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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier GHS890AA
Ghose, Aravinda Acroyd.
Adm. scholar at KING'S,
Oct. 11,
1890. [S. of Dr Krishnadhau, of
Khulna, Bengal. B. Aug. 15, 1872, at Calcutta.] School, St Paul's. Matric.
Michs. 1890; Scholar;
(Class. Trip., Pt I, 1st Class, 1892); Prizeman. Adm. to I.C.S., 1890. In the
educational service of
the Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda, 1903-5. Resigned in order to carry on political
Arrested, 1908, in connection with bomb discoveries in Calcutta. Professor of
English and
Vice-Principal of Baroda College. Author, Essays on the Gita; Ideal of Human
Unity; National
Education; War and Self-Determination; Evolution; Renaissance in India; Yoga and
Its Objects; Brain
of India; The Mother; The Riddle
, etc. Of 28, Rue Francois Martin,
Pondicherry, in 1941.
(King's Coll. Adm. Reg.; St Paul's Sch. Reg.; Who's Who.)
Aravinda Acroyd GHOSE
Approx. lifespan: 1872–1970
Tripos: Kg's Class. I 1892
scholar King's College adm1890:10:11
s. of Krishnadhau GHOSE, Dr of Khulna, XBEN
b. Calcutta, [ India ] 1872:08:15
Sch: St Paul's School [St Paul's], [ London ]
Matric 1890:10MT:
Class.Trip., Pt I, 1st Class 1892
Adm. to: I.C.S. 1890
In: educational service of the Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda, [ India ] 1903-05
Resigned in order to carry on political propaganda"/>
Arrested in connection with bomb discoveries in Calcutta, [ India ] 1908
Professor of English and Vice-Principal: Sch: Baroda College [Baroda], [ India ]
Publ.: Essays on the Gita Publ.: Ideal of Human Unity Publ.: National Education Publ.: War and Self-Determination Publ.: Evolution Publ.: Renaissance in India Publ.: Yoga and Its Objects Publ.: Brain of India Publ.: The Mother Publ.: The Riddle etc
Of 28, Rue Francois Martin, Pondicherry, [ India ] in1941
Refs: King's College Adm. Reg. Refs: St Paul's Sch. Reg. Refs: Who's Who .