1724 .
Master of the Savoy [ London ].
R. of St Margaret, Westminster [ London ], 1683-1724 .
Died 28 Sep., 1724, aged 84.
Father of Edward (1685).
( Al. Oxon. )
Nicholas ONLEY
Approx. lifespan: 1640–1724
D.D. 1671 ( Lit. Reg. )
Matric. from Christ Church [Oxford] 1658:07:31
B.A. (Oxford) 1661/2
M.A. 1664
R. of Cottesmore, Rutland , 1669-1724
Chaplain to the King.
Canon of Westminster, [London], 1672-1724
Master of the Savoy, [London],
R. of St Margaret, Westminster, [London], 1683-1724
Died 1724:09:28 aged 84.
father of Edward ONLEY (1685)
( Al. Oxon. )