Enhanced version of original printed entry | Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier SLWN826GA |
Selwyn, George Augustus. Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, June 24, 1826. [2nd] s. of William (1792), Esq. [K.C.], of Middlesex. [B. Apr. 5, 1809.] School, Eton. Matric. Michs. 1827; Scholar, 1827; B.A. (2nd Classic) 1831; M.A. 1834; D.D. (per Lit. Reg.) 1842. Fellow, 1833-40; Hon. Fellow, 1867-78. Adm. Hon. D.C.L. at Oxford, 1867. Rowing 'blue,' 1829. Sometime tutor to the sons of Lord Powis. Ord. deacon (Carlisle) June 9, 1833; priest (Carlisle, Litt. dim. from Ely) June 22, 1834; C. of Windsor, 1833-41. Ramsden Preacher, 1854. First Bishop of New Zealand, 1841-67. Bishop of Lichfield, 1867-78. Married, June 25, 1839, Sarah Harriet, dau. of Sir John Richardson, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Author, Appendix to the Holy Bible, for the use of Missionaries; Are Cathedral Institutions Useless?; Remarks on Cathedral Reform; How shall we sing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land? New Zealand, or Letters to the S.P.G.; A Visitation Tour through the Diocese of New Zealand; etc. His letters and journals describing his early voyages in New Zealand give a vivid picture of his courage and energy. Died Apr. 11, 1878. Selwyn Public Hostel (subsequently Selwyn College) was erected by public subscription to his memory. Brother of William (1823), Thomas K. (1830) and Charles J. (1832); father of John R. (1862) and William (1858). (Memoir, by H. W. Tucker; Eton Sch. Lists; Crockford; D.N.B.) | George Augustus SELWYN Approx. lifespan: 18091878 pens. St John's College adm1826:06:24 2nd s. of William SELWYN (1792) Esq. [ KC of Middlesex b. 1809:04:05 Sch: Eton Matric 1827:10MT: Scholar 1827 BA 2 nd Classic 1831 MA 1834 DD per Lit. Reg. 1842 Fellow 1833-40 Hon. Fellow 1867-78 Adm. Adm. Hon. DCL OX 1867 [sport]Rowing "blue"[/sport] 1829 Sometime Tutor to: : sons of Lord Powis. Ord. deacon Carlisle 1833:06:09 Ord. priest Carlisle, Litt. dim. from Ely 1834:06:22 C.: Windsor, [ Berkshire ] 1833-41 Ramsden Preacher: 1854 First Bishop of New Zealand 1841-67 Bishop of: Lichfield, [ Staffordshire ] 1867-78 m. 1839:06:25 Sarah Harriet RICHARDSON dau. of Sir John RICHARDSON Judge of: : Court of Common Pleas Publ.: Appendix to the Holy Bible, for the use of Missionaries; Are Cathedral Institutions Useless?; Remarks on Cathedral Reform; How shall we sing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land? New Zealand, or Letters to the S.P.G.; A Visitation Tour through the Diocese of New Zealand ; etc. His letters and journals describing his early voyages New Zealand give a vivid picture of his courage and energy. d. 1878:04:11 Selwyn Public Hostel (subsequently Selwyn College ) was erected by public subscription to his memory. brother of William SELWYN (1823) brother of Thomas K. SELWYN (1830) brother of Charles J. SELWYN (1832) father of John R. SELWYN (1862) father of William SELWYN (1858) ( Memoir, by H. W. Tucker; Eton School Lists; Crockford; D.N.B .) [add:]Portrait by G. Richmond at St John's College [:add] [add:]Atkinson, 424[:add] |