Searching for ; Text=CHNK642S
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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier CHNK642S
Charnock, Stephen.
Adm. sizar at EMMANUEL, May 30,
1642. S. of Richard, attorney. B. 1628, in St Catharine
Creechurch, London. Matric. 1642; B.A. 1645-6; M.A. 1649.
Incorp. at Oxford, 1652. Fellow of New College, Oxford,
1650. Proctor, Oxford, 1654. Went as chaplain to Ireland
with Henry Cromwell. Afterwards led a studious life in
London, where he lost his library in the great fire. In 1675
he became pastor of a presbyterian congregation at Crosby
Hall, Bishopsgate St. Died July 27, 1680. Buried at St
Michael's, Cornhill. Will, P.C.C. ( D.N.B.; Al. Oxon. )
Approx. lifespan: 1628–1680
Adm. sizar at Emmanuel College 1642:05:30
s. of Richard CHARNOCK attorney.
b. 1628 in St Catharine Creechurch, London ,
Matric. 1642
B.A. 1645/6
M.A. 1649
Incorp. at Oxford University 1652
Fellow of New College [Oxford] 1650
Proctor, Oxford 1654
Went as chaplain to Ireland , with Henry Cromwell.
Afterwards led a studious life in London , where he lost his library in the great fire.
In 1675 he became pastor of a presbyterian congregation at Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate St. [London],
Died 1680:07:27
buried at St Michael's, Cornhill, [London],
Will, P.C.C.
( D.N.B.; Al. Oxon. )
[add:]Minister of St Werburgh's, Dublin, [Ireland], 1656-60 [:add]
[add:](H. B. Swanzy.)[:add]
[app:]Portrait engraving by Bryan Hall: CAS : G.29[:app]