The office of Registrary was established by Grace in 1506. He was to keep the records of the university both in the sense of preserving and of compiling them, notably of compiling the Grace Books. Many of the early holders of the office were, or had been, Esquire Bedells, and as such familiar with a variety of university business. They also functioned as notaries. In the mid to late eighteenth century the Registraryship often served as a stepping-stone to a headship. Nineteenth-century registraries (Romilly, Luard, J. W. Clark) devoted a good deal of time and effort to cataloguing and arranging the University Archives, but since 1910 (when Clark died) the office has become a far more responsible one with regard to university administration generally and he/she is now the senior of the three 'principal administrative officers' (the others being the Secretary General of the Faculties and the Treasurer); serves as secretary to the Council, and is appointed by it. In 1997 the Registry, Financial Board and General Board were merged into a single unit, and were known thereafter as 'divisions'. The Registraries' duties still include an obligation to ensure that current records are correctly kept. There is an account of the earlier history of the office prefixed to the catalogue of the 1984 exhibition of University Archives, 'Who deue wilbe a Register...'.
1506 Hobbs (Hobys), Robert Esquire Bedell
For an account of the beginnings of the office see Assistant Registrary.
1961 Melville, Paul Clifton (previously First Assistant Registrary)
Principal Assistant Registrary
Office established by grace 4 of 22 November 1978.
1978-82 Croston, Arthur Kenneth (retired)
For an account of the beginnings of the office see Assistant Registrary.
1961-63 Harvey, Laurence Marshall Secretary of the Board of Research Studies
The office was established by Grace of 11 June 1885, and was from then until 1926 an
appointment for a term of three years or less, renewable, by the Registrary, with the
consent of the Vice-Chancellor. A second Assistant Registrary, who was to serve as
Secretary of the Board of Research Studies, was provided for by Grace of 30 April 1920,
and a third in 1921 for the Board of Examinations (first holder, Mr Whetham). Under the
1926 Statutes the Registrary and one or more Assistant Registraries were to serve as
secretaries to these two Boards and of the General Board. The Secretary of the General
Board (first holder, Raymond Priestley), later to be known as the Secretary General of the
Faculties, had the title 'First Assistant Registrary'. As the duties of Assistant
Registraries are flexible, their precise responsibilities are generally not listed below.
By grace of 29 April 1961 a new administrative structure was introduced which made
provision for three grades of Assistant Registrary: (a) Deputy Registrary and Deputy
Secretary General; (b) Senior Assistant Registrary; and (c) Assistant Registrary, and the
existing officers were placed in the new grades from 1 April 1961.
1885 Grant, Charles Eustace
Registry: Administrative Assistants/Administrative Officers
The change of name to 'Administrative Officers' was from October 1999.
1974-77 Clark, Alan
1971-95 Jakes, David George
Registry: Senior Computer Officer
from the 1990s those listed were in the Management Information Services Division,
previously known as the Administrative Computing Unit
1993- Sandham, David
Keeper of the Archives (from 1978 the Keeper and Assistant Keeper of the Archives
were transferred to the staff of the University Library)
1958-77 Peek, Heather Elinor
Assistant to the Keeper of the Archives
1971- Green, Elisabeth Somerville Leedham- transferred to Library staff, 1978
Secretary General of the Faculties
The post was created in 1934, the secretaryship of the General Board of the Faculties
having since 1926 been held by the First Assistant Registrary. In 1997 the Registry,
Financial Board and General Board were merged into a single unit, and were known
thereafter as 'divisions'.
1934 Priestley, Raymond Edward
Deputy Secretary General of the Faculties
1940 Hill, Archibald Vivian formerly Fellow of T, K
Under the 1926 Statutes the office of Secretary of the Financial Board, which had been
held by G. H. A. Wilson since 1920, was replaced by that of Treasurer. Appointment was by
the Regent House on the nomination of the Financial Board, the Treasurer not being a
member of the Board. In 1997 the Registry, Financial Board and General Board were merged
into a single unit, and were known thereafter as 'divisions'.
1926 Wilson, Godfrey Harold Alfred
Office created by grace 1 of 29 April 1961.
1961 Phillips, Charles Kenyon
General Board: Administrative Assistants
(re-named Administrative Officers from October 1999)
1973-83 Johnston, Margaret Irene
Post established in 1988.
1988-99 Whiting, David
Research Services Division: Administrative Officers
Established as a division of the Central Offices in 1999
1999- Wilson, Erica Celine Duncan-
Office created by grace 1 of 29 April 1961.
1961 Macdonald, Charles Ronald
The post was created by grace 4 of 27 May 1933 as from 1 July of that year. A new
administrative structure was introduced by grace 1 of 29 April 1961 with provision for
three grades of Assistant Treasurer: Deputy Treasurer, Senior Assistant Treasurer and
Assistant Treasurer.
1933-61 Macdonald, Charles Ronald (from 1961 Senior Assistant Treasurer)
Financial Board: University Telecommunications Manager
1985- Rowley, Martin Lewis
Financial Board: Administrative Assistant
(re-named Administrative Officers from October 1999)
1969-80 Smith, Donald
Financial Board: Computer Officer
1971-78 Hawkins, Anthony Peter
1543 Mere, John Esquire Bedell
1558 Stokys (Stokes), Matthew Esquire Bedell
1591 Smith, Thomas [2] Esquire Bedell; Matr. T 1576
1600 Tabor, James
1645 Whinn, Matthew
1683 Halman, James
1701 Grove, Robert
1725 Newton, Lancelot
1734 Taylor, John [2]
1751 Caryl, Lynford
1758 Hubbard, Henry
1778 Borlase, George
1809 Pemberton, William Augustus
1816 Hustler, William
1832 Romilly, Joseph
1862 Luard, Henry Richards
1891 Clark, John Willis
1910 Keynes, John Neville
1925 Harrison, Ernest
1943 Grave, Walter Wyatt
1953 Rattenbury, Robert Mantle
1969 Macpherson, Roderick Ewen
1983 Fleet, Stephen George
1997 Mead, Timothy John
1966 Wild, Frank
1972 Holmes, Richard Frank
1993 Branson, Nicholas James Bertram Alwyn
1978-83 Hunt, Arthur Geoffrey (Draftsman, retired)
1986-99 Easterling, Henry John (Draftsman, retired)
1988-93 Branson, Nicholas James Bertram Alwyn (Planning Officer) (Deputy Registrary, 1993)
1991-2000 Franks, David (Secretary of the School of Biological Sciences)
1994- Clark, Alan
1994-99 Rennie, Graeme William John (GB)
1994-99 Williams, John Horace (University Safety Officer; Esquire Bedell from 1997)
1996-99 Ansell, Elizabeth (GB)
1998- McCallum, Duncan Peter Finlay
1998- Skelsey, Geoffrey Brian
2000- Pinnock, Sally Margaret
1961-71 Hazlerigg, Arthur William University Draftsman. He had been Draftsman since 1947; (retired)
1961-72 Warner, Wilfrid John Nicholas Secretary of the Assistant Staff Board; (retired)
1961-78 Croston, Arthur Kenneth (Principal Assistant Registrary, 1978)
1964-78 Algate, Frederick Maurice Secretary of the Board of Research/Graduate Studies. Resigned
1965-72 Holmes, Richard Frank (Deputy Registrary, 1972)
1970-83 Anderson, Gordon Rae (retired)
1971-78 Hunt, Arthur Geoffrey (Draftsman)
1975-82 Vaugon, Peter Charles Nigel (Deputy Secretary General, 1983)
1978-82 Farrow, Cyril Walter
1982-88 Branson, Nicholas James Bertram Alwyn (Secretary of the Board of Graduate Studies; Principal Assistant Registrary, 1988)
1983-86 Easterling, Henry John (Draftsman)
1983-91 Franks, David (Secretary of the School of the Biological Sciences; Principal Assistant Registrary, 1991)
1983-94 Rennie, Graeme William John (Principal Assistant Registrary, 1994)
1984-94 Clark, Alan (Principal Assistant Registrary, 1994)
1984-94 Williams, John Horace (Principal Assistant Registrary, 1994)
1988-98 McCallum, Duncan Peter Finlay (Secretary of the Board of Graduate Studies; Principal Assistant Registrary, 1998)
1992-96 Ansell, Elizabeth (GB; Principal Assistant Registrary, 1996)
1992-98 Skelsey, Geoffrey Brian (Principal Assistant Registrary, 1998)
1993- Doherty, Cyril Richard (GB)
1993- Horne, Michael John (GB)
1993- Light, Dennis Barrington- (Data Protection Officer)
1995-96 Allen, Graham Peter (Deputy Secretary General, 1996)
1995-99 Ansell, Stuart Edward (Board of Graduate Studies)
1999- Chalk, Mary Patricia
1999- Stevens, Peta Margaret (GB)
1999?-2000 Pinnock, Sally Margaret (GB) (Principal Assistant Registrary, 2000)
2000- Friday, Laurie Elizabeth (Secretary of the Board of Graduate Studies)
1893 Leathes, Stanley Mordaunt
1897 Faning, James Frederick Edmund
1903 Swain, Edmund Gill
1905-25 Benham, Benjamin
1920 Butler, George Geoffrey Gilbert, Sir (Assistant Registrary for Research Students)
1921-25 Whetham, William Cecil Dampier (Board of Examinations)
1924-34 Priestley, Raymond Edward (thereafter Secretary General)
1927-53 Claye, Hugh
1938-39 Rossetti, Geoffrey William First Assistant Registrary; (deceased)
1939-45 Sartain, Wilfred James First Assistant Registrary; (thereafter Assistant Secretary General)
1945-54 Kidd, Harry First Assistant Registrary
1946 Hewitt, Richard Thornton (resigned in the same year)
1947-61 Harvey, Laurence Marshall (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1961)
1953-57 Irwin, John Duncan
1954-61 Melville, Paul Clifton (First Assistant Registrary; Deputy Registrary, 1961) )
1958-65 Holmes, Richard Frank (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1965)
1961-64 Algate, Frederick Maurice Secretary of the Board of Research Studies, 1962; Senior Assistant Registrary, 1964)
1961-64 Macdonald, James Hugh (resigned)
1964-75 Pike, Theodore William (resigned)
1964-79 Davey, Frank Wallace (died)
1965-70 Anderson, Gordon Rae (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1970)
1966-71 Rylance, Anthony Alan Leigh
1966-79 Evans, David John (retired)
1968-77 Murphy, Denis John Harvey (resigned)
1969-78 Farrow, Cyril Walter
1970-75 Batchelor, Cyril Handley
1970-75 Vaugon, Peter Charles Nigel (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1975)
1972-88 Glegg, Malcolm (retired)
1972-92 Skelsey, Geoffrey Brian (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1992)
1973-87 Poole, Richard Neal Barlow- (retired)
1973-88 Hankinson, Gerard Stephen (resigned)
1973-89 Burke, Gerald Anthony (resigned)
1975-83 Rennie, Graeme William John (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1983)
1975-84 Williams, John Horace University Safety Adviser (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1984)
1976-95 Ansell, Stuart Edward
1977-82 Branson, Nicholas James Bertram Alwyn (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1982)
1977-84 Clark, Alan (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1984)
1979-91 O'Flynn, Bernadette Mary
1981-86 Smith, Margaret Suttie (resigned)
1981-93 Light, Dennis Barrington- (Data Protection Officer; Senior Assistant Registrary, 1993)
1983-93 Horne, Michael John (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1993)
1984-92 Ansell, Elizabeth (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1992)
1989-92 Doggett, Ronald Arthur
1989-95 Allen, Graham Peter (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1995)
1993- Hunt, Mary Felicity
1994- Wakeford, Richard Ellis
1994- Woodhouse, Jennifer
1995-99 Campbell, Wayne (GB)
1996- Stone, Emma Jane
1996-99 Stevens, Peta Margaret (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1999)
1997- Baker, Susannah Judith (later Thomas, Susannah Judith) (Vice-Chancellor's Office)
1997- Benton, Alice Margaret
1997- Dixon, Michael John Sydney (Examinations Board)
1998- Brown, Katherine Louise
1998- Newbold, Linda Marian
1998- Purkiss, Brenda Anne (GB)
1998-99 Chalk, Mary Patricia (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1999)
1998-99 Donnellan, Linda (GB)
1999- Andrews, John Robert (GB)
1999- Bowring, Susan (University Draftsman)
1999- Edwards, Malcolm Stuart
1999- Radcliffe, Julie Margaret (GB)
1999-2000 Woollard, Louise (GB)
2000- Bodfish, Margaret Amelia
2000- Heppleston, John (Security)
2000- Hewetson, Celia Clemons
2000- Simpson, Louise
1976-81 Light, Dennis Barrington-
1977-97 Johnson, Malcolm MacDonald
1978-89 Doggett, Ronald Arthur
1987-99 Garrod, Yvonne Barbara
1989-97 Grange, Alice Margaret Le (later Benton, Alice Margaret; Assistant Registrary, 1997)
1992-96 Houghton, Patricia May (Intercollegiate Applications Office)
1993- Hunter, Iris
1993-97 Dixon, Michael John Sydney (Assistant Registrary, 1997)
1994-99 Hughes, Michael Joseph
1995- Moss, Matthew Norman Hawkshaw
1995 (only) Carter, Martin
1996- Newbould, Anne
1996-97 Perks, Lynn Catherine Marsden- (Previously Levitt)
1997-99 Bowring, Susan (Assistant Registrary, 1999)
1997-2000 Simpson, Louise (Press and Publications Office; Assistant Registrary, 2000)
1998- Barker, Carol
1998- Cox, Andrew Paul
1998- Lloyd, Sheelagh Scarff
1998- Waugh, Ceri
1998-99 Donoghue, Lynn (previously Davies, Lynn)
1999- Char, Divya
1999- James, Tamsin
1999- Mniszko, Mark
1999- Shapton, Rachel Alexandra
2000- Jesky, Judith Mary
2000- Tasker, Ann
1972-76 Light, Dennis Barrington- (Administrative Assistant, 1976)
1978-93 Sandham, David (Senior Computer Officer, 1993)
1979-99 Tilley, John Richard
1990-2000 Retallick, Lloyd
1993-96 Eccardt, Rupert William George Moss-
1994-96 Wilkins, Katherine Sarah
1995- Nunns, Elaine
1995- Scott, David Howard
1995-2000 Buckland, Mark
1996- Andrews, Rupert Simon
1996-2000 Kemp, Owen Sean
1997- Bell, Julietta Maria Teresa Saiu
1997- Cole, Nicholas Edward
1997-98 Moss, Marie-France
1997-2000 Radden, Philip John Cawston
1997-2000 Reed, Duncan
1998-99 Bucknall, Darren George
1998-99 Ducker, Anthony James
1999- Barton, David [2]
1999- Evans, Mark
1999- Karger, Jane Amelia
1999- Prendergast, Paul Anthony
1999- Wells, Frederick John
1999-2000 Lin, Xi Cissy
2000- Heffernan, Jonathan Paul
2000 (only) Hewson, Rees
1978-87 Owen, Dorothy Mary
1987- Zutshi, Patrick Nigel Rajendrnath
1935 Saunders, John Tennant
1953 Taylor, Harold McCarter
1961 Sartain, Wilfred James (previously Assistant Secretary General and, briefly, Deputy)
1972 Nicol, Alexander Douglas Ian
1984 Edwards, Kenneth John Richard
1987 Wright, James Robertson Graeme (resigned Dec. 1991)
1992 Livesey, David Anthony
1945-50 Harris, Henry Wilson
1961 Sartain, Wilfred James (previously Assistant Secretary General)
1963 Harvey, Laurence Marshall (previously Senior Assistant Registrary)
1983-96 Vaugon, Peter Charles Nigel (retired)
1996 Allen, Graham Peter (Acting Secretary 1999-2000)
1929 Shaw, Thomas Knox-
1945 Taylor, Harold McCarter
1953 Parnis, Alexander Edward Libor
1962 Macpherson, Roderick Ewen
1969 Gardner, Trevelyan Codrington (retired, 1983)
1983 Shone, Albert Basil (Acting Treasurer for 1 year, Gardner's appointed successor, Charles Kenyon Phillips, having died before entering on office)
1984 Shone, Albert Basil
1985 Halstead, Michael Peter (resigned 1993 to become head of Local Examinations Syndicate)
1993 Womack, Joanna Mary
1964 Gardner, Trevelyan Codrington
1969 Shone, Albert Basil (Acting Treasurer, 1983-4)
1984 Howe, Jeremy Frederic (retired, December 1990)
1991-99 Mardles, Peter John
2000- Sykes, Kerry
1974-77 Branson, Nicholas James Bertram Alwyn (Assistant Registrary, 1977)
1974-84 Carter, Linda Jean
1975-76 Hall, David John
1975-88 Baldwin, Leslie
1976-81 Smith, Margaret Suttie
1976-84 Ansell, Elizabeth (Assistant Registrary, 1984)
1983-89 Allen, Graham Peter
1983-89 Soutter, Alan
1985-90 Taylor (later Hawkins), Diana Madeline
1986-92 Harrison, Rosemary Margaret
1988-92 Smith, Kenneth George
1988-93 Hunt, Mary Felicity (Assistant Registrary, 1993)
1989- Milne, Sally Dorothy Winton
1989-95 Donald, Alexander Paul
1989-96 Chalk, Mary Patricia
1990- Duncan, Fiona Evelyn
1990-95 Jackson, Rosemary Jane
1991- Plumb, David Robert (Deputy Radiological Protection Officer)
1992- Mead, Linda Pauline Hinton- (Assistant Safety Adviser)
1992-96 Stevens, Peta Margaret (Assistant Registrary, 1996)
1992-98 Newbold, Linda Marian (Assistant Registrary, 1998)
1992-98 Purkiss, Brenda Anne
1993-96 Howe, Frances Elizabeth
1993-96 Spooner, Kathryn Margaret
1993-97 Hunter, Iris (Registry from Oct. 1997)
1993-97 Thomas (previously Baker), Susannah Judith (Assistant Registrary, 1997)
1993-98 Young, Brenda May
1993-2000 Allen, Renate Lilian (Assistant Treasurer, 2000)
1994- King, Gillian Mary
1994- Paul, Rosalind Miranda
1994-95 Kornicki, Catherine Olga
1995-96 Saunders, Jill Frances
1995-96 Scott, Mary Margaret (Environmental Officer)
1995-97 Gardiner, Moira Bell
1996- Baines, Susan Margaret
1996- Gray, Kathleen Claire
1996- Hammond, Christopher Francis
1996-97 Kellet, Mark
1996-99 Woollard, Louise (Assistant Registrary, 1999)
1996-2000 Heppleston, John (Safety and Security Officer; Assistant Registrary, 2000)
1996-2000 Hewetson, Celia Clemons (Assistant Registrary, 2000)
1997- Daunton, Claire Hilda Gabriel
1997- Harland, Peter John
1997- Mackay, Richard Norris (Environmental Officer)
1997- Williams, Jayne Catherine
1998- Allen, Kirsty Anne
1998- Dainty, Elizabeth Jane
1998- Kirby, Alan
1998- Siddiqui, Shala Afzal
1998-99 Howe, Beth Ann
1999- Gray, Ruth Louise
1999- Rose, Jennie
2000- Bridger, Matthew David
2000- Evans, Julian Graham
2000- Russell, Matthew Graham
2000- Stacey, Katie Jane
2000- Tooke, Nichola Carole
2000- Whitbread, Linda Jane
2000- Alexander, Judith Louise
2000- Walsham, Jenny Rhiannon
1964-75 Davies, Frank Martin- (retired)
1975-79 Sanderson, Jack (retired)
1975-84 Baxter, David Leonard (retired)
1981-88 Whiting, David
1984-87 Bowen, John Geoffrey William (retired)
1985-99 Bray, John Walter
1988-91 Whitefield, John Henry
1992-93 Pope, Susan Elizabeth
1994-99 Bishop, Suzy Emilie
1995-98 McLean, Keith Edward
1998- Curryer, Susan Elizabeth
1998-99 Lang, Christopher
1999- Johnson, Keith Patrick
1999-2000 Sykes, Kerry (Deputy Treasurer, 2000)
2000- Gander, Beverley Elizabeth
1954-61 Phillips, Charles Kenyon (from 1961 Deputy Treasurer)
1961-64 Davies, Frank Martin-
1965-67 Towner, Eric Herbert (resigned)
1965-84 Bowen, John Geoffrey William
1967-75 Sanderson, Jack
1968-75 Baxter, David Leonard
1982-87 Atkin, Maurice John (retired)
1984-86 Perrin, Denis Roy (retired)
1985-87 Tinkler, Richard Tom (retired)
1986-91 Pope, Susan Elizabeth (Senior Assistant Treasurer, 1992)
1987-95 McLean, Keith Edward
1992-98 Chinery, Terence Walter
1995-99 Nacey, Michael Anthony
1997-98 Lang, Christopher (Senior Assistant Treasurer, 1998)
1998- Palmer, Anthony Evan
1998-99 Sykes, Kerry (Senior Assistant Treasurer, 1999)
1998-2000 Searle, Ann Ranson
1999- Bowtell, Michael Andrew
2000- Allen, Barbara Mary
2000- Allen, Renate Lilian
2000- Gillings, Marjorie Jean
2000- Gooding, Philip Andrew
1972-82 Atkin, Maurice John
1975-81 Grant, Donald
1975-82 Dorban, Edmund Roy
1976-84 Perrin, Dennis Roy
1977-81 Whiting, David
1978-84 Harris, Ronald Walter
1979-84 Dow, David McDiarmid
1980-91 Greenwood, Philip John
1981-85 Tinkler, Roy Tom
1984-87 McLean, Keith Edward
1985-89 Tee, Peter Handbury
1987 (only) Croft, Robert Anthony
1987-02 Chinery, Terence Walter (Assistant Treasurer, 1992)
1988- Strupzewski, Michael Lawrence
1988-90 Dann, Lorraine Lesley
1989-93 Webb, Eric Philip
1989-99 Willits, Anthony Edwin
1989-2000 Allen, Barbara Mary (Assistant Treasurer, 2000)
1990-99 Clark, Patricia
1991-6 Short, Emma Jane (later Stone, Emma Jane, Assistant Registrary, 1996, via Assistant Staff Office)
1991-98 Palmer, Anthony Evan (Assistant Treasurer, 1998)
1993-2000 Gillings, Marjorie Jean (Assistant Treasurer, 2000)
1995-96 Craven, Simon Edward
1997-98 Curryer, Susan Elizabeth (Senior Assistant Treasurer, 1998)
1997-98 Russell, David John Owen
1997-98 Stonehouse, Diane (previously Dougherty, Diane)
1998- McDonald, Andrew John
1999- Ford, Deborah Joy
1999- Harnwell, Andrew John
1999- Russell, Gail
1999-2000 Gooding, Philip Andrew (Assistant Treasurer, 2000)
1973-85 Bray, John Walter
1978- Sandham, David
1979- Crane, David Charles
1979- Tilley, John Richard
1983 (only) Leaver, Anthony David
1984- Wosahlo, John Peter
1985- Barnes, Hughes
1990- Retallick, Lloyd