Searching for ; Text=RGRS658B
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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier RGRS658B
Benjamin ROGERS
Mus.Bac. 1658 ( Lit. Reg. ).
S. of George, of Windsor [ Berkshire ]. B. 1614 .
Mus.Doc. (Oxford) 1669 .
Chorister of St George's Chapel, Windsor [ Berkshire ], and afterwards lay clerk there.
Organist at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin [ Ireland ], 1639-41 .
Organist at Eton [ Buckinghamshire ], 1662 .
Informator choristarum, Magdalen College, Oxford [ Oxfordshire ], 1665-85 .
Musical composer.
Died Jun., 1698, aged 84; buried at St Peter-le-Bailey, Oxford [ Oxfordshire ].
( D.N.B.; Al. Oxon. )
Benjamin ROGERS
Approx. lifespan: 1614–1698
Mus.Bac. 1658 ( Lit. Reg. )
s. of George ROGERS of Windsor, [Berkshire],
b. 1614
Mus.Doc. (Oxford) 1669
Chorister of St George's Chapel, Windsor, [Berkshire], and afterwards lay clerk there.
Organist at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, [Ireland], 1639-41
Organist at Eton, [Buckinghamshire], 1662
Informator choristarum, Magdalen College [Oxford] 1665-85
Musical composer.
Died 1698:06 aged 84; buried at St Peter-le-Bailey, Oxford, [Oxfordshire],
( D.N.B.; Al. Oxon. )