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    Enhanced version of original printed entry     Encoded version: searched-for items red; some Appendix and Addenda included; unique identifier FF887RS
Fyffe, Rollestone Sterritt.
Adm. pens. at EMMANUEL, Sept. 25, 1887.
S. of W[illiam] J[ohnstone], Esq., M.D. [Deputy Surgeon-General, Army Medical Dept.], of 2, Rodney Place, Clifton. [B. 1868.
School, Clifton College.] Matric. Michs. 1887; B.A. 1890; M.A. 1896; Hon. D.D. 1913.
Assistant Master at King William's College, Isle of Man, 1892-3. Ord. deacon (Durham) 1894; priest, 1895; C. of Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, 1894-8. C. of St Agnes, Bristol, 1898-1900; V. there, 1901-4. S.P.G. Missionary and Head of Winchester Brotherhood, Mandalay, 1904-10.
Bishop of Rangoon, 1910-28; resigned.
V. of Westfield, Sussex, 1928-31.
Sub-Prelate of Order of St John of Jerusalem, 1928.
Joint Sequestrator of Burton with Coates, 1936-42-. Living at Cold Waltham Lodge, Pulborough, Sussex, in 1942.
Brother of the next.
(Crockford; Who's Who; I.C.S. Lists; King William's Coll., Isle of Man, Reg.; Clifton Coll. Reg.; Kelly, Handbook, 1942.)
Rollestone Sterritt FYFFE
Approx. lifespan: 1868–1964
pens. Emmanuel College adm1887:09:25
s. of W[illiam] J[ohnstone], Esq., MD [
Deputy Surgeon-General: Army Medical Department, of 2 Rodney Place, Rodney, Clifton, [ Somerset ]
b. 1868
Sch: Clifton College Clifton, [ Somerset ]
Matric 1887:10MT:
BA 1890
MA 1896
Hon. DD 1913
Assistant Master at: : Sch: King William's College Isle of Man 1892-93
Ord. deacon Durham 1894
Ord. priest 1895
C.: Bishop Wearmouth, Co. Durham 1894-98
C.: St Agnes Bristol, [ Somerset ] 1898-1900
V.: there ^ [ Somerset ] 1901-04
S.P.G. Missionary and Head of: : Winchester Brotherhood, Mandalay, [ Burma ] 1904-10
Bishop of: Rangoon, [ Burma ] 1910-28
V.: Westfield, Sussex 1928-31
Sub-Prelate of Order of St John of Jerusalem 1928
Joint Sequestrator of: Burton with Coates, [ Sussex ] 1936-42-
At Cold Waltham Lodge, Cold Waltham, Pulborough, Sussex in1942
brother of William Kington FYFFE (1882)
( Crockford; Who's Who; I.C.S. Lists; King William's College, Isle of Man, Reg.; Clifton College Reg. ; Kelly, Handbook 1942)
[add:] d. 1964:04:03, aged 95[:add]
[add:](J.D. Pickles: E.C.M. )[:add]