Searching for ; Text=BNT892LD
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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier BNT892LD
Barnett, Lionel David.
Adm. sizar at TRINITY, Oct. 7, 1892.
S. of Baron, of 105, Bedford Street, Liverpool.
B. Oct. 21, 1871, at Liverpool.
School, University College, Liverpool.
Matric. Michs. 1892; Scholar, 1893; Browne Medal, 1893, 1894, 1896; Prizeman; B.A. (Class.
Trip., Pt I, 1st Class, 1894; Pt II, 1st Class, 1896) 1896; M.A. 1899.
Chancellor's Medal.
Craven student, 1896.
Keeper of Oriental printed books and MSS. at the British Museum; retired, 1937.
Litt.D. (Vict.) C.B., 1937.
F.B.A., 1936.
Of 20c Holland Villas Road, London, W. 14.
Married and had issue.
., 1938-9; Who's Who, 1939.)
Lionel David BARNETT
Approx. lifespan: 1871–1960
Tripos: Trin. Class. I 1894; Class. II 1896
sizar Trinity College adm1892:10:07
s. of Baron BARNETT of 105 Bedford Street, Liverpool, [Lancashire],
b. Liverpool, [Lancashire], 1871:10:21
Sch: University College Liverpool, [Lancashire],
Matric 1892:10MT:
Scholar 1893
Browne Medal 1893, 1894, 1896
BA 1896
Class.Trip., Pt I, 1st Class 1894
Class.Trip., Pt II, 1st Class 1896
MA 1899
Chancellor's Medal
Craven student 1896
Keeper of Oriental printed books and < > MSS , . at: British Museum retired1937
LittD Vict.
C.B. 1937
FBA 1936
Of 20 c Holland Villas Road, London , , W.14
had issue
( University Cal . 1938-9; Who's Who 1939)
[add:] d. 1960:01:28 [:add]
[add:]( WWW )[:add]