This list is probably not complete, and some expansions may be incorrect
(Venn used a large number of abbreviations but did not provide a key to some of them).
Abbreviations appear sometimes with, sometimes without full stops;
in this list capital letters are generally shown without full stops.

Some of the expansions can be clicked to go to an explanation,
but you can also look at the Glossary itself to find out the meanings of obscure University terminology.

The sources are as printed by Venn in Part I of his work and give brief publication details.

Click on a letter to go to the appropriate part of the list:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W x Y z

ABable-bodied seaman
Bachelor of Arts (US)
Abram, Wm.A History of Blackburn, 1877
ACAAssociate, Institute of Chartered Accountants
Admon.Administration of effects at a Probate Court
AFCAir Force Cross
AGAdjutant General
Attorney General
AHAssistant Head
Al. Dub.Alumni Dublinenses, G.D. Burtchaell & T.U. Sadleir
Al. Eton.R.A. Austen-Leigh, List of Collegers; see also Harwood
Al. Oxon.Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1886, Joseph Foster, 4 vols, 1887-
Al. Westmon.List of the Queen's Scholars of Westminster,...1561-1852, Joseph Welch, 1852
AMSArmy Medical Services
Assistant Military Secretary
APMAssistant Provost Marshal
AQMGAssistant Quartermaster-General
ARAAssociate of the Royal Academy, London
ASCArmy Service Corps
Ath. Cant.see Cooper
BABachelor of Arts
Baines (Lancs.)History of Lancashire, Edward Baines, 4 vols, 1888-
Baker (Northants.)History of Northamptonshire, George Baker, 2 vols, 1822-
Baker MSSThe MS. collections of Thomas Baker of St John's; partly at the British Museum, partly at Cambridge University Library
BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation
BCBritish Columbia
BCanLBachelor of Canon Law; abrogated 1535
BCivLBachelor of Civil Law; now expressed as LLB
BDBachelor of Divinity
BEFBritish Expeditionary Force
Benton, PhilipRochford Hundred, 1867
BerryKent Pedigrees
Betham, W.Baronetage, 1801-
Blakeway, J.B.Sheriffs of Shropshire, 1886
Blanch (Camberwell)The Parish of Camberwell, W. Harnett Blanch, 1875
Blomefield (Collectanea)Francis Blomefield, 1750, Notes of monumental inscriptions in the Town and County of Cambridge
BlomefieldHistory of Norfolk, Francis Blomefield, continued by C. Parkin, 2nd ed., 1805-10; 12 vols with index, 1862
BloreHistory of Rutland, Thomas Blore, 1811
BMABritish Medical Association
Brady, W.M.Records of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, 1864
BridgesHistory of Northamptonshire, John Bridges, continued by Peter Whalley, 2 vols, 1791
Burke, L.G.Landed Gentry, John Burke
Burke, Ext. Bart.Extinct Baronetage, John Burke
Burke, CommonersCommoners, John Burke
Burton (Eng. Martyrs)Lives of the English Martyrs declared venerable, Canon E.H. Burton & Rev. T.H. Pollen
Bury School, SHAHList of boys at Bury School 1550-1900, Bury, 1908
CAChartered Accountant
County Alderman
Caius College Biographical HistoryJ. Venn, 1897
Calamy, Edm.Nonconformist Memorials (Palmer's edition), 1775
Cal. Pat. RollsCalendar of Patent Rolls
Cambridge Antiquarian SocietyCommunications and Proceedings, 1841
Cambs. and Hunts. Arch. Soc.Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, 1900-
Carthew, G.A.Hundred of Launditch, 3 vols, 1877-79
Carthew, W. and E.Bradenham, 1883
Cass, F.C.History of S. Mimms, 1877; of Monken Hadley, 1880; of E. Barnet, 1885
CautioA deposit made in early times to ensure the due performance of exercises for degrees
CBCompanion, Order of the Bath
CBECommander, Order of the British Empire
CCCounty Council
City Council
Chamber of Commerce
County Court
CCCCounty Cricket Club
Corpus Christi College
Central Criminal Court
CDCivil Defence
CECivil Engineer
Cecil, House ofsee Dennis, G.R.
CFChaplain to the Forces
CHCompanion of Honour
Chalmers, A.Biographical Dictionary, 1812-17
Chesters of ChichelyR.E.C. Waters, 1878
Christ's College Biographical RegisterT. Peile, 1910-
Christ's College HistoryTho. Peile
CJChief Justice
Clare College HistoryA.R. Wardale
Clutterbuck, RobertHistory of Hertfordshire, 3 vols, 1815
CMMaster in Surgery (Edinburgh, etc.)
CMSChurch Missionary Society
COCommanding Officer
Collect. Top. and Gen.Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica
CollinsPeerage of England, edited by Sir E. Brydges, 9 vols, 1812
Collinson, JohnHistory of Somerset, 3 vols, 1791; index, 1898
ComCLondCommissary Court of Bishop of London
Com. Reg.Comitia Regia: certain gatherings of the Senate of the University at which royal personages were present and degrees specially conferred
ConsCLondConsistory Court of Bishop of London
Cooper, C.H. & ThompsonAthenae Cantabrigienses (1500-1609), 3 vols, 1858-
Cooper, C.H.Annals of Cambridge, 5 vols
Copinger, W.A.History of Buxhall, 1902
Copinger, W.A.Manors of Suffolk, 1905
COSChief of Staff
CottonFasti Ecclesiae Hibernicae
Cox, J.C.Churches of Derbyshire, 1875
CPCape Province
Civil Power
CPCClerk of the Privy Council
CSCivil Service
CSECertificate of Secondary Education
CUCambridge University
Christian Union
CUBCCambridge University Boat Club
Cussans, J.E.History of Hertfordshire, 3 vols, 1870-
D. and C. Westm.Court of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster
Dallaway, James & CartwrightHistory of West Sussex, 2 vols, 1815-
DAQMGDeputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General
dau.daughter (of)
Davey, R.Sisters of Lady Jane Grey, 1911
Davids, T.W.Nonconformity in Essex, 1863
DCDistrict Commissioner
District Council
DDDoctor of Divinity
Dennis, G.R.House of Cecil, 1914
Derby School Register, 1570-1901B. Tacchella, 1902
Devon Notes and Queries 
Dewes, SymondsExtracts from Diary (College Life in time of James I, published 1851)
Dexter, H.M.Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, 1880
DLDeputy Lieutenant
DMDoctor of Medicine (not Cambridge)
DNBDictionary of National Biography
Dodds, C.Church History of England, 1737-
Douay Diaryedited by Rev. T.F. Knox, 1878; E.H. Burton, 1911
Doughty, K.F.The Betts of Wortham, 1912
Drake, F.History of York, 1736
DSCDistinguished Service Cross
DScDoctor of Science (not Cambridge)
Dukes, T.F.Antiquities of Shropshire, 1844
Duncumb, JohnHistory of Herefordshire, 1804
Dunn, L.Visitations of Wales, 1846
Earwaker, J.P.East Cheshire, 2 vols, 1877
East Anglianedited by S. Tymms, 4 vols, 1864-71
Eastern Counties Collectanea 
ECEast Central
EIEast India(n)
East Indies
EICEast India Company
Elwes, D.G.C.Castles, etc., of W. Sussex, 1876
Ely Diocesan Register 
Ely Episcopal RecordsA. Gibbons, 1891
E. Mag.English Magazine
Emmanuel College HistoryE.S. Shuckburgh
Endowments of the UniversityJ.W. Clark, 1904
EREast Riding
Essex Pedigrees 
ETEaster Term
Extinct Bart.see Burke
Eyton, R.W.Antiquities of Shropshire, 1854
FAFootball Association
Fastisee Le Neve and Cotton
FBAFellow of the British Academy
FCFootball Club
FCSFellow of the Chemical Society
Fell.-Com.Fellow Commoner
Felsted SchoolAlumni Felstedienses, G.J.H. Wright, 1903
Felt, J.B.Ecclesiastical History of New England, 1855-
FGSFellow of the Geological Society
FIAFellow of the Institute of Actuaries
FICFellow of the Institute of Chemistry
Fil. nob.Filius nobilis: by ancient custom and statute the sons of noblemen (including bishops) had the privilege of proceeding to M.A. at once instead of first taking B.A.
Fisher, G.W.Shrewsbury, 1899
FLSFellow of the Linnaean Society
FMField Marshal
FMGFamiliae Minorum Gentium, Joseph Hunter, Harleian Society
FMSFellow of the Medical Society
FOField Officer
Foreign Office
Foley, H.Records of the English Province of the S.J., 8 vols, 1877-
Foss, E.Judges of England, 1870
Foster, Josephsee Al. Oxon.
Foster, JosephLondon Marriage Licenses, 1887
Foster, JosephLancashire pedigrees
Foulis, H.History of Plots, 1674
Founders and Benefactors of St John'sA.F. Torry, 1888
FPSFellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
FRAeSFellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society
FRCPFellow of the Royal College of Physicians
Frere, W.H.The Marian Reaction, 1896
FRHistSFellow of the Royal Historical Society
FRMetSFellow of the Royal Meteorological Society
FRSFellow of the Royal Society
FRSAFellow of the Royal Society of Arts
FSAFellow of the Society of Antiquaries
FSAScotFellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
FSIFellow of the Chartered Surveyors' Institution
FSSFellow of the Royal Statistical Society
Fuller, ThomasHistory of the University of Cambridge (Prickett), 1840
FZSFellow of the Zoological Society
Gage, JohnThingoe Hundred, Suffolk, 1838
GCBKnight/Dame Grand Cross, Order of the Bath
GAGeologists' Association
GCHKnight Grand Cross, Hanoverian Order
GEGreat Eastern
GECComplete Baronetage, G.E. Cockayne
Complete Peerage, G.E. Cockayne
Genealogical Magazine 
GenealogistG.W. Marshall, 1877-
Gent, Tho.Ripon, 1733
GHQGeneral Headquarters
Giggleswick School RegisterH.L. Mullins, 1913
Glover, StephenHistory of Derbyshire, 1829
G. Mag.Gentleman's Magazine, 1739-1868
Godfrey, Jo. Tho.Churches of Nottinghamshire, 1907
GPGeneral Practitioner
GPOGeneral Post Office
Gr.Grace, or act of the University, mostly for degrees
Graves, Jo.History of Cleveland, 1808
Gray's InnRegister of Admissions, 1895
Pension Book, 1910
Gr. Bk.Grace Book, containing the Graces of the University; five volumes have been published, 1454-1588
Gregson, MatthewHistory of Lancaster, 1817-
GSOGeneral Staff Officer
GWRGreat Western Railway
HACHonourable Artillery Company
Harleian Society 
Harvey, W.M.Willey Hundred, Bedfordshire, 1872
Harwood, ThomasAlumni Etonenses, 1797
Hasted, EdwardHistory of Kent, 4 vols, 1778
HBMHis/Her Britannic Majesty's
HCHigh Commissioner
HEHis Excellency
HEICHonourable East India Company
Hennessy, GeorgeEdition of Newcourt's Repertorium, 1898
Herald and GenealogistJ.G. Nichols, 1863-
HHHis Highness
His Holiness
Hill, A.G.Churches of Cambridgeshire, 1880
Hill, J. HarwoodHistory of Langton, 1867
History of Market Harborough, 1875
Hingeston-Randolph, F.C.Notes and additions for Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, for Devon (reprinted from The Church in the West)
Historical Register Chronicle 
HLIHighland Light Infantry
HMHis/Her Majesty's
HMSHis/Her Majesty's Ship
HOHome Office
Hoare, Sir R.C.History of Wiltshire, 1822
Horsfield, T.W.History of Sussex, 2 vols, 1835
HRHHis/Her Royal Highness
HSHigh School
Hughes, JosephHistory of Meltham, 1866
Hughes, W.O. HughesTonbridge School Register, 1893
Hunter, JosephHallamshire, 1819; S. Yorkshire, 1828-
Familiae Minorum Gentium, 1894-
Hutchins, J.History of Dorset, 1861-
HutchinsonCumberland, Durham
Hyde, H.B.Annals of Bengal, 1901
IAIndian Army
IAROIndian Army Reserve Officer
IBAInternational Bar Association
Independent Broadcasting Authority
ICEInstitution of Civil Engineers
ICSIndian Civil Service
IGInspector General
Instructor in Gunnery
ImpubesA student under 14, and consequently not required to take the usual oath at matriculation
IMSIndian Medical Service
Incorp.Incorporation in another University; it conferred the privileges of their degree
Inner Temple Admissions1547-1660
ISO(Companion of the) Imperial Service Order
IYImperial Yeomanry
Jesus College HistoryA. Gray
JewittReliquary, 1860
JPJustice of the Peace
KBKnight of the Order of the Bath
King's Bench
Knight Bachelor
Kimber & JohnsonBaronetage, 1771
KCKing's Counsel
KCBKnight Commander of the Order of the Bath
KCHKnight Commander, Hanoverian Order
KCLKing's College, London
King's College HistoryA. Austen-Leigh
KOKing's Own
KPKnight, Order of St Patrick
KTKnight, Order of the Thistle
LCLondon Central
LCCLondon County Council
LDLicentiate in Divinity
Lady Day
Leics. and Ruts.Leicestershire and Rutland Notes and Queries
Le Neve, JohnMonumenta Anglicana, 1717
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1854
Le Neve, PeterKnights, Pedigrees of, 1873
Lestrange, JohnEastern Counties Collectanea, 1872
LILight Infantry
Lib. Cler. Linc.Liber Cleri Lincolniensis
Lic. Med.Licence to practise medicine
Lincolnshire Churches 
Lincolnshire Pedigrees 
Lincolnshire Notes and Queries 
Lincolnshire Presentation Deeds 
Lipscombe, GeorgeHistory of Buckinghamshire, 4 vols, 1847
Lit. Reg.Litterae Regiae: royal mandates directing the conferring of a degree
Litt. Dim.Letters dimissory from one bishop to another to grant ordinations
LLBBachelor of [Civil] Laws
LMLicentiate in Midwifery
L. Mag.London Magazine
LMSLondon Missionary Society
London, Midland and Scottish [Railway]
LNWLondon and North-Western [Railway]
Lockhart, A.W.Exhibitioners from Christ's Hospital, II ed., 1885
Loder, RobertHistory of Framlingham, Suffolk. Containing a list of the Masters and Fellows of Pembroke
Lodge, EdmundLife of Sir Julius Caesar, 1827
Lodge, EdmundPeerage, 1832
London Magazine 
LRCPLicentiate, Royal College of Physicians
LRCPELicentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
LRCSLicentiate, Royal College of Surgeons
LRCSELicentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
LRIBALicentiate, Royal Institute of British Architects
LRPSLicentiate, Royal Photographic Society
LSALicentiate, Society of Apothecaries
LSWLondon and South-Western [Railway]
LTLent Term
Licentiate in Teaching
Lysons, DanielEnvirons of London, 1796
Lyte, H.C. MaxwellHistory of Eton, 1911
MAMaster of Arts
Military Assistant
Maclean, Sir JohnTrigg Minor, 1868
Magdalene College HistoryE.K. Purnell
Manning, O. & BrayHistory of Surrey, 1804
Masters, RobertHistory of Corpus Christi, 1752, edited by J. Lamb, DD, 1831
Mayor, Prof. J.E.B. 
Maxwell-Lytesee Lyte
MCMilitary Cross
MCCMarylebone Cricket Club
McCall, H.B.Churches of Richmondshire
MEMining Engineer
MFHMaster of Fox Hounds
MGramMaster of Grammar: an ancient degree long obsolete, conferred on schoolmasters
MIMonumental Inscription
Military Intelligence
MIAgrEMember, Institution of Agricultural Engineers
MIAMMember, Institute of Administrative Management
MIBiolMember, Institute of Biology
MICEMember, Institution of Civil Engineers
MIChemEMember, Institution of Chemical Engineers
Midds. Ped.Middlesex Pedigrees
MIEMember, Institution of Engineers
Member of the Order of the Indian Empire
MIEEMember, Institution of Electrical Engineers
MIEREMember, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
MIMarEMember, Institute of Marine Engineers
MIMechEMember, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
MIMinEMember, Institute of Mining Engineers
MIMMMember, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
MInstCEMember, Institution of Civil Engineers
MIProdEMember, Institution of Production Engineers
Miscellanea Genealogica et HeraldicaJ.J. Howard, 1868
MIStructEMember, Institution of Structural Engineers
MITMassachussetts Institute of Technology
MLCMember of the Legislative Council
MOMedical Officer
Morant, P.History of Essex, 1768
MPMember of Parliament
MRMaster of the Rolls
MRACMember, Royal Agricultural College
MRAeSMember, Royal Aeronautical Society
MRASMember, Royal Asiatic Society
MRCGPMember, Royal College of General Practitioners
MRCOGMember, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
MRCPMember, Royal College of Physicians
MRCPathMember, Royal College of Pathologists
MRCPEMember, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
MRCSMember, Royal College of Surgeons
MRCSEMember, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
MRCVSMember, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
MRIMember, Royal Institution
MRIAMember, Royal Irish Academy
MRPharmSMember, Royal Pharmaceutical Society
MRSCMember, Royal Society of Chemistry
MSMaster of Surgery
MTMichaelmas Term
Motor Transport
Mumford, A.A.History of Manchester Grammar School, 1919
Munk, W.Roll of the College of Physicians, 1878
Muskett, J.J.Suffolk Manorial Families, 1894-
N. and Q.Notes and Queries certificate [women's colleges only; in earlier times, women who passed the Tripos examination were not awarded a degree (because they were women) but were awarded a Certificate instead]
Nash, T.R.History of Worcestershire, 1781-82
NBNorth Britain (i.e. Scotland)
Nota Bene
NCNewnham College [but see also n.c. above]
NENorth East
Newcourt, B.Repertorium (London Diocese), 1708-
Newton, AldermanJournal
NINorthern Irish/Ireland
Native Infantry
Nicholas, T.Annals of the County Families of Wales, 1872; Peerage of England
Nichols, J.History of Leicestershire
Nichols, J.G.Herald and Genealogist, 1862
Nightingale, Benj.The ejected of Cumberland and Westmorland, 1911
Norcliffe, C.B.History of Snaith, 1861
Norfolk ArchaeologyNorfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, 1847-
Northants. Notes and Queries 
NRNorth Riding
NSWNew South Wales
NWNorth West
NWRNorth Western Railway
NZNew Zealand
N&QNotes and Queries
OCOfficer Commanding
Oliver, V.L.History of Antigua, 1894
Ord, J.W.History of Cleveland, 1846
OrdoOrdo senioritatis: order of seniority in the Mathematical Tripos
Ormerod, G.History of Cheshire, 1882-
OTCOfficers Training Corps
Oundle School Register 
Papal PetitionsCalendar of
Patent RollsCalendar of
PaverYorkshire Marriage Licenses (Yorkshire Archaeological Society)
PCPrivy Councillor
Perpetual Curate
Police Constable
PCCPrerogative Court of Canterbury
Parochial Church Council
PCYPrerogative Court of York
Peile, ThomasBiographical Register of Christ's College, 1910
Penny, FrankThe Church in Madras, 1904
PGMPast Grand Master [of Masons]
Phillimore, W.P.W.Nottinghamshire Pedigrees
Phillips, ThomasHistory of Shrewsbury, 1779
PIPhilippine Islands
Pits, JohnDe Rebus Anglicis, 1619
Plantaganet-Harrison, G.H.History of Yorkshire, 1879
Provost Marshal
PMOPrincipal Medical Officer
POPetty Officer
Pilot Officer
Post Office
Political State of Great Britain 
Poulson, GeorgeHolderness, 2 vols, 1840-41
PRAPresident of the Royal Academy
Prior, A.H.Mansfield Church, 1906
PSPermanent/Private Secretary
Privy Seal
PTPhysical Training
QCQueen's Counsel
RARoyal Academy/Academician
Royal Artillery
Rear Admiral
Radford, L.B.History of Holt, 1909
RAFRoyal Air Force
RAMCRoyal Army Medical Corps
RASRoyal Agricultural/Asiatic/Astronomical Society
RASCRoyal Army Service Corps
Rastall, W.D.History of Southwell, 1787 (William Dickinson)
RBARoyal Society of British Artists
RCRoman Catholic
RCMRoyal College of Music
RCP Royal College of Physicians
RCSRoyal College of Surgeons
RDRoyal Dragoons
Royal Naval Reserve Decoration
Rural Dean
RDCRoyal Defence Corps
Rural District Council
RERoyal Engineers
Right Excellent
Records, S.J.see Foley
Records, S.P.G.Digest of, 1893
Repton School RegisterG.S. Messiter, 1910
RFARoyal Field Artillery
Royal Fleet Auxiliary
RFCRoyal Flying Corps
Rugby Football Club
RGARoyal Garrison Artillery
RGSRoyal Geographical Society
RHARoyal Horse Artillery
Royal Hibernian Academy
RHSRoyal Horticultural Society
RIRoyal Irish
RMRoyal Marines
Resident Magistrate
RMARoyal Military Academy
Royal Marine Artillery
RMCRoyal Military College
RMSRoyal Mail Steamer/Service
RNRoyal Navy
RNASRoyal Naval Air Service
RNCRoyal Naval College
RNDRoyal Naval Division
RNRRoyal Naval Reserve
RNVRRoyal Naval Volunteer Reserve
ROReceiving/Relieving Officer
Robinson, C.J.Mansions of Herefordshire, 1873
Robinson, Snaithsee Norcliffe
RPReformed Presbyterian
RSRoyal Society
Royal Scots
RSMRegimental Sergeant-Major
Royal School of Mines
Royal Society of Medicine
Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain
RSOResident Surgical Officer
RTORailway Transport Officer
Rutland Magazine 
RVRifle Volunteers
RW ...Royal West ...
s.son (of)
SASouth Africa/America
Southern Australia
Salt, WmArchaeological Society (Staffordshire), 1880-
SCStaff College/Corps
Senior Counsel
SCASociety of Catholic Apostolate
Scott-MayorAdmissions to St John's College, 1630-1767, commenced by Prof. J.E.B. Mayor, continued by Mr R.F. Scott
SESouth East(ern)
Searle, W.G.History of Queens' College, 1867
Sedburgh School Register1546-1909
Serjeant, J.see Felsted
SHSenate House
SHAHsee Bury St Edmund's School
Shaw, StebbingHistory of Staffordshire, 1798
Shaw, W.A.History of the English Church, 1640-60, 1900
The Knights of England, 1905
Sheard, MichaelRecords of Batley, 1894
Sidney College HistoryG.M. Edwards
Simpson, Rob.History of Derbyshire, 1826
sizarsizar: lowest of the three ranks in which students were matriculated
SJSociety of Jesus [Jesuits]
SLSergeant/Solicitor at Law
s.p.sine prole = without children
SPGSociety for the Propagation of the Gospel
S.P.G. RecordsDigest, 1893
s.p.m.sine prole mascula = without male heirs
SSCSolicitor to the Supreme Court
Staffs. PedigreesHarleian Society Publications
Stainton Parish Register 
St Catharine's College HistoryG.F. Browne
St John's College HistoryJ.B. Mullinger
Stokes, H.P.Bedells, Chaplains
STPSanctae Theologiae Professor = Doctor of Divinity
St Paul's School RegisterR.B. Gardiner, 1884
Strypes, Jo.Annals of the Reformation, 4 vols, 1824
Suckling, A.History of Suffolk, 1846-
Suffolk Manorial FamiliesJ.J. Muskett
Sup.Supplicat: 'request' from College authorities for a candidate to be awarded a degree
Surrey Archaeological Collections 
Surtees, Ro.History of Durham, 4 vols, 1816
Sussex Archaeological Collections1848
SWSouth West(ern)
South Wales
Sweeting, W.D.Peterborough Churches, 1868
TATerritorial Army
TCDTrinity College Dublin
TCFTemporary Chaplain to the Forces
TDTerritorial Decoration
Temple, InnerAdmissions till 1660
TFTerritorial Force
Thoresby, RalphDucatus Leodiensis, 1816
Thoroton, Ro.History of Nottinghamshire, 3 vols, 1797
Topographer, The1789-91
Topographer and Genealogist 
Trinity College Admission RegisterW.W. Rouse Ball & J.A. Venn
Trinity Hall, History ofH.E. Malden
Trollope, Edw.Sleaford, 1872
TSTraining Ship
Turnor, EdmundHistory of Grantham, 1806
UDCUrban District Council
Urwick, W.Nonconformity in Hertfordshire, 1884
USUnited States
VCVictoria Cross
VCCVice-Chancellor's Court, Cambridge
VCHVictoria County History
VDVictorian Decoration
Venn Family Annals 
Venn, JohnBiographical History of Caius College, 3 vols, 1897-
Visitations, Heralds'mostly published by the Harleian Society
v.p.vita patris = in the lifetime of the father
Walker, J.Sufferings of the Clergy, 1714
Walker, T.A.Admissions to Peterhouse from 1615-1912
Ward, JohnGresham College, 1740
Ward, JohnStoke-upon-Trent, 1843
Waters, R.E. ChesterChester of Chicheley, 1878
Westminster Abbey Registers 
Whitaker, T.D.Loidis, 1816; Craven, 1878; Richmond, 1823
WIWest Indian/Indies
Williams, B.H.West Country Families, 1916
Willis, BrowneBangor, 1721; St Asaph, 1801; St Davids, 1717; Llandaff, 1719
Wilts. Archaeological Magazine1853
WOWarrant Officer
War Office
WRWestern Region
West Riding
YMCAYoung Men's Christian Association
Yorks. Archaeological Journal1870-
Yorks. Bibliographer 
Yorks. Genealogist 
Yorks. Schools