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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier PRKR521M
Matthew PARKER
Adm. at CORPUS CHRISTI, 1521 .
S. of William, of Norwich [ Norfolk ]. B. 06 Aug., 1504.
Scholar, 1523 ;
B.A. 1523/4 ;
M.A. 1528 ;
B.D. 1535 ;
D.D. 1538 .
Fellow, 1527 .
Master of Corpus Christi, 1544-53 .
Vice-Chancellor, 1545, 1548 .
Ord. deacon, 20 Apr., 1527; priest, 15 Jun., 1527.
Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyn, 1535 .
Dean of Stoke-by-Clare [ Suffolk ], 1535-47 .
Preb. of Ely [ Cambridgeshire ], 1541-54 .
R. of Ashen, Essex , 1543-4 ;
[R.] of Burlingham St Andrew's, Norfolk , 1544 .
R. of Landbeach, Cambridgeshire , 1545-53 .
Preb. and dean of Lincoln [ Lincolnshire ], 1552 .
Lived in retirement under Queen Mary.
Archbishop of Canterbury, 1559-75 .
Occupied in publishing the Bishops' Bible, 1563-8 .
Author, ecclesiastical.
Died 17 May, 1575; buried in his own chapel at Lambeth [ London ].
Will, P.C.C.
Great benefactor to the University and to Corpus Christi, also to Caius and to Trinity Hall.
Father of the next and of John (1562).
( D.N.B. )
Matthew PARKER
Approx. lifespan: 1504–1575
Adm. at Corpus Christi College 1521
s. of William PARKER of Norwich, [ Norfolk ]
b. 1504:08:06
Scholar 1523
B.A. 1523/4
M.A. 1528
B.D. 1535
D.D. 1538
Fellow 1527
Master of Corpus Christi College 1544-53
Vice-Chancellor 1545, 1548
Ord. deacon 1527:04:20 ; priest 1527:06:15
Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyn 1535
Dean of Stoke-by-Clare, [ Suffolk ] 1535-47
Preb. of Ely, [ Cambridgeshire ] 1541-54
R. of Ashen, Essex 1543-44
[R.] of Burlingham St Andrew's, Norfolk 1544
R. of Landbeach, Cambridgeshire 1545-53
Preb. and dean of Lincoln, [ Lincolnshire ] 1552
Lived in retirement under Queen Mary.
Archbishop of Canterbury 1559-75
Occupied in publishing the Bishops' Bible 1563-68
Author, ecclesiastical.
Died 1575:05:17 ; buried in his own chapel at Lambeth, [ London ]
Will, P.C.C.
Great benefactor to Cambridge University and Corpus Christi College also to Gonville & Caius College and Trinity Hall
father of Matthew PARKER (1569)
father of John PARKER (1562)
( D.N.B. )