Academic Institutions

The holders of posts in many university institutions are only listed in the Supplements to the Historical Register from 1976. It is hoped that earlier officers will be added to this list in the future.



Addenbrooke's Hospital

University Bacteriologist

1946-76         &Wgrave;hite, Myles Hemingway Gleeson-

University Senior Assistant Biochemist

1970-79         Lines, John Greenland    (Associate Lecturer, 1979)


Advanced Religious and Theological Studies, Centre for


1995-           Thompson, David Michael


Aerial Photography


1962-80         Joseph, John Kenneth Sinclair St
1980-98         Wilson, David Raoul

Senior Technical Officer

1977-81         Douglass, Arthur Graham

Technical Officer

1967-77         Douglass, Arthur Graham


African Studies, Centre of


1980-86         Grove, Alfred Thomas
1986-90         Sender, John Bernard
1990-92         Phillipson, David Walter
1992-98         Hart, John Keith
1998-           Quayson, Laud Ato


Agricultural Economics Unit


1969-77         Sturrock, Ford Gibson
1977-98         Sturgess, Ian Michael


Anatomy Department


1974-77         Dennett, Sydney Richard
1977-83         Evans, Cyril Wilson
1984-85-        Campbell, Alan


1988-89-        Logan, Bari Michael

Senior Technical Officer

1967-72         Fozzard, John Arthur Fairfax

Technical Officer

1954-67         Fozzard, John Arthur Fairfax    (Senior Technical Officer, 1967)
1972-84         Thurley, Kenneth William
1981-87         McBrearty, Dennis Austin
1990-91-        Skepper, Jeremy Neil

Assistant Technical Officer

1968-81         McBrearty, Dennis Austin    (Technical Officer, 1981)
1970-72         Thurley, Kenneth William    (Technical Officer, 1972)
1985-90         Skepper, Jeremy Neil    (Technical Officer, 1990)


Animal Behaviour, Sub-Department of


1988-98         Keverne, Eric Barrington


Applied Biology, Department of


1965-83         Barton, Dermot Fleetwood

Assistant Technical Officer

1972-74         Smith, Edward Gordon
1975-87         Wedgwood, Richard Burton


Applied Economics, Department of


1970-93         Godley, Wynne Alexander Hugh Hon.

Deputy Director

1996-           Holly, Michael John Sean

Assistant Director

1975-89         Deakin, Brian Measures
1989-93         Pudney, Stephen Eric
1995-96         Henry, Samuel George Brian

Senior Research Officer

1973-81         Woodward, Vivian Howard
1974-85         Stewart, Alexander
1975-76         Ellman, Michael John
1975-85         Cripps, Timothy Francis
1975-87         Rhodes, John
1977-78-        Tarling, Roger John
1977-85         Moore, Barry Charles    (Assistant Director of Research, 1985)
1977-99         Wilkinson, Samuel Frank    (Reader in Applied Economics, 1999)
1979-87         Ward, Terence Sydney
1980-85         Peterson, Arthur William Aeneas    (University Lecturer, 1985)
1981-85         Gudgin, Graham Harold
1981-87         Borooah, Vani Kant
1982-83-        Panîc, Milivoje    accent: acute on 'c'
1983-85         Vines, David Anthony
1983-88         Coutts, Kenneth Johnston    (Assistant Director of Research, 1988)
1985-86         Christodoulakis, Nicolaos Michael
1986-87-        Landesmann, Michael Alroy
1986-89         Rubery, Jill Christine
1987-88-        Begg, Iain George
1987-88-        Dunne, John Paul
1988-89         Danes, Michael Keith Anyadike-

Research Officer

1963-83         Craig, Joyce Christine
1969-76         Jackson, Dudley Anthony Stephenson
1970-76         Handy, Laurence James
1970-77         Moore, Barry Charles    (Senior Research Officer, 1977)
1970-77         Tarling, Roger John    (Senior Research Officer, 1977)
1971-77         Wilkinson, Samuel Frank    (Senior Research Officer, 1977)
1972-76         Deaton, Angus Stewart
1972-79         Beath, John Arnott
1973-79         Ward, Terence Sydney    (Senior Research Officer, 1979)
1974-76         Daniel, Philip John
1976-79         Witcomb, Roger Mark
1976-80         Atkinson, Paul Eustace
1976-80         Peterson, Arthur William Aeneas    (Senior Research Officer, 1980)
1976-80         Winters, Leonard Alan
1976-83         Coutts, Kenneth Johnston    (Senior Research Officer, 1983)
1977-78         Meeks, Geoffrey    (Assistant Director of Research, 1978)
1977-81         Borooah, Vani Kant    (Senior Research Officer, 1981)
1978-79         Brown, Terry
1978-79         Cosh, Andrew Duncan    (University Lecturer, 1979)
1978-79         Kreps, David
1978-80         Fetherston, Martin John
1978-81         Gudgin, Graham Harold    (Senior Research Officer, 1981)
1978-81         Lawson, Antony    (University Lecturer, 1981)
1978-81         Makowski, Louis
1979-83         Vines, David Anthony    (Senior Research Officer, 1983)
1979-86         Rubery, Jill Christine    (Senior Research Officer, 1986)
1979-87         Begg, Iain George    (Senior Research Officer, 1987)
1980-82         Danes, Michael Keith Anyadike-    (and from 1985)
1980-86         Landesmann, Michael Alroy    (Senior Research Office, 1986)
1981-82         Owen, Robert F.
1982-83-        Pierse, Richard Gerard
1983-87         Goudie, Andrew William
1983-89         Kumar, Manmohan Singh
1984-85         Christodoulakis, Nicolaos Michael    (Senior Research Officer, 1985)
1984-85         Lewney, Richard Graham
1984-85         Worrall, Timothy Simon
1984-86         Lovatt, David
1984-87         Weale, Martin Robert    (University Lecturer, 1987)
1985-86         Snell, Andrew John
1985-87         Dunne, John Paul    (Senior Research Office, 1987)
1985-88         Danes, Michael Keith Anyadike-    (Senior Research Officer, 1988)
1986-87-        Kitson, Michael Francis
1986-90         Burchell, Brendan Joseph    (University Lecturer, 1990)
1987-88-        Doyle, Christopher
1987-88-        Lee, Kevin Charles
1988-89-        Walsh, Janet
1989-90         Blake, Andrew Peter
1990-91-        Horrell, Sarah Helen

Junior Research Officer

1973-78         Fetherston, Martin John    (Research Officer, 1978)
1976-78         Cosh, Andrew Duncan    (Research Officer, 1978)
1977-78         Lawson, Antony    (Research Officer, 1978)
1978-79         Begg, Iain George    (Research Officer, 1979)
1978-79         Rubery, Jill Christine    (Research Officer, 1979)
1978-83         Goudie, Andrew William    (Research Officer, 1983)
1979-80         Basu, Dipak Rag
1979-83         Kumar, Manmohan Singh    (Research Officer, 1983)
1979-83         Ploeg, Frederick Van Der
1979-84         Weale, Martin Robert    (Research Officer, 1984)
1980-81         Drobny, Andres David
1980-81         Machina, Mark Joseph
1981-82         Maskin, Eric Stark
1982-84         Canning, David James Hurst
1982-84         Thomas, Jonathan Paul
1982-85         Snell, Andrew John    (Research Officer, 1985)
1983-83         Lockwood, Benjamin
1983-84         Worrall, Timothy Simon    (Research Officer, 1984)
1983-86         Kitson, Michael Francis    (Research Officer, 1986)
1985-86         Burchell, Brendan Joseph    (Research Officer, 1986)
1985-87         Doyle, Christopher    (Research Officer, 1987)
1985-87         Lee, Kevin Charles    (Research Officer, 1987)
1986-87         Stronge, Aekaterine Homenidou-
1986-88         Anderlini, Luca    (Assistant Director of Research, 1988)
1986-89         Blake, Andrew Peter    (Research Officer, 1989)
1988-88         Seabright, Paul Bartlett    (Assistant Director of Research, 1988)
1988-89-        Gatsios, Konstantinos
1988-89-        Zezza, Gannaro
1988-90         Holditch, Peter John
1989-90         Gottardi, Piero
1989-90-        Green, Richard John
1990-91-        Aliardi, Elettra
1990-91-        Dessi, Roberta
1990-91-        Marriotti, Marco
1990-91-        Pong, Christopher

Special Appointment

1963-82         Slater, Lucy Joan


Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Department of


1990-91-        Chamberlain, Vivien

Technical Officer

1969-70         Blench, Peter John
1969-71         Chappell, John Michael
1974-79         Davidson, John Hourie

Assistant Technical Officer

1967-69         Blench, Peter John    (Technical Officer, 1969)
1969-74         Davidson, John Hourie    (Technical Officer, 1974)


Archaeological Research, McDonald Institute for


1990-           Renfrew, Andrew Colin    (Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn)

Deputy Director

1994-           Scarre, Christopher John


Archaeology and Anthropology, Museum of

Based on the collections of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, housed in various locations until the present building was opened in 1913. Originally known as the Museum of Ethnology, and from c. 1913 to 1978 as the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. There are good brief accounts of it in The Historical Register, pp. 229-31, on pp. 69-70 of the Supplement to the Historical Register for 1966-70 and, by Peter Gathercole, in Cambridge 7 (1980), pp. 13-17, and by David Phillipson in Cambridge 14 (1984), pp. 64-68. For current information go to


1883-1922       Hügel, Anatole Andreas Aloys von, Baron
1922-37         Clarke, Louis Colvill Grey
1938-48         Paterson, Thomas Thomson
1948-70         Bushnell, Geoffrey Hext Sutherland
1970-81         Gathercole, Peter William
1981-82-        Phillipson, David Walter    (Reader in African Prehistory, 1991)

Senior Assistant Curator

1980-88         Cra'ster, Mary Desborough
1989-90-        Carter, Patrick Lea
1989-91         Carter, Patrick Lea
1993-           Chippindale, Christopher Ralph
1996-           Herle, Anita Corinne
1997-           Boast, Robin Benville

Assistant Curator: Ethnology

1957-80         Cra'ster, Mary Desborough
1972-89         Carter, Patrick Lea

Assistant Curator

1974-83         Swallow, Deborah Anne
1985-90         Cassia, Paul Sant
1988-93         Chippindale, Christopher Ralph    (Senior Assistant Curator, 1993)
1991-           Herle, Anita Corinne    (Senior Assistant Curator, 1996)
1992-97         Boast, Robin Benville    (Senior Assistant Curator, 1997)

Haddon Librarian

1980-89         Bury, Susan
1990-91-        Baker, Aidan St John


Architecture and History of Art


????            Howard, Deborah Janet    (Reader in Architectural History, 1996)
1988-89-        Campbell, Ian


Astronomy, Institute of


1977-82         Rees, Martin John
1982-87         Bell, Donald Lynden-
1987-91         Rees, Martin John (Sir)    (again)
1992-94         Bell, Donald Lynden-    (again)
1994-99         Ellis, Richard Salisbury
1999-           Gough, Douglas Owen


1973-78         Mitton, Simon Anthony
1979-80-        Ingham, Michael Frank

Senior Assistant Observer

1959-90         Argue, Arnold Noel


Audio-Visual Aids Unit


Closed in 1997

1976-80         Brookes, Alexis Michael Panther
1988-97         Gienke, Martin Alan

Senior Technical Officer

Closed in 1997

1980-88         Gienke, Martin Alan
1989-90-        Hurworth, David William

Technical Officer

Closed in 1997

1972-80         Gienke, Martin Alan    (Senior Technical Officer, 1980)
1982-89         Hurworth, David William    (Senior Technical Officer, 1989)

Assistant Technical Officer

Closed in 1997

1980-82         Hurworth, David William    (Technical Officer, 1982)


Biochemical Laboratory


1962-77         Grist, Jack Trevor
1977-87         Purvis, Marion Joy
1988-89-        Croft, Robert Anthony

Senior Technical Officer

1969-89         Price, Leslie William Stewart
1971-75         James, David Ronald    (Hospital Laboratory Service)
1980-81-        Smith, George Arthur
1989-90-        Moore, Terry Alan

Technical Officer

1954-74         Davison, Stuart Herbert Henry    (Hospital Laboratory Service)
1963-69         Price, Leslie William Stewart    (Senior Technical Officer, 1969)


Biological Sciences, School of


1976-77-        Anderson, Gordon Rae



Director of

1984-85-        Lowe, Christopher Robin


Botanic Garden

A formal physic garden was first established on a 5 acre plot of ground, purchased by Dr Richard Walker, Vice-Master of Trinity College, and given to the University in 1762, in trust 'for the purpose of a public Botanic Garden'. In 1831, largely at the encouragement of the then Professor of Botany, John Stevens Henslow, 38 acres off Trumpington Road were acquired as a larger, more open site for a Botanic Garden: its location to this day. The first permanent Botanic Garden Syndicate was appointed in 1855. The bequest of Reginald Cory in 1934 massively aided garden development after World War II and the expansion of buildings. For the history of the Garden to c. 1960 see S. M. Walters, The Shaping of Cambridge Botany (CUP, 1981) and for contemporary information go to


The post was until 1919 usually occupied by skilled non-graduates. It was re-designated 'Superintendent' in 1919, and subsequent Curators were members of the University's academic staff.

1762-1770       Miller, Charles
1770-1784?      Martyn, Thomas    (unsalaried)
1784?-1794      Salton, Philip
1794-1813       Donn, James
1813-45         Biggs, Arthur
1845-50         Murray, Andrew
1850-64         Stratton, James
1864-79         Mudd, William
1879-1919       Lynch, Richard Irwin


Established by grace 4 of 6 March 1920, replacing the office of Curator. The Director was to be eligible also for the Curatorship of the Herbarium.

1921-50         Carter, Humphrey Gilbert-
1950-73         Gilmour, John Scott Lennox
1973-83         Walters, Stuart Max
1984-95         Pigott, Christopher Donald
1996-           Parker, John Stuart


Succeeding to the post previously designated 'Curator'

1919-47         Preston, F. G.    (previously senior foreman)
1947-74         Younger, Robert William
1974-           Orriss, Peter

Technical Officer

1953-71         Younger, Robert William    (Senior Technical Officer in Botany, 1971)


Botany Department


1989-90-        Allen, Stephen John

Curator of the Herbarium

Technically, until 1907, the Curator was the Professor of Botany and those listed below were Assistant Curators. From 1920 the Curatorship was tenable with the Directorship of the Botanic Garden.

1878-83         Corry, Thomas Hughes
1883-91         Potter, Michael Cressè
1891-98         Burkill, Isaac Henry
1898-1900       Pearson, Henry Harold Welch
1900-05         Yapp, Richard Henry
1905-08         Lock, Robert Heath
1908-21         Moss, Charles Edward
1921-30         Carter, Humphrey Gilbert-
1930-31         Gilmour, John Scott Lennox
1936-49         Valentine, David Henriques
1949            Walters, Stuart Max

(Assistant) Curator of the Museum

1904-09         Burdon, Edward Russell    (Curator from 1907)
1909-24         Thomas, Hugh Hamshaw
1924-30         Vacant
1930-31         Gilmour, John Scott Lennox
1936            Valentine, David Henriques
1972-97         Sell, Peter Derek

Senior Technical Officer

1971-74         Younger, Robert William
1990-91-        Hall, Michael Alan

Technical Officer

1974-75-        Orriss, Peter


Business Research, Economic and Social Research Council Centre for


1994-           Hughes, Alan

{101)Assistant Director

1994-95         Wilkinson, Samuel Frank


Cavendish Laboratory

Founded from funds given by the Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University, in 1870, and built in Free School Lane in 1873. Further wings were added in 1895, 1907 and 1938. The Cavendish moved to its present site in West Cambridge in 1973.

Senior Technical Officer

1964-77         Yates, George Gilbert    (Engineer in charge of electronic equipment)
1965-74         Hall, Theodore Alvin
1965-81         Elsmore, Bruce    (Assistant Director of Research, 1981)
1966-67-        Bly, Dennis William John
1969-70-        Wilson, Donald McLean Anderson
1969-79         Payne, John Richard
1971-72-        Ward, Peter Reginald
1971-80         Levente, Richard
1972-90         Bett, Norman
1989-90-        Katvars, Sven Gustav
1990-91-        Newbury, Richard

Technical Officer

1952-53         Scarrott, Gordon George
1955-55         Barron, John
1958-59         Potok, Michael Henry Nachemia
1960-62         Yates, George Gilbert    (Senior Technical Officer, 1964)
1961-72         Bett, Norman    (Nuclear Physics) (Senior Technical Officer, 1972)
1963-69         Metcalf, William Snowdon
1965-69         Payne, John Richard    (Senior Technical Officer, 1969)
1967-67         Gower, Ann Christina
1967-68         Bailey, Judith Ann    (Technical Officer at the Mathematical Laboratory, 1968)
1968-71         Levente, Richard    (Senior Technical Officer, 1971)
1968-71         Ward, Peter Reginald    (Senior Technical Officer, 1971)
1969-70-        Jennings, John Ernest
1969-70-        Schofield, Jack
1969-71         Swetman, Terence Peter
1969-75         Atkins, Raymond
1969-81         Odell, David Michael    (Computer Officer, 1981)
1970-71-        Boysen, Roger Charles
1970-72         Sharp, Robin Ian
1971-80         Elcombe, Patrick Alexander
1971-81         Warner, Peter John    (Senior Assistant in Research, 1981)
1971-86         Brown, Terence Edward
1972-74         Street, Graham Stuart Brandon
1972-81         Nex, Christopher Michael Martin    (Computer Officer, 1981)
1973-89         Katvars, Sven Gustav    (Senior Technical Officer, 1989)
1977-78-        Barker, Robert Winston
1978-83         Paul, John William    (Computer Officer, 1983)
1984-85-        Elliott, John Graham
1984-85-        Marseglia, Elisabeth Ann
1989-90-        Dolling, Richard

Assistant Technical Officer

1966-68         Ward, Peter Reginald    (Technical Officer, 1968)
1967-68         Geraseev, Vladimir
1967-68         Pleasants, Ann Mary
1967-69         Atkins, Raymond    (Technical Officer, 1969)
1967-69         Jennings, John Ernest    (Technical Officer, 1969)
1967-69         Lea, Leonard Henry
1967-71         Brown, Terence Edward    (Technical Officer, 1971)
1969-71         Warner, Peter John    (Technical Officer, 1971)
1969-72         Small, Peter Wilfrid    (Senior Assistant in Research, 1972)
1969-77         Barker, Robert Winston
1970-71         Elcombe, Patrick Alexander    (Technical Officer, 1971)
1970-71         Fletcher, Elizabeth Anne
1971-74         Galletly, John Edward
1974-80         Munday, David John


Cavendish Laboratory

The Director is, of course, the Cavendish Professor. The post of Assistant Director was abolished on Shaw's resignation in 1899.

Founded from funds given by the Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University, in 1870, and built in Free School Lane in 1873. Further wings were added in 1895, 1907 and 1938. The Cavendish moved to its present site in West Cambridge in 1973.

Assistant Director

1891-98         Glazebrook, Richard Tetley
1898-99         Shaw, William Napier, (Sir)


Central Biomedical Services


1977-91         Smith, Maurice William
1993-96         Jackson, Joy Pamela

Deputy Director

1995-2000       North, David Colin

University Laboratory Adviser

1988-89-        Fleming, David Michael


1973-77         Petter, William Lane-

Senior Technical Officer

1988-89-        Walker, John Robert Morton

Technical Officer (Radiotherapeutics)

1969-83         King, Eric Arthur


Chemical Engineering Laboratory

Senior Technical Officer

1979-80-        Mitchell, Frank Ronald Goodwin
1986-87-        Thompson, James William

Technical Officer

1963-79         Mitchell, Frank Ronald Goodwin    (Senior Technical Officer, 1979)
1978-86         Thompson, James William    (Senior Technical Officer, 1986)


Classical Archaeology, Museum of


1962-76         Cook, Robert Manuel
1976-88?        Snodgrass, Anthony McElrea
1988-94         Hurst, Henry Robert
1994-97         Spivey, Nigel Jonathan
1997-           Beard, Winifred Mary


Clinical Medicine, School of

For a brief account of the School see Sir John Butterfield, 'The School of Clinical Medicine', Cambridge, I (1977) 16-21.


1974-84         Howe, Jeremy Frederic    (Deputy Treasurer, 1984)
1985-86-        Pinnock, Sally Margaret

Clinical Dean

1974-79         Chalmers, Theodore Moir
1979-88         Hawkins, Thomas Desmond    query
1984-85-        Sherwood, Thomas [2]

Associate Dean

1983-85         Wilkinson, Iain Michael Stewart
1985-86-        Mitchell, Terence Reginald

Postgraduate Dean

1974-82         Parish, Christopher

Regional Postgraduate Dean

1983-86         Fawcett, Frederick John
1986-87-        Mulligan, Rosemary Ann

Director of Studies in General Practice

1976-87         Reiss, Bernard Butts
1987-88-        Oswald, Nigel Tatham Allan
1987-88-        Roland, Martin Oliver


1959-77         Falloon, Shirley Waldron Hugh Wolseley    (with special reference to the application of
                                                   electronics to radiotherapy)

University Clinical Anatomist

1988-89-        Ellis, Harold

Senior Technical Officer

1984-85-        Johns, Martin Kenneth


Clinical Veterinary Studies, see Veterinary Clinical Studies



Colloid Science Laboratory

Technical Oficer

1955-60         Sirs, John Arthur


Computer Laboratory (earlier, Mathematical Laboratory)

The Mathematical Laboratory 'in which computing machines were to be installed' was constituted as a Department in the Faculty of Mathematics by grace 8 of 14 May 1937.

Head of Department and Director

1937            Jones, John Edward Lennard-

Senior Technical Officer

1964-69         Mutch, Eric Norbury    (Superintendent of Computing Services)
1964-70         Wiseman, Neil Ernest    (Chief Engineer) (University Lecturer, 1970)
1966-68         Fraser, Alexander Gibson    (Assistant Director of Research, 1968)
1967-69         Hammersley, Peter
1969-70-        Bailey, Judith Ann
1969-76         Larmouth, John
1970-82         Barton, Sidney Albert
1976-78         Hazel, Philip

Technical Officer

1953-61         Mutch, Eric Norbury
1965-66         Landy, Barry
1965-66         Lang, Charles Alfred
1966-69         Barton, David    (Assistant Director of Research, 1969)
1966-69         Smith, George William
1967-68         Bott, Michael Francis
1967-68         Larmouth, John    (Senior Assistant in Research, 1968)
1967-71         Guy, Michael John Thirian
1968-68         Bailey, Judith Ann    (Senior Technical Officer, 1969)
1968-71         Cheney, Christopher John
1968-71         Etherton, Michael
1968-75         Cross, Philip
1969-74         Linington (née Richards), Janet Wynne
1969-75         Woodsford, Peter Alfred    (Departmental)
1970-75         Grant, John Stuart    (Departmental)
1971-75         Fairbairns, Robin    (Departmental)
1975-77         Stibbs, Richard James    (Computer Officer, 1977)


Computing Service


1970-1994       Hartley, David Fielding
1994-           Sayers, Michael Dennis

Deputy Director

1977-88         Bailey, Judith Ann
1985-94         Sayers, Michael Dennis
1988-89-        Westwood, Brian Arthur

Assistant Director

1985-88         Westwood, Brian Arthur


Criminology, Institute of

Established as the Department of Criminal Science by grace 4 of 6 December 1941. For a brief account see D. J. West, 'The Institute of Criminology: what it is and what it does', Cambridge, 15 (1984), pp. 35-40.

Director    &m 1999-    Tonry, Michael

1949            Radzinowicz, Leon [Sir]    (Wolfson Professor of Criminology, 1959)
1973-80         Walker, Nigel David
1981-84         West, Donald James
1984-98         Bottoms, Anthony Edward


1981-87         Gregory, Stephen
1988-89         Bebbington, Laurence William
1990-91-        McKay, Duncan John


Earth Sciences, Faculty of


1983-84-        Johnston, Margaret Irene

Technical Officer

1986-87-        Buckely, Andrew
1990-91-        Hallworth, Mark Andrew


Economics and Politics, Department of


1972-82         Hannigan, Mary Kathleeen


1983-87         Finkell, Arthur Henry
1988-89-        Ross, Donald Francis


Education, Department of


1973-84         Cook, Thomas Goldie
1984-85-        Stranks, Richard John

Assistant Secretary

1972-76         Jaynes, David Benjamin Thomas
1976-80         Storey (née Wiseman), Patricia Mary Louise
1980-85         Taylor, Diana Madeleine    (Administrative Assistant, General Board, 1985)
1985-86-        Newbold, Linda Marian

Departmental Lecturer

1970-77         Jennison, Brenda Margaret
1973-76         Garner, Eric Colin
1973-80         Davies, Ivor John
1976-81         Heafford, Michael Richard
1976-82         Hadley, Eric Arthur
1976-83         Sutcliffe, John

Technical Officer

1986-89         Robinson, Charles Brent    (University Lecturer, 1989)
1990-91-        Bingham, Kenneth Scott


Engineering Faculty and Laboratory

Superintendent of the Mechanical Workshops

1884-90         Lyon, James Samuel    (Post suppressed, 1890.)


1968-76         Bompas, William Michael Gwynnett
1976-77-        Hutton, Robert Michael

Assistant Secretary

1989-90-        Woore, Josephine Hawtrey-
1990-91-        Drummond, Clare Barbara

Director of Research (Administration and Development)

1995-           MacLeod, Malcolm David

Assistant Director in Industrial Co-operation

1973-77         Hawkins, Roy Brian

Senior Design Engineer

1967-84         Turner, Philip Wilson
1972-83         Thorp, Ralph Roland
1983-95         Timbs, Arthur Edward
1994-99         Wilmshurst, Timothy John
1996-           Long, Peter James Godfrey

Design Engineer

1966-88         Threlfall, Brian David
1973-83         Timbs, Arthur Edward    (Senior Design Engineer, 1983)
1984-89         Flufy, Michael John Le
1986-87         Wilmshurst, Timothy John
1991-           Lesley, Samuel
1992-           Isgrove, Douglas Walter


1971-84         Knell, Kenneth Alfred
1984-85-        Pickett, Hilary Margaret

Senior Technical Officer

1966-74         Cameron, Hugh Keith
1973-75         Burgess, Alan David
1973-77         Watson, Peter John
1984-89         Britton, Rachel Anne
1985-90         Hynes, Thomas Paul    (University Lecturer, 1990)

Technical Officer

1962-68         Barker, Alexander Alfred Kent
1966-71         Pankhurst, Richard John    (Assistant Director of Research, 1971)
1966-71         Williams, Edgar Kenyon
1966-73         Burgess, Alan David    (Senior Technical Officer, 1973)
1967-68         Gray, John Crispin
1968-71         Forrest, Archibald Robin    (Assistant Director of Research, 1971)
1968-75         Dyne, Michael David Cameron
1970-73         Watson, Peter John    (Senior Technical Officer, 1973)
1984-86         Wilmshurst, Timothy John    (Design Engineer, 1986)

Assistant Technical Officer

1968-70         Watson, Peter John    (Technical Offices, 1970)
1970-71         Oakley, Michael Raymond Alan
1971-72         Jupp, Stephanie Lesley
1981-84         Wilmshurst, Timothy John    (Technical Officer, 1984)
1986-87-        Proctor, Jennifer Mary
1988-89-        Baker, Neil Harold
1988-90         Drummond, Clare Barbara    (Assistant Secretary, 1990)
1989-90-        Green, David Stuart
1989-90-        Griffiths, Paul Davenport
1989-90-        Mozuraitis, Carol Heather
1989-90-        Smith, Graham
1990-91-        Isgrove, Douglas Walter


English Faculty


1970-82         Holloway, Joan Theresa
1983-84-        Rogers, Gillian Elizabeth


Experimental Psychology, Department of


1988-89-        Fishwick, Robert Geoffrey


Family Research, Centre for


2000-           Richards, Martin Paul Meredith


Fitzwilliam Museum

Founded by the bequest of Richard, Viscount Fitzwilliam, who died 5 February 1816, leaving both his collections and the annual proceeds of £100,000 South Sea Annuities for the erection of a Museum. After difficulties in securing a suitable site, building began in 1837, but was not complete in 1847 when the collections were moved in. The Entrance Hall was completed in 1875. The bequest of Charles Brinsley Marlay (d. 1912) comprised not only his art collections but a sum for enlarging the building (the Marlay Gallery).


Appointment is by a Board of Electors. The holders of this post are also Administrative Officers. From 1913, as a result of the Marlay bequest, the title of Marlay Curator was added to that of Director.

1876-83         Colvin, Sidney, [Sir]    Slade professor of Fine Art. Knighted, 1911
1883-90         Waldstein (later Walston), Charles, [Sir]    Slade professor of Fine Art.
                                                   Knighted, 1912

1890-94         Middleton, John Henry    Slade professor of Fine Art
1894-1908       James, Montague Rhodes
1908-37         Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle, Sir
1937-46         Clarke, Louis Colvill Grey
1946-66         Winter, Carl    (d. 1966)
1967-73         Piper, David Towry, Sir
1973-90         Jaffé, Andrew Michael
1990-95         Jervis, Simon Swynfen
1995-           Robinson, David Duncan

Assistant Marlay Curator

1925-           Goodison, Jack Weatherburn    (from 1939 Assistant Director)

Keeper and Deputy Director

1966-88         Pollard, John Graham

Senior Keeper

1975-83         Nicholls, Richard Vaughan


1968-76         Cormack, Malcolm
1971-84         Huskinson, John Michael
1975-84         Chamberlain, Eric Charles
1976-81         Robinson, David Duncan    (Director, 1995)
1983-84-        Scrase, David Ellison
1985-86-        Northam, William Frederick
1987-88-        Bourriau, Janine Delysia
1988-89-        Buttrey, Theodore Vern
1990-91-        Vassiliki, Eleni

Assistant Keeper

1970-76         Robinson, David Duncan    (Keeper, 1976)
1973-87         Bourriau, Janine Delysia    (Keeper, 1987)
1976-78         Schnitzer, Barbara K.
1976-83         Scrase, David Ellison    (Keeper, 1983)
1984-85-        Dawson, Julie
1984-85-        Hartley, Craig
1984-85-        Munro, Jane Alison

Museum Assistant in Research

1984-87         Simon, Christopher
1988-89-        Gill, David William John


Genetics Department and Laboratory


1988-89-        Ison, Roger John

Technical Officer

1989-90-        Roote, John Stephen

Assistant Technical Officer

1979-80         Holt, Alice Catherine Elizabeth
1980-84         Littlewood, Trevor David
1984-85-        Roote, John Stephen


Geodesy and Geophysics Department

Technical Officer

1966-67-        Owen, Timothy Richard Evan


Geography, Department of


1989-90-        Worsdale, Andrew John Ian

Senior Technical Officer

1975-80         Versey, George Roy

Technical Officer

1966-75         Versey, George Roy
1979-80-        Young, Michael

Assistant Technical Officer

1966-79         Young, Michael
1978-81         Devereux, Bernard James    (Computer Officer, 1981)


Geology, Sedgwick Memorial Museum of


1931-67         Brighton, Albert George
1967-83         Forbes, Colin Lachlan
1969-92         Rickards, Richard Barrie
1985-91         Price, David
1992-           Norman, David Bruce

Curator of Mineralogy and Petrology

1980-99         Chinner, Graham Alan
2000-           Carpenter, Michael Allan

Assistant Curator

1954-67         Forbes, Colin Lachlan
1972-85         Price, David


Hamilton Kerr Institute

Established by grace 2 of 3 December 1975 at the Mill House, Whittlesford, thanks to benefactions from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (£110,000), the Monument Trust (£40,000) and the Baring Trust (£10,000). For a brief account see I. McClure, 'The Hamilton Kerr Institute', Cambridge 22 (1988), pp. 27-31.


1976-78         Lank, Herbert
1978-82         Brommelle, Norman Spencer
1983-84-        McClure, Ian Patrick

Assistant to the Director

1976-81         Cobbe, Richard Alexander Charles
1978-79-        Massing, Ann
1982-83         McClure, Ian Patrick    (Director, 1983)
1984-85-        Woudhuysen, Renate


History Faculty


1976-77-        Cunninghame, Anne Clemency


History of Population and Social Structure, Cambridge Group for

Established in 1964 by Tony Wrigley and Peter Laslett


1994-           Smith, Richard Michael


Hospital Laboratory Service

(see also under Biochemistry)

Technical Officer

1970-74         Disbrey, Brenda Doris    Pathology
1970-74         Finch, David Walter    Pathology
1970-74         Joysey, Valerie Christine    Pathology


Institute of Education

University Lecturers in the Institute are listed with other University Lecturers.


1992-96         Bradley, Howard William


International Law, Research Centre for (later Lauterpacht Research Centre for)


1983-95         Lauterpacht, Elihu
1995-97         Dugard, Christopher John Robert
1997-99         Crawford, James Richard


International Studies Centre


1972-83         Hinsley, Francis Harry, Sir
1983-85         Bowett, Derek William
1985-87         Low, Donald Anthony
1987-93         Langhorne, Richard Tristan Bailey
1993-99         Towle, Philip Anthony
1999-           Mayall, James Bardsley Lawson

Deputy Director

1982-93         Towle, Philip Anthony
1994-97         Clark, Ian


Land Economy, Department of

Director of the Property Research Unit

1990-91-        Whitehead, Christine Margaret Elizabeth

Technical Officer

1971-76         Scott, Arthur Henry
1978-79-        Davidson, John Geoffrey
1978-79-        Murphy, Michael Lauri Christopher
1978-90         Ridgeon, Robert Frederick


Language Centre


1990-99         Esch (Harding), Edith Marie
1999-           (vacant)

Deputy Director    1995-    King, Anny Nina    (Acting Director from 1999)


Latin-American Studies Centre


1990-2000       Lehmann, Albert David
2000-           Jones, Charles Arthur

Graduate Staff

1974-77         James, Daniel M.
1974-77         Taylor, John Alexander
1975-78         Floto, Edgardo
1977-80         Taylor, Lewis
1978-83         Scazzocchio (later Barbira-Freedman), Françoise
1981-86         Miller, Simon
1984-89         Montmollin, Olivier de
1987-90         Radcliffe, Sarah Anne
1989-92         Babbington, Anthony James
1991-96         Cleary, David William
1992-97         Beadman, Clive
1997-           Napolitano, Valentina
1997-97         Trotz, Danielle Alissa


Law, Faculty of

Librarian (Squire)

1979-82         Hughes, Gordon George Ellis


Linguistics Department


1970-78         Trim, John Leslie Melville

Senior Technical Officer

1979-80-        Jones, Peter

Technical Officer

1968-79         Jones, Peter


Literary and Linguistic Computing Centre


1972-81         Popperwell, Ronald George
1981-82-        Moore, Terence Hugh


Management Studies, Judge Institute of


1990-94         Watson, Stephen Roger
1992-93         Child, John
1995-           Dawson, Sandra Jane Noble

Director of the M.B.A. Course

1990-91-        Hendry, John Loval


Materials Science and Metallurgy

See Metallurgy and Materials Science



Mathematical Sciences, Isaac Newton Institute for


1990-96         Atiyah, Michael, (Sir)
1996-2001       Moffatt, Henry Keith
2001-           Kingman, John, , (Sir)

Deputy Director

1991-94         Goddard, Peter
1994-96         Wright, John David Maitland


Medical Genetics, Centre for


1989-99         Smith, Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-


Medicine, Faculty of

Senior Technical Officer

1966-83         Beard, Leonard Frank Hansley


Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis


(For the first few years of its existence, simply the 'Polymer Synthesis Unit'

1990-93         Griffin, Anselm
1994-           Holmes, Andrew Bruce


Metallurgy and Materials Science, Department of

Later Materials Science and Metallurgy


...             Dann, Lorraine Lesley
1976-84         Hurlock, William John
1984-90         Gardiner, David Charles

Senior Technical Officer

1987-88-        Somekh, Robert Ernest
1990-91-        Boothroyd, Christopher Brian
1990-91-        Page, Keith

Technical Officer

1980-90         Page, Keith    (Senior Technical Officer, 1990)
1984-85-        Bourdillon, Antony John
1984-87         Somekh, Robert Ernest    (Senior Technical Officer, 1987)
1985-86-        Whitworth, Terence Gordon

Assistant Technical Officer

1971-80         Page, Keith
1977-80         Price, Goronwy Glyn
1981-84         Bourdillon, Antony John    (Technical Officer, 1984)


Middle Eastern [and Islamic] Studies, Centre of


1986-87         Avery, Peter William
1987-96         Musallam, Basim Faud
1992-96         Lyons, Malcolm Cameron
1996-           Khalidi, Tarif Ahmad Samih


Mineralogy and Petrology, Department of

Curator of the Museum

1948-78         Agrell, Stuart Olof
1980-81-        Chinner, Graham Alan

Technical Officer

1955-82         Scoon, John Hodgson


Nuclear Physics, Department of

Assistant Technical Officer

1966-73         Katvars, Sven Gustav    (Technical Officer, 1973)


Nutritional Laboratory (Dunn)


1930            Harris, Leslie Julius

Deputy Director

1930            Moore, Thomas



The first University Observatory was situated on top of the Great Gate of Trinity College, started in 1710, but was not completed until 1739. It seems to have been little used, and it was dismantled in 1797. The present Observatory was built on Madingley Road in 1823. The Solar Physics Observatory moved to same site from London in 1913. They combined as 'Observatories' in 1947 and amalgamated with Institute of Theoretical Astronomy to form the Institute of Astronomy in 1972. See the Historical Register, pp. 215-20.


1707-16         Cotes, Roger    (Plumian Professor, 1707)
1716-60         Smith, Robert    (Plumian Professor, 1716)
1760-96         Shepherd, Anthony    (Plumian Professor, 1760)
1796-1824       Vince, Samuel    (Plumian Professor, 1796)
1824-28         Woodhouse, Robert    (Lucasian Professor, 1820, Plumian Professor, 1822)
1828-36         Airy, George Biddell, (Sir)    (Lucasian Professor, 1826; Plumian Professor, 1828)
1836-61         Challis, James    (Plumian Professor, 1836)
1861-1892       Adams, John Couch    (Lowndean Professor, 1859)
1892-1914       Ball, Robert Stowell, Sir    (Lowndean Professor, 1892)
1914-44         Eddington, Arthur Stanley    (Plumian Professor, 1913; Knighted, 1930; died 1944)
1946            Stratton, Frederick John Marrian    (Professor of Astrophysics)
1947            Redman, Roderick Oliver    (Professor of Astrophysics)

Newall Observer

1891-           Newall, Hugh Frank    (Director of the Solar Physics Laboratory, 1913-28)

Senior Assistant Observer

1956-93         Dewhirst, David William
1967-77         Peat, David William

First Assistant Observer

1829-43         Baldrey, A. D.
1843-44         Glaisher, John
1844-46         Berry, A. G.
1846-48         Morgan, J. H.
1848-59         Breen, James
1859-64         Bowden, Arthur
1864-1903       Graham, Andrew
1903-13         Hinks, A. R.

Second Assistant Observer

1833-36         Glaisher, James
1836-44         Glaisher, John
1844 (only)     Berry, A. G.
1845-46         Morgan, J. H.
1846-48         Breen, James
1848-54         Todd, Charles
1854-55         Criswick, G. D.
1855-56         Lynn, W. T.
1856-57         Taylor, Henry
1857-59         Bowden, Arthur
1859-60         Christy, W. T.
1860-95         Todd, Henry
1895-1903       Hinks, A. R.
1903-14         Hartley, W. E.

Assistant in Astrophysics (lapsed, 1913)

1907-10         Cookson, Bryan
1910-13         Stratton, Frederick John Marrian

Senior Technical Officer

1965-66-        Beggs, Denis Wardlaw

Technical Officer

1959-65         Beggs, Denis Wardlaw    (Senior Technical Officer, 1965)
1967-68         Hinton, James Humphrey

Assistant Technical Officer

1967-72         Pemberton, Alice Ceriddwyn
1969-74         Kibblewhite, Edward James    (Senior Assistant in Research, 1974)


Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Department of


1987-88-        Watson, David John

Senior Technical Officer

1973-73         Clare, Peter John
1974-85         Tee, Peter Arthur Handbury    (Administrative Assistant, Financial Board, 1985)

Technical Officer

1960-65         Bason, Richard Henry
1965-66-        Clare, Peter John
1978-81         Raithby, Paul Robert    (Assistant Director of Research, 1981)
1986-87-        Barton, Edwin Charles


Pathology Laboratory


1963-78         Peploe, James Robert Stevenson
1978-86         Wilburn, Peter
1987-88-        Mortimer, William Alexander


Pharmacology, Department of


1988-89-        Horn, Ann Loveday Dean


Physical Chemistry, Department of

Senior Technical Officer

1976-77-        Guttridge, Josiah
1985-86-        Klinowski, Jacek

Technical Officer

1955-60         Yates, George Gilbert    (Technical Officer in Physics, 1960)
1960-76         Guttridge, Josiah


Physical Sciences, School of


1972-78         Nind, Robert Arthur
1979-           Payne, John Richard



See Cavendish Laboratory



Physiological Laboratory


1968-82         Norman, Kenneth
1983-84-        Stephenson, Robert James

Senior Technical Officer

1967-68         Donaldson, Peter Eden Kirwan
1973-74-        Joyce, Peter Laurence
1974-75-        Cross, Stanley Basil

Technical Officer

1954-67         Donaldson, Peter Eden Kirwan    (Senior Technical Officer, 1967)
1968-73         Joyce, Peter Laurence    (Senior Technical Officer, 1973)
1969-81         Cook, Ronald Hugh

Assistant Technical Officer

1968-69         Cook, Ronald Hugh    (Technical Officer, 1969)


Psychological Laboratory


1922            Bartlett, Frederick Charles    (Professor of Experimental Psychology, 1931)


Public Health Laboratory Service

University Assistant Director

1947-82         Boissard, Joan Mary


Public Health, Institute of


1991-99         Day, Nicholas Edward
1999-           Himsworth, Richard Lawrence


Quaternary Research, Sub-Department of


1988-95         Shackleton, Nicholas John


Royal Society Mond Laboratory

Established in 1931 with funds from the Royal Society for the magnetic and cryogenic research of Pyotr Kapitza, Royal Society Messel Professor, who was to serve as Director for the duration of the professorship. For the early years of the Laboratory see Kapitza in Cambridge and Moscow: life and letters of a Russian physicist compiled and edited by J.W. Boag, P.E. Rubinin, D. Shoenberg (Amsterdam; Oxford: North-Holland, c1990). By grace 13 of 15 March 1947 the regulations for the laboratory were rescinded and it was incorporated in the Department of Physics.

Acting Director

1931            Bragg, William Lawrence
1931-34         Kapitza, Pyotr Leonidovich


Scott Polar Research Institute

An offer by the Trustees of the British Museum to give to the Institute that balance (over £2000) remaining of the sum subscribed to meet the costs of working out the collections and publishing the scientific results of Captain Scott's 'Terra Nova' expedition, was accepted by grace 1 of 5 December 1931. The building in Lensfied Road, partly financed from funds supplied by the Trustees of the Captain Scott Memorial Fund and partly from a donation of £4000 from the Pilgrim Foundation, was opened in November 1934. For a brief account of the Institute see H. G. R. King, 'Polar Studies in Cambridge', Cambridge 7 (1980) pp. 38-45.


1934            Debenham, Frank
1958-82         Robin, Gordon de Quetteville
1984-87         Drewry, David John
1988-92         Wadhams, Peter
1992-97         Heap, John Arnfield
1997-           Richards, Keith Sheldon


1959-83         King, Harold Godfrey Rudolf Vivian Theodore Dufferin
1984-88         Galpin, Valerie Judith
1989-90-        Mills, William James

Research Associate

1959-78         Roberts, Brian Birley


Social and Political Science


1989-90-        Macek, Stephanie Maureen


South Asian Studies Centre


1964-83         Farmer, Bertram Hughes
1983-84-        Johnson, Gordon

Secretary and Librarian

1964-80         Richards, Anthony John Noel
1980-81-        Carter, Lionel James

Graduate Staff

1975-78         Baker, Christopher John
1978-79         Tomlinson, Brian Roger
1980-84         Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan Shamrao
1985-90         Chatterji, Ruchira
1991-93         Gooptu, Nandini
1994-           Peabody, Norbert


Statistical Laboratory


1973-86         Whittle, Peter
1986-91         Williams, David
1991-93         Kelly, Francis Patrick
1994-           Grimmett, Geoffrey Richard


Superconductivity, Research Centre in


1988-89         Duncumb, Peter
1989-98         Liang, Wei Yao

Assistant Director

1991-           Waldram, John Ryder
1991-98         Attfield, John Paul


Surface Physics, Department of

Assistant Technical Officer

1966-67         Winter, Ronald Edward
1968-69         Hannink, Richard Henri Jan


University Biomedical Support Services


1998-           Gentry, Charles Brian

Assistant Director

1999-           Keeley, Joanne Ruth


University Farm


1959-81         Brookes, Arthur John
1981-82-        Allen, Eric James


University Library

Originally situated on the site now known as the Old Schools, the first portion of which was given to the University shortly before 1278 by Nigel de Thornton, Doctor of Medicine. Remaining areas were acquired from Trinity Hall in 1421, from the purchase of the garden of Crouched Hostel in 1432, from land owned by Corpus Christi College in 1459 and, finally, by the purchase of the Old Court of King's College in 1829. The first (northern) part of the building was completed by c. 1400 and the whole eastern court was complete by 1473. These buildings were to house both the Library, the schools of Civil and Canon Law and of Divinity, and the Regent House and University Chapel. The library gradually took over the entire building, along with King's Old Court and the Cockerell building (started in 1837). For a full account of the library to 1900 see Cambridge University Library: a history, Vol. 1, From the beginnings to the Copyright Act of Queen Anne, by J. C. T. Oates; and Vol. 2, The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, by David McKitterick (CUP, 1986). The staff of the Scientific Periodicals Library became a part of the University Library in 1978.

Librarian (Protobibliothecarius)

The holders of this post are also Administrative Officers.

1721            Middleton, Conyers    D.D.; Fellow of    T
1750            Parris, Francis Sawyer    D.D.; Master of                                                   class=c>    SID
1760-69         Law, Edmund    D.D.; Master of    PET
1769-78         Barnardiston, John    Master of    CC
1778            Farmer, Richard    Master of    EM
1797            Kerrich, Thomas    M.A.; Fellow of    M
1828            Lodge, John    M.A.; Fellow of    M                                                   class=a>    (previously Bibliothecarius)

Librarian (Bibliothecarius)

The holders of this post are also Administrative Officers.

1577            James, William    M.A. Fellow of    PET
1581            Moody, Richard
1583            Frogg, Henry
1587?           Matthew/s, John    skinner
1594            Ducket, Gabriel    M.A.; Fellow of    JN
1623            Brooke, Thomas    M.A., Esquire Bedell, University Printer, c. 1608
1629            Wheelock, Abraham    B.D.; Fellow of    CL
1653            Moore (More), William    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    CAI
1659            Smith, Thomas [3]    B.D.    CHR
1661            Dobson, Isaac    B.D.; Fellow of    CC
1667-83         Peachy, Robert    M.A.; Fellow of    PEM
1684            Manfield, James    M.A.    T
1686            Laughton, John    M.A.    T
1712            Brooke, Philip    B.D.; Fellow of    JN
1718            Macro, Thomas    M.A.; Fellow of    CAI
1721            Hadderton, Samuel    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    T    ('bibliothecarius alter')
1732            Taylor, John [2]    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    JN    Registrary 1732
1734            Parne, Thomas    B.D.; Fellow of    T
1751-83         Whisson, Stephen    M.A.; Fellow of    T
1783            Davies, John [2]    M.A.; Fellow of    T
1817-22         Clarke, Edward Daniel    LL.D.; Fellow of    JE
1822            Lodge, John    M.A.; Fellow of    M                                                   class=a>    Protobibliothecarius 1828
1845            Power, Joseph    M.A.; Fellow of    CL
1864            Mayor, John Eyton Bickersteth    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    JN
1867            Bradshaw, Henry    M.A.; Fellow of    K
1886            Smith, William Robertson    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    CHR
1889            Jenkinson, Francis John Henry    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    T
1923            Scholfield, Alwyn Faber    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    K
1949            Creswick, Harry Richardson    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    JE
1967            Ceadel, Eric Bertrand    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    CC    (d. 1979)
1979            Oates, John Claud Trewinard    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    DAR    Acting Librarian
1980            Ratcliffe, Frederick William    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    CC
1994            Fox, Peter Kendrew    M.A.; Fellow of                                                   class=c>    SEL

Assistant in Research

1969-71         Smith, Gordon Callum Kennedy
1969-72         Seymour, Carol Adams    (Senior Assistant in Research, 1972)
1969-72         Urquhart, John Andrew
1972-75         Gilder, Lesley Patricia
1972-76         Cooper, Alan
1973-73         Nicholson, Jennifer

Assistant Library Officer

1970-76         Jenkins, Brian
1970-79         Ringrose (sometime Cook), Jayne Sinclair
1971-77         Lees, Stephen Michael
1971-77         McKitterick, David John
1972-78         Dalby, Andrew Kenneth
1972-78         Hills, Stephen John
1973-76         Bell, Alan
1973-77         Fox, Peter Kendrew
1973-78         Arfield, John Alan
1973-78         Bainton, Alastair John Charles
1974-79         Noblett, William Andrew
1975-77         Morgan, Peter Brian
1975-85         Taylor, John Robert Hugh
1976-79         Henderson, Isabel Bisset
1977-80         Scrivens, Raymond
1977-82         Charles, John Stuart Scott
1978-79         Adams, David Robert Hutchinson
1979-84         Lowe, David Keith
1979-86         Roberts, Frances Wendy
1979-87         Miller, Adrian John
1981-85         Spillett, Helen Elizabeth
1983-84-        Johnson, Elizabeth Jane
1983-87         Webster, Cynthia Rosalie
1984-86         Jesson, Alan Francis
1984-88         Simmonds, Clive Andrew
1985-86-        Ayris, Paul
1985-86-        Dale, Stephen Michael
1986-87-        Jamieson, Robert Craig
1989-90-        Purvis, Allen Gregory

Assistant Technical Officer

1971-77         Rawlings, Wilfred George    (Photography)
1972-77         Caldecoat, Stanley Cyril    (Maintenance)
1978-82         Buck, Fred

Assistant Under-Librarian

1963-77         Hancock, Nigel John
1963-79         Hall (née Heard), Valerie Elsie
1965-83         Dodsworth, John Brian
1966-83         Hall, John James
1968-85         Smith, Nicholas Andrew
1970-81         Gautrey, Peter Jack
1970-81         King, Vernon Henry
1970-83         Lockwood, Wilfred Andrew
1971-79         Williams, Derek Walter
1971-85         Darvall, Anne Richards Le Poer
1972-87         Pamplin, Margaret Edith Ann
1973-76         Reif, Stefan Clive
1974-77         Eaden, Barry Elliott
1976-77         Jenkins, Brian
1976-79         Hall, David John
1976-82         Bell, Alan
1977-78         Fox, Peter Kendrew
1977-79         Morgan, Peter Brian
1977-83         Lees, Stephen Michael
1977-84         McKitterick, David John
1978-79         Arfield, John Alan
1978-81         Britton, Albert Benjamin    (Assistant Librarian of the Scientific Periodicals Library since

1978-82         Hughes, Peter George    (Union Catalogue Librarian)
1978-83         Bainton, Alastair John Charles
1978-84         Whitford, Cecilia Josephine
1978-85         Dalby, Andrew Kenneth
1978-85         Hills, Stephen John
1978-89         Green, Elisabeth Somerville Leedham-    (Assistant [to the] Keeper of the
                                                   University Archives since 1971)

1979-82         Henderson, Isabel Bisset
1979-82         Noblett, William Andrew
1979-85         Adams, David Robert Hutchinson
1979-89         Ringrose (Cook), Jayne Sinclair
1980-86         Scrivens, Raymond
1983-85         Adams (Lyon), Elizabeth Josephine
1983-86         Butterworth, Jill    (Under-Librarian, 1986)
1983-86         Sendall, Christopher John    (Union Catalogue Librarian)
1984-90         Lowe, David Keith
1985-86         Taylor, John Robert Hugh
1985-90         Koyama, Noboru
1986-87-        Aylmer, Charles Alexander
1986-87-        Jesson, Alan Francis
1986-87-        Roberts, Frances Wendy
1987-88-        Clarkson, Colin Thomas
1987-88-        Miller, Adrian John
1987-88-        Webster, Cynthia Rosalie
1988-89-        Simmonds, Clive Andrew
1989-90-        Meadows, Peter Michael

Deputy Librarian

1975-79         Oates, John Claud Trewinard    (Acting Librarian, 1979-80)
1980-86         Carr, Reginald Philip
1986-89         Hall, John Tristan Dalton
1989-90-        Welbourn, Roy William

Graduate Trainee

1976-77         Charles, John Stuart Scott

Senior Under-Librarian

1972-78         Harrison, John Robert
1975-77         Parsons, Kenneth Arthur Coulson
1975-90         Owen, Arthur Ernest Bion
1977-90         Harper, Peter Alexander
1978-80         Tucker, Alan Mitchell
1981-89         Welbourn, Roy William
1982-83-        Hancock, Nigel John
1982-83-        Illes, Arthur John
1984-85-        Reif, Stefan Clive
1984-85-        Stow, Elizabeth Anne
1987-88-        Motherwell, William David Samuel
1990-91-        Jenkins, Brian
1990-91-        Taylor, John Robert Hugh


1960-82         Tyrell, Edward Piers
1963-80         Scott, Margaret Inver
1963-82         Kerr, Richard Vaughan
1964-76         Claydon, James
1965-77         Robinson, Kenneth William
1965-82         Illes, Arthur John
1971-87         Palmer, Alfred Roy
1973-76         Melville, Paul Clifton
1973-80         Crane, Donald George
1973-82         Vickery, Rae Colin George
1976-84         Reif, Stefan Clive
1977-78         Tucker, Alan Mitchell
1977-78-        Eaden, Barry Elliott
1977-82         Hancock, Nigel John
1977-90         Jenkins, Brian
1978-79         Fox, Peter Kendrew
1978-84         Stow, Elizabeth Anne    (Formerly Assistant Librarian of the Scientific Periodicals Library, and
                                                   its Librarian from 1978)

1978-87         Motherwell, William David Samuel
1978-87         Owen, Dorothy Mary    (Keeper of the University Archives)
1979-80-        Hall (née Heard), Valerie Elsie
1979-80-        Hall, David John
1979-80-        Morgan, Peter Brian
1979-81         Arfield, John Alan
1979-89         Williams, Derek Walter
1981-82-        King, Vernon Henry
1981-86         Britton, Albert Benjamin    (Assistant Librarian of Scientific Periodicals Library)
1981-89         Gautrey, Peter Jack
1982-83-        Noblett, William Andrew
1983-84-        Dodsworth, John Brian
1983-84-        Hall, John James
1983-84-        Lees, Stephen Michael
1983-84-        McVeigh, Keith Joseph Alexander    (Squire Law Librarian)
1983-87         Bainton, Alastair John Charles
1984-86         McKitterick, David John
1985-86-        Darvall, Anne Richards Le Poer
1985-86-        Hills, Stephen John
1985-86-        Smith, Nicholas Andrew
1986-87-        Butterworth, Jill
1986-87-        Scrivens, Raymond
1986-87-        Sendall, Christopher John    (Union Catalogue Librarian)
1987-88-        Zutshi, Patrick Nigel Rajendrnath    (Keeper of the University Archives)
1987-90         Pamplin, Margaret Edith Ann
1988-89-        Howes, Robert William
1989-90         Taylor, John Robert Hugh
1989-90-        Green, Elisabeth Somerville Leedham-    (Deputy Keeper of University Archives)
1989-90-        Ringrose (Cook), Jayne Sinclair
1990-91-        Koyama, Noboru
1990-91-        Lowe, David Keith


Veterinary Anatomy, Sub-Department of


1984-90         Steven, Donald Hume
1990-93         Burton, Graham James


Veterinary Clinical Studies, Department of


1989-90-        Tossell, Jeffery Harvey

Assistant Secretary

1989-90-        Paris, James

University Assistant Anaesthetist

1975-77         Hird, John Francis Rostron
1978-78         Cullen, Leonard Keith
1979-83         Taylor, Polly Margaret
1981-85         Watkins, Susan Beryl
1984-86         Kellagher, Robert Edward Bannerman
1985-88         Chambers, John Paul
1986-90         Hale, Geoffrey John
1989-90-        Scott, Manda Catriona

University Pathologist

1976-77         Bostock, David Eric
1978-79-        Jefferies, Andrew Robert

University Assistant Pathologist

1984-85-        Macdougall, Dugald Francis

University Physician

1980-81-        Jackson, Peter Giles Grenville

University Assistant Physician

1977-78         Gibbs, Helen Alison
1978-80         Herrtage, Michael Edward    (University Lecturer, 1980)
1979-79         Turner, Stephen John
1980-81-        Clarke, David Dunn
1980-82         O'Brien, John Kieran
1980-84         Robinson, Janet Denise
1983-87         Matic, Susan Elizabeth    accent: acute on 'c'
1983-90         Corke, Murray James
1984-89         Dunn, John Keir    (University Lecturer, 1989)
1988-88         Littlewood, Janet Denise
1989-90-        Jackson, Katharine Fiona
1990-91-        Reading, Mark John
1990-91-        Slater, Julian David

University Assistant Radiologist

1984-85-        Dennis, Ruth

University Surgeon

1979-80-        Houlton, John Edwin Freeman

University Assistant Surgeon

1971-76         Lavelle, Roger Bernard
1977-79         Houlton, John Edwin Freeman    (University Surgeon, 1979)
1980-81         White, Richard Andrew Stanley
1981-84         Burley, Kenneth George
1984-88         McGlennon, Nicholas James

House Physician

1979-81         Burbidge, Hilary Margaret
1980-82         Richards, Hannah Wynne
1983-84         Harris, Patricia Ann
1984-86         Gordon, Declan Francis

House Surgeon

1975-77         Herrtage, Michael Edward
1977-79         Wolfensohn, Simon Vivian
1978-80         Clarke, David Dunn
1983-84         Squires, Richard
1984-85         Scott, Manda Catriona
1986-87         Platt, David

House Officer

1987-88         Meynink, Sarah Elena
1987-88         Seed, Nicola Jayne
1988-98         Pomeroy, Caroline Jane
1989-90         Slater, Julian David    (University Assistant Physician, 1990)
1989-90-        Dyce, Jonathan
1990-91-        Davies, Charlotte
1990-91-        Scarlett, Julie Anne
1990-91-        Williams, John Meirion

Senior Technical Officer

1988-89-        Schwabe, Alison Elizabeth

Technical Officer

1977-83         Williamson, Hamar David
1981-88         Schwabe, Alison Elizabeth    (Senior Technical Officer, 1988)

Assistant Technical Officer

1969-77         Williamson, Hamar David    (Technical Officer, 1977)


Whipple Museum of the History of Science


1970-78         Bryden, David John
1979-94         Bennett, James Arthur
1994-           Taub, Liba


Wolfson Cambridge Industrial Unit

Director in Industrial Co-operation and Head of the Unit

1971-83         Welbourn, Donald Burkewood
1984-87         Bragg, Stephen Lawrence
1988-93         Howells, Eric Reginald
1994-           Jennings, Richard Charles    (Industrial Liaison and Technology Transfer)


Zoology, Department of


1974-76         Lucas, Betty Constance Gray-
1976-85         Northam, William Frederick    (Keeper, Fitzwilliam Museum, 1985)
1986-87-        Andrews, John Robert

Technical Officer

1981-82-        Unwin, Dennis Martin

Assistant Technical Officer

1966-81         Unwin, Dennis Martin    (Technical Officer, 1981)


Zoology, Museum of


Appointed on the authority of the Vice-Chancellor until 1931 when, by grace 11 of 20 June, the responsibility was transferred to the General Board and two new posts of Senior and Junior Curator were created. Under new regulations, approved by grace 3 of 19 December 1932, the title 'Superintendent' was changed to 'Director'. By grace 5 of 4 November 1938 the staff of the Museum was altered to consist of a Director, Curators of Vertebrates, of Invertebrates and of Insects, and Assistant Curator and the Strickland Curator, the last being tenable jointly with any of the others.

?-1995          Joysey, Kenneth Alan
1866-92         Clark, John Willis
1892-1909       Harmer, Sidney Frederic
1909-10         Punnett, Reginald Crundall
1910-14         Doncaster, Leonard
1914-38         Cooper, Clive Foster
1938-?          Parrington, Francis Rex
1997-           Akam, Michael Edwin

Assistant [to the] Superintendent/Director

1891 (only)     Lister, Joseph Jackson    (without stipend)
1902-04         Doncaster, Leonard
1904-06         McDowall, Stewart Andrew
1906-08         Potts, Frank Armitage
1908-10         Boulenger, Charles Leonard
1910-11         Alexander, William Backhouse
1911            Burfield, Stanley Thomas
1912-14         Cunliffe, Norman
1925-28         Robinson, Valentine Charles
1928-36         Parrington, Francis Rex
1936b           Whiting Henry Philip

Senior Assistant Curator

1995-           Clack, Jennifer Alice

Strickland Curator (birds)

By grace 5 of 4 November 1938 the Strickland Curatorship was made tenable jointly with any other post in the Museum (Director, Curators of Vertebrates, of Invertebrates and of Insects, and an Assistant Curator).

1874-83         Salvin, Osbert
1883-1928       Gadow, Hans Friedrich
1928-38         Parrington, Francis Rex
1938            Whiting, Henry Philip

Curator of Invertebrates

1938            Smith, James Eric

Curator of Vertebrates

1938            Cott, Hugh Bamford    (and Strickland Curator)
1961-86         Goodhart, Charles Burford
1984-85-        Friday, Adrian Edward

Assistant Curator

1972-79         Friday, Adrian Edward
1981-95         Clack, Jennifer Alice    (Senior Assistant Curator, 1995; Reader in Vertebrate Palaeontology,

Assistant Curator of Insects

1976-86         Foster, William Andrew

Assistant Curator of Vertebrates

1979-84         Friday, Adrian Edward

Associate Curator in Malacology (Watson)

1972-76         Bishop, Martin John
1978-85         Bishop, Martin John

Assistant Curator in Malacology

1986-87-        Preece, Richard Charles

Senior Curator

Established by grace 11 of 20 June 1931.

1931-35         Heasman, William James
1936-38         Lochhead, John Hutchinson

Junior Curator

Established by grace 11 of 20 June 1931.    Kerrich, Geoffrey John

1937-39         Hinton, Howard Everest


Zoology, Museum of

Called 'Curator in Zoology from 1877 to 1909; then 'in Entomology'

Curator of Insects

1877-78         Bullar, John Follett
1878-79         Jenkinson, Francis John Henry    (University Librarian, 1889)
1879-80         Haddon, Alfred Cort
1880-90         Cooke, Alfred Hands
1890-1909       Sharp, David
1909-28         Scott, Hugh
1928            Vacant
1938            Varley, George Copley
1946            Smart, John
1986-87-        Foster, William Andrew