Searching for ; Text=ANDS571L
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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier ANDS571L
Andrews, Lancelot.
Matric. pens. from PEMBROKE,
Michs. 1571. S. of a merchant. B. in All Hallows, Barking.
School, Merchant Taylors'. B.A. 1574-5; M.A. 1578; B.D.
1585. Fellow, 1576; Master, 1589-1605. V. of St Giles,
Cripplegate, 1589. Preb. of St Paul's, 1589. Adm. at Gray's
Inn, 1590. Chaplain to the Queen. Preb. of Westminster,
1597; Dean, 1601. Bishop of Chichester, 1605. Lord Almoner.
Bishop of Ely, 1609; and of Winchester, 1619-26. Dean of
the Chapel Royal, 1619. Died Sept. 25, 1626. Buried at St
Saviour's, Southwark. Learned patristic writer. Took part
in the Hampton Court Controversy. One of the revisers of
the Authorized Version. Brother of Roger (1590). ( D.N.B. )
Lancelot ANDREWS
Approx. lifespan: 1553–1626
Matric. pens. from Pembroke College 1571:10MT:
s. of a merchant ANDREWS
b. in All Hallows Barking, [ Essex ]
Sch: Merchant Taylors'
B.A. 1574/5
M.A. 1578
B.D. 1585
Fellow 1576
Master 1589-1605
V. of St Giles Cripplegate, [ London ] 1589
Preb. of St Paul's, [ London ] 1589
Adm. at Gray's Inn 1590
Chaplain to the Queen.
Preb. of Westminster, [ London ] 1597 ; Dean 1601
Bishop of Chichester, [ Sussex ] 1605
Lord Almoner.
Bishop of Ely, [ Cambridgeshire ] 1609 ; and of Winchester, [ Hampshire ] 1619-26
Dean of the Chapel Royal, [ London ] 1619
Died 1626:09:25
buried at St Saviour's Southwark, [ Surrey ]
Learned patristic writer.
Took part in the Hampton Court Controversy.
One of the revisers of the Authorized Version.
brother of Roger ANDREWS (1590)
( D.N.B. )