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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier PNTS702S
Stephen POYNTZ
Adm. at KING'S, a scholar from Eton [ Buckinghamshire ], 1702 .
2nd s. of William, upholsterer, of Cornhill [ London ]. B. in London . Bapt. at St Michael's, Cornhill [ London ], 22 Nov., 1685.
Matric. 1702-3 ;
B.A. 1706-7 ;
M.A. 1711 .
Fellow, 1706 .
Tutor to the sons of Lord Townshend with whom he was at the Hague [ Holland ] in 1709, and 1710 .
Governor and Steward of the Household to the Duke of Cumberland.
Commissary to General Stanhope, Secretary of State, 1716 .
Receiver-General of Excise, 1723-35 .
Envoy Extraordinary to Sweden , 1724 .
Privy Councillor, 1735 .
Died at Midgham, Berkshire , 17 Dec., 1750; buried there.
Will (P.C.C.) 1751 .
( Harwood, 286; G. Mag.; D.N.B. )
Stephen POYNTZ
Approx. lifespan: 1685–1750
Adm. at King's College scholar from Sch: Eton 1702
2nd s. of William POYNTZ upholsterer, of Cornhill, [ London ]
b. in London
Bapt. at St Michael's Cornhill, [ London ] 1685:11:22
Matric. 1702-03
B.A. 1706/7
M.A. 1711
Fellow 1706
Tutor to the sons of Lord Townshend with whom he was at the Hague, [ Holland ] in 1709, and 1710
Governor and Steward of the Household to the Duke of Cumberland.
Commissary to General Stanhope, Secretary of State 1716
Receiver-General of Excise 1723-35
Envoy Extraordinary to Sweden 1724
Privy Councillor 1735
Died at Midgham, Berkshire 1750:12:17 ; buried there.
Will (P.C.C.) 1751
( Harwood 286; G. Mag.; D.N.B. )