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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier WNTR622S2
Adm. sizar at EMMANUEL, 24 Jan., 1622/3.
Of Warwickshire .
Doubtless s. of Christopher, yeoman. B. 1603, at Temple Balsall, Warwickshire .
School, Coventry [ Warwickshire ].
B.A. 1632 .
Placed himself under John Cotton, V. of Boston, Lincolnshire . ( 1585-1652 ), with a view to preparation for the ministry.
Probably Master of Boston Grammar School [ Lincolnshire ], 1627-30 .
P.C. of Woodborough, Nottinghamshire .
V. of Cottingham [ East Riding of Yorkshire ], near Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire , 1643 .
Joined the independent ministry.
Chaplain to four Parliamentary Commissions in Ireland .
Provost of Trinity College, Dublin [ Ireland ], 1652-60, deprived. [Styled D.D. (Cantab.) in Al. Dub. ]
M.A. (Dublin) 1654 .
Divinity lecturer, 1659 .
Took the lead in forming clerical associations in which independents, presbyterians and episcopalians could meet in amity.
Married (1) Anne Beeston, of Boston [ Lincolnshire ]; (2) Elizabeth Weaver.
Author, Sermons.
Died 24 Dec., 1666, aged 63; buried at North Luffenham, Rutland . M.I.
( Bp. Kennett, 909; Calamy, II. 315; Thompson, Boston ; Rutland Mag., III. 69; D.N.B., where he is wrongly asslgned to Queens'.)
Approx. lifespan: 1603–1666
Adm. sizar at Emmanuel College 1622/3:01:24
Of Warwickshire ,
Doubtless s. of Christopher WINTER yeoman.
b. 1603 at Temple Balsall, Warwickshire ,
School Coventry, [Warwickshire],
B.A. 1632
Placed himself under John Cotton, V. of Boston, Lincolnshire , . (1585) with a view to preparation for the ministry.
Probably Master of Sch: Boston Grammar School Boston, [Lincolnshire], 1627-30
P.C. of Woodborough, Nottinghamshire ,
V. of Cottingham, [East Riding of Yorkshire], near Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire , 1643
Joined the independent ministry.
Chaplain to four Parliamentary Commissions in Ireland ,
Provost of Trinity College, Dublin 1652-60 deprived. [Styled D.D. (Cantab.) in Al. Dub.]
M.A. (Dublin) 1654
Divinity lecturer 1659
Took the lead in forming clerical associations in which independents, presbyterians and episcopalians could meet in amity.
m. (1) Anne BEESTON of Boston, [Lincolnshire], ;
m. (2) Elizabeth WEAVER
Author, Sermons.
d. 1666:12:24 aged 63; buried at North Luffenham, Rutland ,
( Bp. Kennett 909; Calamy II. 315; Thompson, Boston ; Rutland Mag. III. 69; D.N.B. where he is wrongly asslgned to Queens'.)