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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier HTCN884A
Hutchinson, Arthur.
Adm. pens. at CHRIST'S, Mar. 14, 1884. S. of George, merchant. B. July 6,
1866, at Notting Hill, London. School, Clifton College. Matric. Michs. 1884;
Scholar; (Nat. Sci. Trip., Pt I, 1st Class, 1886; Pt II, 1st Class, 1888);
B.A. 1888; M.A. 1892. Fellow of Pembroke, 1892-1928. Master, 1928-37. Studied
Chemistry at Würzburg and at Munich Universities; Ph.D., Würzburg. Hon. Fellow
of Christ's, 1935-7. Demonstrator in Chemistry at Caius, 1891-6. Lecturer in
Crystallography; University Demonstrator in Mineralogy, 1895-1926. Professor
of Mineralogy, 1926-31. F.R.S., 1922. Played a decisive part in the great
development of the Natural Sciences at Cambridge. President of the
Mineralogical Society, 1921-4. Chairman of the University Library Syndicate
for some years, including 1934 when the new Library was opened by King George
V. During the Great War, 1914-19, employed in chemical work for the Admiralty;
O.B.E., Jan. 1, 1918. Author, scientific. Died Dec. 12, 1937, at Cambridge.
(Clifton Coll. Reg.; C.U. Hist. Reg.; Who's Who; The Times, Dec. 13,
Approx. lifespan: 1866–1937
pens. Christ's College adm1884:03:14
s. of George HUTCHINSON merchant:
b. Notting Hill, London , 1866:07:06
Sch: Clifton College [Clifton], [Somerset],
Matric. 1884:10MT:
Nat.Sci.Trip., Pt I, 1st Class 1886
Nat.Sci.Trip., Pt II, 1st Class 1888
BA 1888
MA 1892
Fellow of Pembroke College 1892-1928
Master: 1928-37
Studied Chemistry at Würzburg [Germany],
? Sch: Munich Universities Munich Universities, [Germany],
Hon. Fellow of Christ's College 1935-37
Demonstrator in Chemistry: at Gonville & Caius College 1891-96
Lecturer: in Crystallography; University">
Demonstrator in Mineralogy: 1895-1926
Professor of Mineralogy: 1926-31
FRS 1922
Played a decisive part in the great development of the Natural Sciences at Cambridge.
President of Mineralogical Society
Chairman: of University
Library Syndicate for some years, including 1934
when the new
Library was opened by King George V.
During the Great War 1914-19, employed in chemical work for Admiralty
OBE 1918:01:01
Publ.: scientific
d. Cambridge 1937:12:12
( Clifton College Reg ; C.U. Hist. Reg ; Who's Who ; The Times 1937:12:13)
[add:] d. 1937:07:12 [:add]
[add:] bur. Ascension Parish Burial Ground, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire , [:add]
[add:](Martin Packer, 2014)[:add]