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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier PRCY769T
Percy, the Rev. Thomas.
Adm. pens. at EMMANUEL, Dec. 9, 1769; D.D. 1770.
From Christ Church, Oxford, whence he had matric.
July 7, 1746, as Piercy; B.A. (Oxford) 1750; M.A. (Oxford) 1753. [S. of Arthur, grocer, of Bridgnorth, Shropshire.
B. there, Apr. 13, 1729.
School, Bridgnorth Grammar.] Ord. deacon (Hereford) 1751; priest, June, 1753.
V. of Easton-Mauduit, Northants., 1753-82.
R. of Wilby, 1756-82.
Chaplain to the Duke of Northumberland, 1765.
Chaplain to the King, 1769.
Dean of Carlisle, 1778-82.
Bishop of Dromore, 1782-1811.
Married, 1759, Anne, dau. of Barton Gutteridge, of Desborough, Northants.; she was appointed nurse to Prince Edward, afterwards Duke of Kent, in 1771.
Edited Surrey's Poems. Author of the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; The Household Book of the Earl of Northumberland in 1512; Northern Antiquities; The Hermit of Warkworth; A New Translation of the Song of Solomon; A Key to the New Testament; etc.
The publication of Reliques, which 'made an epoch in the history of English literature,' arose out of his discovery of a folio MS. (lying dirty in a bureau in the house of a friend, and 'being used by the maids to light the fire') which contained copies in an early seventeenth-century hand of many old poems and ballads.
His portrait was painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Died Sept. 30, 1811.
Father of Henry (1780).
(Al. Oxon.; Northants.
Clergy; D.N.B.; G. Mag.
, 1811, II. 395; C. Brooks, The Percy Letters.)
Rev. Thomas PERCY
Approx. lifespan: 1729–1811
pens. Emmanuel College adm1769:12:09
DD 1770
From Christ Church [Oxford], whence he had
Matric as Piercy 1746:07:07
BA(Oxford) 1750
MA(Oxford) 1753
s. of Arthur PERCY
grocer, of Bridgnorth, Shropshire
b. there 1729:04:13
Sch: Bridgnorth Grammar School Bridgnorth, [ Shropshire ]
Ord. deacon Hereford 1751
Ord. priest 1753:06
V.: Easton-Mauduit, Northamptonshire 1753-82
R.: Wilby, [ Northamptonshire ] 1756-82
Chapl.: to the Duke of Northumberland 1765
Chapl.: to the King 1769
Dean of Carlisle, [ Cumberland ] 1778-82
Bishop of: Dromore, [ Co. Down ???] 1782-1811
m. 1759 Anne GUTTERIDGE dau. of Barton GUTTERIDGE, of Desborough, Northamptonshire .; she was appointed nurse to Prince Edward, afterwards Duke of Kent in1771
Publ.: Edited Surrey's Poems
Author of the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; The Household Book of the Earl of Northumberland in 1512
Northern Antiquities; The Hermit of Warkworth; A New Translation of the Song of Solomon; A Key to the New Testament ; etc.
The publication of Reliques, which "made an epoch in the History of English literature," arose out of his discovery of a folio MS. (lying dirty in a bureau in the House of a friend, and "being used by the maids to light the fire") which contained copies in an early seventeenth-century hand of many old poems and ballads.
His portrait was painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
d. 1811:09:30
father of Henry PERCY (1780)
( Al. Oxon.; Northants. Clergy; D.N.B.; G. Mag 1811, II. 395; C. Brooks, The Percy Letters .)
    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier PRCY769T2
Piercy, Thomas(1769)
see PERCY.
Approx. lifespan: 1751–1849
(1769), see PERCY.

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