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Pens. at GONVILLE HALL, where he gave two windows for the library.
S. of John, of Lyndwood, Lincolnshire . B. c 1375 .
Fellow of Pembroke Hall. LL.D. (Oxford).
Ord. priest (Ely) 1407 .
R. of Walton-on-the-Wolds, Leicestershire , till 1409 .
Preb. of Sarum, 1412-34 .
Dean of the Arches, 1417-30 .
R. of All Hallows, Bread Street, 1418-33 .
Preb, of Hereford, 1422-42 .
Keeper of the Privy Seal, 1433-46 .
Archdeacon of Oxford, 1438-42 .
Bishop of St David's, 1442-4 .
Author, Provinciale .
Died 21 Oct., 1446.
( Venn, I. 8; D.N.B. )
Approx. lifespan: 1375–1446
Pens. at Gonville Hall where he gave two windows for the library.
s. of John LYNDWOOD of Lyndwood, Lincolnshire
b. c1375
Fellow of Pembroke College . LL.D. (Oxford).
Ord. priest (Ely) 1407
R. of Walton-on-the-Wolds, Leicestershire till 1409
Preb. of Sarum 1412-34
Dean of the Arches 1417-30
R. of All Hallows, Bread Street 1418-33
Preb, of Hereford 1422-42
Keeper of the Privy Seal 1433-46
Archdeacon of Oxford 1438-42
Bishop of St David's 1442-44
Author, Provinciale
Died 1446:10:21
( Venn, I. 8; D.N.B. )
Approx. lifespan: 1375–1473
Updated from Venn I
b. c. 1375.
Son of Jo. L., woolman, of Linwood, nr Market Rasen, Lincolnshire .
[ Dunbartonshire ]
Gonville Hall, commoner;
gave two windows to the library of the college, in one of which his gift was commemorated by an inscription
[ BHG & CC, i. 8]
said to have been sometime fell. of Pembroke College, for which he joined with mag. Robert PYKE ( q.v. ) in endowing a loan-chest with a gift of £20
[R. Loder, Hist. of Framlingham, 211-12]
Licd to study 1405:05:13
[Reg. Repingdon, Lincolnshire . xv, fo. 1]
B.C.L. by 1403
[Reg. Beaufort, Lincolnshire . xiii, fo. 59]
D.Cn. & C.L. by 1407
[Reg. Fordham, Ely, fo. 245v]
According to Th. Fuller, 'proceeded doctor of the Laws (probably rather by incorporation than constant education ) in Oxford'
[Th. Fuller, Worthies of England, edn 1811, ii. 10]
One of the commissaries of Abp Chichele for the visitation of Merton College [Oxford], 1425:06
[ Reg. Chichele, Cant. iv. 265]
Ord. subd. (l.d.) 1404:02:23 ;
d. 1404:03:15 ;
pr. 1407:03:12
[Reg. Fordham, fos 243, 243 v, 245v]
Warden of S. Nicholas Hosp., Scarborough, Yorkshire , granted 1396:11:30
[ CPR 1396-9, p. 36; 1399-1401, p. 136]
warden of S. Mary's chapel in Scarborough Castle, gr. 1399:01:25
[ ibid. 1396-9, p. 463; 1399-1401, p. 136]
can. of Tettenhall, Staffordshire , and preby of Wrothesley, gr. 1402:02:17
[ ibid. 1401-5, p. 43]
preby of Compton in Tettenhall, gr. 1405:11:03 ;
revoked 1406 owing to rival claimant substantiating his title
[ ibid. 1405-8, pp. 96, 182]
r. of Walton-le-Wolds, Lincolnshire , in 1403:11 ;
vac. by 1410:03
[Reg. Beaufort, Lincolnshire . xiii, fo. 59; Reg. Repingdon, Lincolnshire . xiv, fo. 161v]
r. of Winfrith Newburgh, Dorset , coll. 1410:01:14 ;
vac. by 1416:03
[Reg. Hallum, Sarum, pt i, fos 9 v, 65v; Hutchins, i. 445]
obtained pap. dispensn for 7 yr to hold an additional incompatible benef. 1411:09:22
[ CPL, vi. 294]
can. of Sarum, [ Wiltshire ] and preby of Ruscomb, coll. 1412:02:23 ;
vac. 1424:05
[Reg. Hallum, pt i, fo. 32; Reg. Chaundler, Sarum, pt i, fo. 71v]
r. of Shoreham and dependent chapel of Otford, Kent , coll. 1415:10:23 ;
vac. by 1425:08
[ Reg. Chichele, i. 138, 181, 194, 227]
r. of S. Mary's, Romney, Kent , adm. 1417:03:27
[ ibid. i. 158]
r. of All Hallows, Bread Street, coll. 1418:10:09 ;
vac. 1433:08
[ ibid. i. 171, 281]
can. and preby of Exeter, [ Devon ], coll. 1419:08:02 ;
vac. on promotion as bp
[ Reg. E. Stafford, Ex. 169, 248; Reg. Lacy, Ex. ii. 627, 749, 750]
can. of Wells and preby of Taunton, coll. 1419:11:26 ;
vac. by 1433:08
[ Reg. Bubwith, Bath & Wells (SRS), ii. 377; Reg. J. Stafford, Bath & Wells (SRS), i. 145]
can. of Hereford, [ Herefordshire ] and preby of Hunderton, according to pap. dispensn, by 1420, but involved in dispute with rival claimant;
coll. 1423:11:13 ;
vac. on promotion as bp
[ Reg. Chichele, iv. 77, 80; Reg. Spofford, Heref. (CYS), 351, 364]
can. of Abergwili, Carmarthenshire , and preby of Llanwrthwl by 1421 ;
was granted extension for life of previous pap. dispensn to hold two incompatible beneff., notwithstanding foregoing canonries and prebb., 1421:11:17
[ CPL, vii. 198]
preby of Bishopston, in Salisbury, coll. 1424:05:03 ;
vac. by 1434:05
[Reg. Chaundler, pt i, fo. 71v; Reg. R. Neville, Sarum, pt i, fo. 46]
r. of Tring, Hertfordshire , coll. 1424:08:14 ;
vac. on promotion as bp
[ Reg. Chichele, i. 324; Cussans, pts xiii and xiv, p. 26]
r. of Wimbledon, with dependent chapels of Mortlake and Putney, Surrey , coll. 1433:08:07 ;
vac. 1434:05
[ Reg. Chichele, i. 281; Manning and Bray, iii. 283]
archd. of Stow, adm. 1434:05:29 ;
vac. on promotion as bp
[ Lincolnshire . D. & C. Acta Capitul. A.2.32, fo. 91]
not archd. of Oxford, coll. 1438:05:10
[Reg. Alnwick, Lincolnshire . xviii, fo. 107; le Neve, Lincolnshire , 14n]
bp of S. Davids, by pap. provn., 1442:06:27 ;
temporalities restored 1442:08:14 ;
consecrated between 26 Aug. and 1442:10:02 ;
till death
[ CPL, ix. 253, 297; CPR 1441-6, p. 91; Stubbs, 89; E. Yardley, Menevia Sacra (Cambrian Archaeol. Assocn), 70-2; Dunbartonshire , article by J.McM. Rigg]
Chancellor of the abp of Canterbury and auditor of causes, app. 1414:08:01 ;
vac. c. 1417
[Churchill, ii. 214-15, 243, 245; The MSS. of S. George's Chapel, Windsor, ed. J.N. Dalton and M.F. Bond, 54; Reg. Chichele, i, pp. lxxxvii, clxv, clxxii, 26, 30, 35; iii. 24, 26; iv. 119, 161]
Official of the ct of Canterbury, acting by 1417 ;
still in 1431
[Churchill, ii. 238; Reg. Chichele, i, pp. lxxxiii, lxxxviii, cxix, 63, 74; iii. 563-4 (index); BLO, Tanner MS. 165, fo. 135v; Roch. Dio. Regy, Rochester Precedent Bk, quat. ii, fo. 54v; quat. iv, fos 1, 25; quat. v, fos 21v-22; quat. vi, fo. 51v; quat. vii, fo. 2; quat. viii, fo. 20v]
Member of the council of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, in 1416 ;
still in 1439
Prelocutor of the clergy of the convocation of Canterbury in 1419, 1421, 1424, 1425, and 1426
[ Reg. Chichele, i, pp. cxxiii, cxxv, cxxxvi; iii. 563 (index)]
King's clk in 1402
[ CPR 1401-5, p. 43]
Keeper of the privy seal, app. 1432:02:25 ;
vac. 1443
[R.L. Storey, in BIHR, xxxi (1958), 1193]
An envoy to the duke of Burgundy, app. 1417:07:23
[Rymer, ix. 469; DKPR, 44th Rept, appx, p. 595]
to the kg of Portugal , app. 1422:01:14, absent 3 Mar. to 1422:09:14
[ loc. cit. ; BEC, x. 167; lxi. 30]
appointed to accompany Jo. Kempe, bp of London , on mission to France , 1423
[ P & OPC, iii. 66; Reg. Chichele, iv. 85]
on mission in Holland 1427:04
[ DKPR, 48th Rept, appx, p. 249]
an envoy to treat with Castile, app. 1430:11:06
[ P & OPC, iv. 69; Rymer, x. 473]
Was appointed a councillor and to attend on the king in France , 1431:03:20
[ P & OPC, iv. 82]
a commissioner to treat with the Bretons for redress of injuries, app. 1433:03:24
[Rymer, x. 546]
member of the delegation to the congress of Arras, app. 1435:06:22
[ CPR 1429-36, p. 462; Rymer, x. 614 bis ; G. Dickinson, The Treaty of Arras, 216, 264]
an envoy to treat with the Hanseatic towns and the master of Prussia, app. 1436:11:06, 1437:12:12
[Rymer, x. 657, 666]
for negotiating a 9 yr truce with the Scots, app. 1438:03:20
[ ibid. x. 684]
for arranging treaties with the abp of Cologne, the bp of Münster, and the count of Mark, app. 4 Feb., 1439:12:12
[ ibid. x. 716, 741]
for prolonging the truce with Flanders for 5 yr, app. 1439:12:24
[ ibid. x. 750]
for negotiating an alliance and commercial treaty with Holland , Zealand and Friesland, app. 1441:07:14
[ ibid. x. 848]
d. 1446:10:21
Buried in S. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster
[ Archaeologia, xxxiv (1952), 403-30]
Chantry founded in his memory at the altar of S. Mary de Pew in the crypt of S. Stephen's Chapel 1454
[ ibid. xxxiv. 420-2]
Will dated 1446:10:21 ;
proved 1446:11:28
[ ibid. xxxiv. 418-20]
Compiled the Provinciale, seu Constitutiones Angliae, a digest of the synodal constitutions of 14 abps of Canterbury from Langton to Chichele, with gloss and a detailed index, begun 1422:08:31, completed 1430:06:03 ;
see C.R. Cheney, 'Wm L.'s Provinciale', The Jurist, xxi (1961), 405-34. For reference to an autograph copy of 'compilatio per dictum episcopum super constitutionibus provincialibus in quaternis', see Reg. Cancell. Oxfordshire . (OHS), i. 164. Bp Bale also attributes to him a work entitled Summa causarum, without incipit ;
and a commentary 'in quosdam Psalmos', with incipit, formerly in the library of Pembroke College
[J. Bale, Script. Illustr. Bryt. pt i, 561; idem, Index Brit. Script. 133]
His episcopal register has not been preserved.

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