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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier WHPL899RS
Adm. pens. at TRINITY, June 25, 1899.
S. of George Mathews.
Of 70, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge.
B. Aug. 1, 1871, at Richmond, Surrey . School, King's College, London . Matric. Michs. 1899.
Married, June 8, 1903, Helen, dau. of Allan Muir, of Glasgow.
Presented to the University in 1944 a valuable collection of scientific instruments together with a sum of money for the further purchase of instruments and books; the Whipple Museum was opened in 1951.
Had been associated with the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. from 1896-1949 (Chairman). Brother of Francis J. W. (1894).
( The Times, June 10, 1903; Who's Who .)
Robert Stewart WHIPPLE
Approx. lifespan: 1871–1953
pens. Trinity College adm1899:06:25
s. of George Mathews WHIPPLE
Of 70 Huntingdon Road, CB, [Cambridgeshire],
b. Richmond, Surrey , 1871:08:01
Sch: King's College London ,
Matric 1899:10MT:
m. 1903:06:08 Helen MUIR dau. of Allan MUIR of Glasgow, [Scotland],
Presented to University in1944
a valuable collection of scientific instruments together with a sum of money for the further purchase of instruments and books; Whipple Museum was opened in1951
Had been associated with the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company from 1896-1949
Chairman: )
brother of Francis J. W. WHIPPLE (1894)
( The Times 1903:06:10; Who's Who )
[add:] d. 1953:12:13 [:add]
[add:]( WWW )[:add]