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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier GLN647J2
University Counsel, 1647-60 .
S. of Sir William. B. 1603, at Glynllifon, Caernarvonshire .
School, Westminster [ London ].
Matric. from Hart Hall, Oxford, 09 Nov., 1621, age 18.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn.
Barrister, 1628 .
Bencher, 1641 .
King's serjeant, 1660 .
M.P. for Westminster [ London ], 1640-8 ; for Caernarvonshire , 1654, and 1660 ; for Flintshire , 1655-8 .
Recorder of London , 1645-8 .
Chief Justice of the Upper Bench, 1655-9 .
Knighted, 16 Nov., 1660.
As King's serjeant acted for the crown in the prosecution of Sir Henry Vane, 1662 .
Of Henley Park, Surrey .
Died 15 Nov., 1666; buried in St Margaret's, Westminster [ London ].
Father of Thomas (1657).
( D.N.B. ; Al. Oxon. )
Approx. lifespan: 1603–1666
University Counsel 1647-60
s. of Sir William GLYNNE
b. 1603 at Glynllifon, Caernarvonshire ,
Sch: Westminster
Matric. from 1621:11:09 age 18.
Adm. at Lincoln's Inn.
Barrister 1628
Bencher 1641
King's serjeant 1660
M.P. for Westminster, [London], 1640-48 ; for Caernarvonshire , 1654, and 1660 ; for Flintshire , 1655-58
Recorder of London , 1645-48
Chief Justice of the Upper Bench 1655-59
Knighted 1660:11:16
As King's serjeant acted for the crown in the prosecution of Sir Henry VANE (1662)
Of Henley Park, Surrey ,
Died 1666:11:15 ; buried in St Margaret's, Westminster, [London],
father of Thomas GLYNNE (1657)
( D.N.B. ; Al. Oxon. )
[add:]Adm. at Lincoln's Inn 1620/1:01:27 [:add]