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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier CNN724R
Canning, Richard.
Adm. pens. at ST CATHARINE'S, Aug. 13,
1724. S. of Richard, Captain, R.N. B. at Plymouth, 1708.
School, Westminster. Matric. 1725; B.A. 1728-9; M.A. from
Peterhouse, 1735. P.C. of St Lawrence, Ipswich, 1734. R.
of Harkstead, Suffolk, 1738-69. R. of Freston, 1755-75,
V. of Rushmere, 1755-6. R. of Thornham Magna, 1766-8.
Author, The Suffolk Traveller . Died June 8, 1775. Buried
at St Helen's, Ipswich. M.I. ( D.N.B. )
Approx. lifespan: 1706–1775
Adm. pens. at St Catharine's College 1724:08:13
s. of Richard CANNING Captain, R.N. B. at Plymouth, [Devon], 1708
Sch: Westminster
Matric. 1725
B.A. 1728/9
M.A. from Peterhouse 1735
P.C. of St Lawrence, Ipswich, [Suffolk], 1734
R. of Harkstead, Suffolk , 1738-69
R. of Freston, [Suffolk], 1755-75
V. of Rushmere, [Suffolk], 1755-56
R. of Thornham Magna, [Suffolk], 1766-68
Author, The Suffolk Traveller
Died 1775:06:08
buried at St Helen's, Ipswich, [Suffolk],
( D.N.B. )