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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier NRTN570T
M.A. 1570, after 12 years' study.
S. of Thomas, citizen of London . B. there, 1532 .
Perhaps matric. Fell.-Com. from MICHAELHOUSE, Michs. 1544, and again, Easter 1545 ( impubes ).
Of the Inner Temple [ London ], 1555 .
M.P. for Gatton [ Surrey ???], 1558-9 ; for Berwick-on-Tweed [ Northumberland ], 1562-7 ; for London , 1571-83 .
Remembrancer, 1571-84 .
Best known as 'rackmaster' of suspected papists.
Solicitor to the Merchant Taylors' Company [ London ], 1581 .
Married (1) Margaret, dau. of Archbishop Cranmer; (2) Alice, dau. of Edmund Cranmer.
Purchased Sharpenhoe, Bedfordshire , 1578 .
Joint author with Sackville of The Tragedie of Gorboduc .
Author, poetical, etc.
Died 10 Mar., 1583/4, at Sharpenhoe, Bedfordshire .
Probably half-brother of Luke (1578).
( Cooper, I. 485; D.N.B.; Vis. of Herts., 1634 ; Victoria Hist. Beds., II. 382; Her. and Gen., III. 276.)
Approx. lifespan: 1546–1583
M.A. 1570 after 12 years' study.
s. of Thomas NORTON citizen of London
b. there 1532
Perhaps matric
Fell.-Com. from Michaelhouse 1544:10MT: and again 1545:04ET: ( impubes ).
Of the Inner Temple, [ London ] 1555
M.P. for Gatton, [ Surrey ???] 1558-59 ; for Berwick-on-Tweed, [ Northumberland ] 1562-67 ; for London 1571-83
Remembrancer 1571-84
Best known as 'rackmaster' of suspected papists.
Solicitor to the Merchant Taylors' Company, [ London ] 1581
m. (1) Margaret CRANMER dau. of Archbishop CRANMER ;
m. (2) Alice CRANMER dau. of Edmund CRANMER
Purchased Sharpenhoe, Bedfordshire 1578
Joint author with Sackville of The Tragedie of Gorboduc
Author, poetical, etc.
Died 1583/4:03:10 at Sharpenhoe, Bedfordshire
Probably half-brother of Luke NORTON (1578)
( Cooper, I. 485; D.N.B.; Vis. of Herts. 1634 ; Victoria Hist. Beds., II. 382; Her. and Gen., III. 276.)