Abbot, John

1761        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Rhetoric)    forename surmised

Abbot, William

1765          NR Caput Senatus    JN    F. 1755-67; BD 1764; Taxor 1759

Abbott, Stuart Evelyn

1963        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Abdy, John Thomas

1852          LLD Caput Senatus    TH    F. 1850; LLD 1852
1854          LLD Caput Senatus    TH    F. 1850; LLD 1852; RPL 1854-73; Examiner in Law 1854
1854-73     Civil Law, Regius Professor of

Abel, Frederick Augustus, Sir

1888        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    'Applications of science to the protection of human life'

Abell, Christopher

1983-88     Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1988)
1988-99     Chemistry, Lectureship in    (Reader in Chemical Biology, 1999)
1999        Chemical Biology, Readership in

Abercrombie, Lascelles

1929        Literature, Leslie Stephen Lectureship in

Abrahams, Israel

1902        Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature, Readership in    (died 1925)

Abrahams, Raphael Garvin

1963-67     Archaeology and Anthropology, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1967)
1967-98     Archaeology and Anthropology, Lectureship in    (Social Anthropology)

Abrams, John Thomas

1955-76     Veterinary Clinical Studies, Lectureship in

Abrams, Philip

1962-65     Economics and Politics, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1965)
1965-70     Economics and Politics, Lectureship in

Abulafia, David Samuel Harvard

1978-83     History, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1983)
1983-91     History, Lectureship in    (Reader in Mediterranean History, 1991)
1991        Mediterranean History, Readership in    (Professor, 2000)
2000        Mediterranean History, Professorship of

Abythell, Nicholas

1556        Mathematical Lecturer    forename surmised

Acarnley, Paul Philip

1978-83     Engineering, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1983)
1983-85     Engineering, Lectureship in

Acerini, Carlo Lorenzo

1997-2000   Paediatrics, Clinical Lectureship    (University Lecturer, 2000)
2000-       Paediatrics, Lectureship in

Acheson, Roy Malcolm

1976        Community Medicine, Professorship of    (retired 1988)

Ackerman, James Sloss

1969        Fine Art, Slade Professorship of

Ackroyd, Peter Runham

1952-61     Divinity, Lectureship in
1960        Christian Theology, Hulsean Lectureship in

Ackworth, George

1559        Orator/Public Orator

Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Baron Acton of Aldenham, Sir

1895        Modern History, Regius Professorship of

Adair, Gilbert Smithson

1931-44     Physiology, Assistant Director of Research in
1945        Biophysics, Readership in    (retired 1963)

Adam de Flixton

1298        Chaplain

Adam de la More

1350 c.     Esquire Bedell

Adam de Lakynheth

1373        Chancellor

Adami, John George

1888        Pathology, Demonstratorship in

Adams (Lyon), Elizabeth Josephine

1983-85     Assistant Under-Librarian: University Library

Adams, Aileen Kirkpatrick

1976-84     Clinical Medicine, Associate Lectureship in

Adams, Anthony Lloyd Evan

1976-99     Education, Lectureship in

Adams, David Robert Hutchinson

1978-79     Assistant Library Officer: University Library
1979-85     Assistant Under-Librarian: University Library

Adams, John

1712        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    K
1715          DD Caput Senatus    K    Provost 1712-19; DD 1705; VC 1712

Adams, John [2]

1731          DD Caput Senatus    SID    M. 1730-46; DD 1728; VC 1735
1735        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    SID

Adams, John Couch

1851        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior
1853        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    PEM
1859        Astronomy and Geometry, Lowndean Professorship of
1861-1892   Director: Observatories    (Lowndean Professor, 1859)

Adams, John Frank

1958-61     Mathematics, Assistant Lectureship in
1970        Astronomy and Geometry, Lowndean Professorship of    (with leave to defer taking up his duties until Oct. 1971) (died 1989)

Adams, Samuel

1828        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)    SID    forename surmised

Adams, Thomas

1521 c.     Esquire Bedell    Third Bedell. D. 1555; Benefactor

Adams, Thomas [2]

1622        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Adams, William Mark

1984-89     Geography, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1989)
1989-99     Geography, Lectureship in    (Reader in Geography of Conservation and Development, 1999)
1999        Geography of Conservation and Development, Readership in

Adamson, David Martin

1998-99-    Director: Estate Management and Building Service

Adamson, John Paul

1980-87     Associate Director: University Press

Adamson, Sylvia May

1984-99     English, Lectureship in

Adcock, Frank Ezra

1925        Ancient History, Professorship of

Addenbrooke, John

1706        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)
1717        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic) (Grace Book does not say which of the two was elected)    forename surmised; or Jordan, [John]

Addison, Leonard

1736        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Addison, Paul Douglas

1992-97     Psychiatry (Mental Handicap), Clinical Lectureshire

Addison, William

1610        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Adiseshiah, Mohunkumar

1977-81     Clinical Medicine, Associate Lectureship in

Adkins, Clement John

1961-64     Physics, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1964)
1964-99     Physics, Lectureship in

Adkins, Edward William Orton

1938-46     Anatomy, Demonstratorship in

Adler, Dorothy Richardson

1960-62     Economics and Politics, Assistant Lectureship in

Adrian, Edgar Douglas

1919        Physiology, Junior Demonstrator    (University Lecturer in Physiology, 1920)
1920-28     Physiology, Lectureship in    vice Hill; (Advanced)
1937        Physiology, Professorship of    (Baron Adrian)
1957, 1958  Vice-Chancellor    Lord Adrian    T    M.D.
1967        Chancellor    Lord Adrian
1978        Cell Physiology, Professorship of    Lord Adrian (retired 1992)

Adrian, Richard Hume, Hon.

1956-60     Physiology, Senior Demonstrator
1961-68     Physiology, Lectureship in    (Reader in Experimental Biophysics, 1968)
1968        Experimental Biophysics, Readership in
1985, 1986  Vice-Chancellor    Lord Adrian; M.D.    PEM

Affara, Nabeel Ahmed

1987-99     Pathology, Lectureship in    (Reader in Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 1999)
1999        Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Readership in

Affleck, William

1745        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Afnan, Soheil Muhsin

1958-61     Persian, Lectureship in

Agar, John Newton

1947-48     Physical Chemistry, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1948)
1948-65     Physical Chemistry, University Lectureship in    (Reader, 1965)
1965        Physical Chemistry, Readership in    (retired 1981)

Agrell, Stuart Olof

1948-78     Curator of the Museum: Mineralogy and Petrology, Department of
1950-78     Mineralogy and Petrology, Lectureship in

Aguirre, J. M.

1956-59     Medieval and Modern Languages, Lector, Spanish: Medieval and Modern Languages, Special Board for (Lectors)

Ahmed, Haroon

1963-66     Engineering, Demonstrator    (University Lecturer, 1966)
1966-84     Engineering, Lectureship in    (Reader in Microelectronics, 1984)
1984        Microelectronics, Readership in    (Professor, 1992)
1992        Microelectronics, Professorship of

Ahmed, Syed Faisal

1995-2000   Paediatrics, Clinical Lectureship

Aidt, Toke Skovsgaard

1998-       Economics and Politics, Lectureship in

Ainscow, Melvin

1992-95     Education, Lectureship in

Ainslie, Gilbert

1828        Vice-Chancellor    M.A.    PEM
1831          DD Caput Senatus    PEM    M. 1828-70; DD 1829; VC 1828, 1836
1836        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    PEM    again
1838          DD Caput Senatus    PEM    M. 1828-70; DD 1829; VC 1828, 1836

Ainsworth, Oliver

1539        Proctor    Senior

Ainsworth, Roger William

1958-60     Pathology, Demonstratorship in

Airy, George Biddell, Sir

1826        Mathematics, Lucasian Professorship of
1828        Astronomy (and Experimental Philosophy), Plumian Professorship of
1828-36     Director: Observatories    (Lucasian Professor, 1826; Plumian Professor, 1828)
1864        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    'The late observations of total eclipses of the sun, and the inferences from them'

Aitken, Leicester Hammond

1940-41     Anatomy, Demonstratorship in

Ajioka, James Warren

1992-       Pathology, Lectureship in

Akam, Michael Edwin

1997        Zoology, Professorship of (1997)    (previously Research Professor of Developmental Genetics and Wellcome Principal Fellow of the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research Campaign Institute)
1997-       Superintendent/Curator/Director: Zoology, Museum of

Akehurst, Alexander

1650          NR Caput Senatus    T    F. 1645; MA 1645; prev. Emm

Akehurst, Pell

1775        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior
1776        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)

Akester, Arthur Roger

1955-60     Veterinary Anatomy, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1960)
1960-90     Veterinary Anatomy, Lectureship in

Alabaster, William

1593        Mathematical Lecturer    (paid £14/13/4 extra between them for purchase of instruments)    forename surmised; and Gooch (Goche), Barnabas?

Alavi, Ali Seyyed

2000-       Chemistry, Lectureship in

Alberich, P.

1994        BBV Foundation Visiting Professorship    (Director of the Museum of Natural History, Madrid)

Albert, HRH the Prince Consort

1847        Chancellor    (from 27 Feb.)

Alboussiere, Thierry

1996-       Engineering, Assistant Lectureship in

Alders, John

1646          R Caput Senatus    PET    F. 1645; MA (Emm) 1643

Alderson, Edward Hall, Sir

1825        University Counsel    Fellow of    CAI    (d. 1857)

Aldridge, David

1895-1909   Indian Civil Service Studies, University Teacher (Lecturer), Burmese: Indian Civil Service Studies, Board of    University Teacher, 1897

Aldryche, Thomas

1569        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Aldryge/Aldrich, Robert

1524        Proctor    Senior

Alefounder (Alfounder), Robert

1665          NR Caput Senatus    EM    F. 1655; BD 1663 (DD 1683)

Alefounder (Alfounder), Robert [2]

1714        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Alen, Walter

1572        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Alexander, Albert Ernest

1944-49     Colloid Science, Assistant Director of Research in

Alexander, Gavin Robert

2000-       English, Assistant Lectureship in

Alexander, Graeme James

1991-96     Medicine, Lectureship in

Alexander, J. W.

1936        Rouse Ball Lecturer

Alexander, John Amyas

1974-84     Archaeology and Anthropology, Lectureship in

Alexander, Jonathan James Graham

1984-85     Bibliography, Sandars Readership in

Alexander, Judith Louise

2000-       Research Services Division: Administrative Officers

Alexander, Paul

1989-94     Physics, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1994)
1994-       Physics, Lectureship in

Alexander, Thomas John Lyndon

1966-98     Animal Pathology, Lectureship in    (Veterinary Medicine)

Alexander, William Backhouse

1910-11     Assistant [to the] Superintendent/Director: Zoology, Museum of

Alford, Mark Hugh Tankerville

1972-74     Other Languages, Assistant in Research in

Alfreds, Mike

1982-84     Poetry or Drama, Judith E. Wilson Lectureship in    (Drama)

Algate, Frederick Maurice

1961-64     Assistant Registrary    Secretary of the Board of Research Studies, 1962; Senior Assistant Registrary, 1964)
1964-78     Senior Assistant Registrary    Secretary of the Board of Research/Graduate Studies. Resigned

Ali Riza Bey

1912-16     Foreign Service Students Committee, University Teacher (Lecturer), Turkish: Foreign Service Students Committee

Aliardi, Elettra

1990-91-    Junior Research Officer: Applied Economics, Department of

Allain, Jean-Pierre

1991        Transfusion Medicine, Professorship of    (previously Director of Medical Affairs at the Abbott Laboratories, Chicago)

Allan, Charles Grant Aloysius

Moral Science, Probationary Faculty/Faculty Assistant Lectureship in
1949-52     Moral Science, Assistant Lectureship in

Allan, Graham Robert

1969-70     Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Lectureship in
1978-80     Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Lectureship in    (Reader in Functional Analysis, 1980)
1980        Functional Analysis, Readership in

Allan, Trevor Robert Seaward

1988-89     Law, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1989)
1989-95     Law, Lectureship in    (Reader in Legal and Constitutional Theory, 1995)

Allbutt, Thomas Clifford, Sir

1892        Physic, Regius Professor of

Allchin, Frank Raymond

1959-72     Indian Studies, Lectureship in
1972        Indian Studies, Readership in    (retired 1990)

Allen, Barbara Mary

1989-2000   Financial Board: Administrative Assistant    (Assistant Treasurer, 2000)
2000-       Assistant Treasurer

Allen, Christopher Michael Colquhon

1991-       Clinical Medicine, Associate Lectureship in

Allen, Eric James

1967-71     Agricultural Science and Applied Biology, Demonstratorship in
1981-82-    Director: University Farm

Allen, Graham Peter

1983-89     General Board: Administrative Assistants
1989-95     Assistant Registrary    (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1995)
1995-96     Senior Assistant Registrary    (Deputy Secretary General, 1996)
1996        Deputy Secretary General of the Faculties    (Acting Secretary 1999-2000)

Allen, Janet Marjorie

1990-94     Physiology, Lectureship in

Allen, John

1660        University Counsel

Allen, John [2]

1743        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Allen, John Edward

1964-65     Engineering, Assistant Director of Research in

Allen, John Frank

1938-44     Physics, Assistant in Research at the Royal Society Mond Laboratory
1944-47     Physics, Lectureship in

Allen, Jonathan Pine

1995-99     Engineering, Assistant Lectureship in

Allen, Kirsty Anne

1998-       General Board: Administrative Assistants

Allen, Michael John

1970-79     Assistant Secretary: Board of Extra-Mural Studies
1970-79     Assistant Secretary: Continuing Education, Board for
1979-80     Deputy Secretary: Board of Extra-Mural Studies
1979-80     Deputy Secretary: Continuing Education, Board for
1980-       Secretary and Director: Board of Extra-Mural Studies
1980-90     Secretary and Director: Continuing Education, Board for

Allen, Percival

1946-47     Geology, Demonstrator    (University Lecturer, 1947)
1947-52     Geology, Lectureship in

Allen, Philip

1754        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    forename surmised; or William?

Allen, Renate Lilian

1993-2000   General Board: Administrative Assistants    (Assistant Treasurer, 2000)
2000-       Assistant Treasurer

Allen, Stephen John

1989-90-    Secretary: Botany Department

Allen, William

1397-98     Proctor    Senior

Allen, William Richard

1990-91-    Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Associate Lectureship in
1995        Equine Reproduction, Jim Joel Professorship of    (previously Director of the Thoroughbred Breeders' Association Equine Fertility Unit at Newmarket)

Allen, William Sidney

1955        Comparative Philology, Professorship of    (retired 1982)

Allenson, Edward

1742        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)

Alleyn, John

1686        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)

Allies, Edgar Robin

1983-87     Architecture, Assistant Lectureship in

Allin, Philip Edgar Varnham

1973-82     Managing Director, Publishing Division: University Press    (Deputy Chief Executive, 1982)
1982-91     Deputy Chief Executive: University Press    (University Printer, 1984)
1984-91     University Printer: University Press

Allin, Richard

1704        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)

Allison, John William French

1995-       Law, Lectureship in

Allison, William

1983-86     Physics, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1986)
1986-       Physics, Lectureship in    (Senior Lecturer, 2000)

Allnutt, Thomas

1812        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    CHR    forename surmised

Allott, Philip James

1976-80     Law, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1980)
1980-97     Law, Lectureship in    (Reader in International Public Law, 1997)
1997        International Public Law, Readership in    (Professor, 2000)
2000        International Public Law, Professorship of

Allsopp, John

1634        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Allsopp, Thomas

1797        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    EM    forename surmised

Allwood, Julian Mark

2000-       Engineering, Lectureship in

Alston, Edward

1676          R Caput Senatus    SID    BD 1675 (Taxor 1673)

Alston, Leonard

1926-40     Economics and Politics, Lectureship in

Altham, James Edward John

1972-77     Philosophy, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1977)
1977-99     Philosophy, Lectureship in

Altham, Patricia Mary Elizabeth

1970-81     Statistics, Assistant Director of Research in    (University Lecturer, 1981)
1981-       Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Lectureship in    (Senior Lecturer, 2000)

Alvis, Andrew

1738        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)

Amado, M. J., Miss

1972-75     Medieval and Modern Languages, Lector, Portuguese: Medieval and Modern Languages, Special Board for (Lectors)

Amaratunga, Gehan Anil Joseph

1987-95     Engineering, Lectureship in    (Professor of Engineering (grace 5 of 1 Dec. 1965) 1998)
1998        Engineering, Professorship of (1966, grace 5 of 1 Dec. 1965)    (previously Professor of Electrical Engineering, Liverpool University)

Ames, Edward Cecil

1884-87     Mechanism, Demonstratorship in

Amhurst, Geoffrey

1682          R Caput Senatus    K    F. 1675; M.A. 1680

Amorin, M. R. N. X., Miss

1965-67     Medieval and Modern Languages, Lector, Portuguese: Medieval and Modern Languages, Special Board for (Lectors)

Amos, Andrew

1849        Laws of England, Downing Professorship of the

Amos, Arthur

1919-29     Agriculture, Lectureship in    (2) (resigned)

Amos, Roger Duncan

1989-90-    Computer Officer in General Board Institution
1995-       Chemistry, Assistant Director of Research in

Amos, William

1996-       Zoology, Lectureship in

Amos, William Bradshaw

1973-78     Zoology, Demonstratorship in

Anderlini, Luca

1986-88     Junior Research Officer: Applied Economics, Department of    (Assistant Director of Research, 1988)
1988-99     Economics and Politics, Assistant Director of Research in

Andersen, Svend Olaf

1966-70     Zoology, Assistant Director of Research in

Anderson, Edward James

1979-84     Engineering, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1984)
1984-96     Engineering, Lectureship in

Anderson, Gordon Rae

1965-70     Assistant Registrary    (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1970)
1970-83     Senior Assistant Registrary    (retired)
1976-77-    Secretary: Biological Sciences, School of

Anderson, Hugh Kerr

1894        Physiology, Additional Demonstrator
1896        Physiology, Junior Demonstrator    (University Lecturer in Physiology, 1903)
1903-12     Physiology, Lectureship in

Anderson, James Drummond

1907        Indian Civil Service Studies, University Teacher (Lecturer), Bengali: Indian Civil Service Studies, Board of    University Teacher

Anderson, Janice Rosemary

1977-78-    Pathology, Associate Lectureship in

Anderson, Margaret Swainson

1948-52     Geography, Lectureship in

Anderson, Philip Warren

1967        Theoretical Physics, Visiting Professorship of    (resigned 1975)

Anderson, Ross John

1995-2000   Computer Laboratory, Lecturer in the    (Reader in Security Engineering, 2000)
2000        Security Engineering, Readership in

Anderson, William Blair

1936        Latin, [Kennedy] Professorship of    (retired 1942)

Andrew de Gisleham

1283-84     Chancellor    M.A.

Andrew, Christopher Maurice

1967-72     History, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1972)
1972-89     History, Lectureship in    (Reader in Modern and Contemporary History, 1989)
1989        Modern and Contemporary History, Readership in    (Professor, 1993)
1993        Modern and Contemporary History, Professorship of

Andrew, Colin

1986        Mechanics, Professorship of

Andrew, John Malcolm Young

1967-77     Secretary and Director: Board of Extra-Mural Studies
1967-77     Secretary and Director: Continuing Education, Board for

Andrew, Mary Lilian

1971-82     Assistant Secretary: Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES)

Andrews, Charles Freer

1936        Pastoral Theology, Lecturer in

Andrews, David John

1989-90-    Computer Officer in General Board Institution

Andrews, John Robert

1986-87-    Secretary: Zoology, Department of
1999-       Assistant Registrary    (GB)

Andrews, Neil Howard

1985-90     Law, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1990)
1990        Deputy University Advocate
1990-91-    Law, Lectureship in

Andrews, Robert

1849        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    Q    forename surmised

Andrews, Rupert Simon

1996-       Registry: Computer Officer

Andrews, Stephen James

1987-89     Assistant to the Secretaries: Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES)    (Assistant Secretary, 1989)
1989-90-    Assistant Secretary: Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES)

Andrews, Thomas

1587        University Counsel    LL.B.; (d. 1585)

Andrews, Tony

19??-99     Medical Genetics, Associate Lectureship in

Andreyev, Nikolay

1948-51     Medieval and Modern Languages, Lector, Russian: Medieval and Modern Languages, Special Board for (Lectors)
1951-56     Slavonic Studies, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1956)
1956-73     Slavonic Studies, Lectureship in    (Reader in Russian Studies, 1973)
1973        Russian Studies, Readership in    (retired 1975)

Anguish, Richard

1613        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Angus, Charles Franklin

1926-46     Classics, Lectureship in
1931        Classics, Perceval Maitland Laurence Readership in    (retired 1946)

Angus, Robert Henry

1930-38     Engineering, Demonstrator    (University Lecturer, 1938)
1937        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior
1938-39-    Engineering, Lectureship in

Annan, Noël Gilroy [the Rt Hon., the Lord]

1948-66     Economics and Politics, Lectureship in

Annand, Michael John Comyn

1974-88     Director: University Press    (Financial Director)

Anne, H.R.H. the Princess Royal

1990        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    'Punishment'

Annesley, Arthur, Hon.

1702        Representative in Parliament    Fellow of    M
1705        Representative in Parliament    again
1708        Representative in Parliament    again
1722        High Steward    Earl of Anglesey

Anningson, Bushell

1878-82     Human Anatomy, Demonstrator    (University Lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence, 1884)
1884-1916   Medical Jurisprudence, Lectureship in    (d. 1916)

Anreb, Gleb

1926-31     Physiology, Lectureship in

Anscombe, Francis John

1947-56     Mathematics, Lectureship in

Anscombe, Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret

1970        Philosophy (previously Mental Philosophy and Logic), Professorship of
1983        Philosophy of Religion, Stanton Lectureship in

Ansell, Elizabeth

1976-84     General Board: Administrative Assistants    (Assistant Registrary, 1984)
1984-92     Assistant Registrary    (Senior Assistant Registrary, 1992)
1992-96     Senior Assistant Registrary    (GB; Principal Assistant Registrary, 1996)
1996-99     Principal Assistant Registrary    (GB)

Ansell, Evelyn

1942        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Ansell, Stuart Edward

1976-95     Assistant Registrary
1995-99     Senior Assistant Registrary    (Board of Graduate Studies)

Ansorge, Richard Eric

1974-84     Physics, Senior Assistant in Research in    (Assistant Director of Research, 1984)
1984-85-    Physics, Assistant Director of Research in

Ansted, David Thomas

1842        Barnaby Lecturer    (Mathematics)    JE    forename surmised
1863        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    'The correlation of the natural history sciences'

Anthony de Grantchester

1352        Chancellor

Anthony, Mark

1692        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Antonello, Pierpaolo

1999-       Italian, Lectureship in

Appleton, Arthur Beeny

1920-26     Human Anatomy, Senior Demonstrator    (University Lecturer in Anatomy, 1926)
1926-34     Anatomy, Lectureship in

Appleton, Derek Sidney

1983-84-    Clinical Medicine, Associate Lectureship in

Appleton, Edward Victor, Sir

1920-25     Experimental Physics, Assistant Demonstrator
1936        Natural (Experimental) Philosophy, Jacksonian Professor of
1936        Physics, Scott Lectureship in
1946        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    'Terrestrial magnetism and the ionosphere'

Appleton, Ernest

1981-92     Engineering, Lectureship in

Appleton, Timothy Charles

1970-73     Physiology, Senior Demonstrator    (University Lecturer, 1973)
1973-88     Physiology, Lectureship in

Appointment suspended

1940        Classics, J. H. Gray Lectureship in
1940        Economics, Alfred Marshall Lectureship in
1940        Pastoral Theology, Lecturer in
1940        Philosophy of Religion, Stanton Lectureship in
1940        Physics, Scott Lectureship in
1940        Rouse Ball Lecturer
1940        Spanish or Portuguese Literature, Norman Maccoll Lectureship in

Appointments discontinued

1922        University Counsel

Arber, Edward Alexander Newell

1899        Palaeobotany, Demonstratorship in

Arberry, Arthur John

1947        Arabic, Sir Thomas Adams' Professorship of    (died 1969)

Archbold, William Arthur Jobson

1893:03     Deputy Secretary: Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES)
1899-1902   Secretary: Careers Service

Archdale (Archdall), George John

1835        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    EM
1837          DD Caput Senatus    EM    M. 1835-71; DD 1835; VC 1835, 1841
1841        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    EM    again
1843          DD Caput Senatus    EM    M. 1835-71; DD 1835; VC 1835, 1841

Archer, Miles

1729        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    JN    forename surmised
1730        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Ardagh, R. D., Major-General

1883-85     Indian Civil Service Studies, University Teacher (Lecturer), Burmese: Indian Civil Service Studies, Board of

Arden, Albert Henry

1883-90     Indian Civil Service Studies, University Teacher (Lecturer), Tamil: Indian Civil Service Studies, Board of

Arden, John

1964-65     Poetry or Drama, Judith E. Wilson Lectureship in

Arellano, M.

2000        BBV Foundation Visiting Professorship

Arends, Mark Johan

1999-       Pathology, Lectureship in

Arends, Tulio

1979        Latin-American Studies, Simón Bolívar Professorship of    (Biology 'B')

Arfield, John Alan

1973-78     Assistant Library Officer: University Library
1978-79     Assistant Under-Librarian: University Library
1979-81     Under-Librarian: University Library

Argentine, John

1472        Proctor    Senior

Argue, Arnold Noel

1959-90     Senior Assistant Observer: Astronomy, Institute of

Arigoni, Duilo E.

1981        Chemistry, Alexander Todd Visiting Professorship of    (25 May -- 15 June)

Arkadie, Brian Van

1972-75     Assistant Director of Development Studies

Arlett, Henry

1834        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)    PEM    forename surmised
1837          NR Caput Senatus    PEM    F. 1826-69; M.A. 1827 (Proctor 1838)
1838        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Armes, K.

1964-66     Medieval and Modern Languages, Lector, Russian: Medieval and Modern Languages, Special Board for (Lectors)

Armitage, Arthur Llewellyn

1946-47     Law, Probationary Faculty/Faculty Assistant Lectureship in
1947-70     Law, Lectureship in
1965, 1966  Vice-Chancellor    LL.B.    Q

Armstrong, Alan Gordon

1962-64     Economics and Politics, Assistant in Research in

Armstrong, Christopher Mark

1992-94     Economics and Politics, Assistant Lectureship in

Armstrong, Terence Edward

1957-77     Polar Research, Assistant Director of Research in    (Reader in Arctic Studies, 1977)
1977        Arctic Studies, Readership in    (retired 1983)

Armstrong, William Denys

1952-54     Chemical Engineering, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1954)
1954-86     Chemical Engineering, Lectureship in

Arnald, William

1773        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)

Arno, Jeanne

1975-99     Pathology, Lectureship in

Arnold, Matthew

1882        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    'Literature and science'

Arnold, Neil Stuart

1996-       Geography, Assistant Lectureship in

Arnold, Peter William

1947-53     Agriculture, Demonstratorship in

Arnold, Vladimir Igorevich

1992        Mathematical Sciences, Rothschild Visiting Professorship at the Isaac Newton Institute for    (Professor of Mathematics, Moscow University)

Arnold, William Fillbridge

1785        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Arnot, Madeleine Mary

1988-2000   Education, Lectureship in    (Reader in the Sociology of Education, 2000)
2000        Sociology of Education, Readership in

Aron, Raymond

1966-67     Economics, Alfred Marshall Lectureship in

Arrow, Kenneth J.

1969-70     Economics, Alfred Marshall Lectureship in

Arrowsmith, John

1647        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    JN
1651        Divinity, Regius Professorship of

Artin, Emil

1960        Rouse Ball Lecturer

Arundel, Dennis Drew

1928-30     Music, Probationary Faculty/Faculty Assistant Lectureship in

Ascham, Roger

1546        Orator/Public Orator

Ash, Edward John

1829        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior
1832          NR Caput Senatus    CHR    F. 1819; M.A. 1822 (Proctor 1829)

Ashburner, Michael

1966-70     Genetics, Assistant in Research in    (University Demonstrator, 1970)
1970-73     Genetics, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1973)
1973-80     Genetics, Lectureship in    (Reader in Developmental Genetics, 1980)
1980        Developmental Genetics, Readership in    (Professor of Biology, 1991)
1991        Biology, Professorship of

Ashburner, Thomas

1708        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)    PEM    forename surmised
1709        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)    forename surmised
1722        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Ashby, Eric, Sir

1967, 1968  Vice-Chancellor    M.A.    CL

Ashby, Lesley Marion

1989-92     Psychiatry, Clinical Lectureship

Ashby, Michael Anthony

1985-87     Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapeutics, Clinical Lectureship

Ashby, Michael Farries

1973        Engineering, Professorship of (1966, grace 5 of 1 Dec. 1965)

Ashcroft, Thomas

1764        Barnaby Lecturer    (Mathematics)    forename surmised

Ashe, Roger

1518        Proctor    Junior

Ashford, Cyril Ernest

1892-92     Experimental Physics, Assistant Demonstrator

Ashford, Michael Lawrence James

1983-88     Pharmacology, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1988)
1988-95     Pharmacology, Lectureship in

Ashmead, John

1944-46     Physics, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1946)
1946-74     Physics, Lectureship in

Ashmole, Bernard

1947        Classics, J. H. Gray Lectureship in

Ashmore, Philip George

1946-53     Physical Chemistry, Demonstratorship in    (University Lecturer, 1953)
1953-63     Physical Chemistry, University Lectureship in

Ashton, Charles

1702        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    JE
1711          DD Caput Senatus    JE    M. 1701-52; DD 1702; VC 1702

Ashton, Harold

1933-46     French, Lectureship in

Ashton, Peter

1630        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Ashwell, Thomas

1412        Vice-Chancellor    Friar
1412        Chancellor    names surmised

Askew, John

1766        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)
1775          NR Caput Senatus    EM    F. 1760; Tutor 1766; BD 1768 (DD 1793)

Aspinall (née Tait), Patricia Barbara Langton

1981-85     Assistant to the Secretaries: Schools Examination Syndicate    (transferred to UCLES, 1985)
1986-89     Assistant Secretary: Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES)

Aspland, Isaac

1802        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    PEM    forename surmised
1810        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior
1813        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)    PEM    forename surmised

Assheton, Richard

1913-15     Animal Embryology, Lectureship in

Astley, Roger Stephen

2000-       Senior Commissioning Editors: University Press

Aston, Stanley Collin

1946-48     French, Probationary Faculty/Faculty Assistant Lectureship in
1948-82     French, Lectureship in

Asty, Thomas

1452        Proctor    Junior

Atherton, Antony Robin

1966-71     Physics, Senior Assistant in Research in

Atherton, Thomas

1724          NR Caput Senatus    CHR    F. 1710-33; M.A. 1709

Atiyah, Michael Francis, (Sir)

1956-58     Mathematics, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1958)
1958-61     Mathematics, Lectureship in
1973-74     Mordell Lectureship [in Pure Mathematics]
1990-96     Director: Mathematical Sciences, Isaac Newton Institute for

Atkin, Maurice John

1972-82     Financial Board: Administrative Assistant
1982-87     Assistant Treasurer    (retired)

Atkins, Raymond

1967-69     Assistant Technical Officer: Cavendish Laboratory    (Technical Officer, 1969)
1969-75     Technical Officer: Cavendish Laboratory

Atkinson, Anthony Barnes

1968-71     Economics and Politics, Assistant Lectureship in
1992        Political Economy, Professorship of    (previously Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics, LSE. Resigned 1994.)

Atkinson, Edward

1848        Barnaby Lecturer    (Mathematics)
1862        Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    CL
1868, 1869  Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    CL    again
1876, 1877  Vice-Chancellor    D.D.    CL    again

Atkinson, John Herbert

1973-76     Engineering, Senior Assistant in Research in

Atkinson, Nigel John

1989-93     Associate Director: University Press    (UK Sales Director, 1993)
1993-2000   Director: University Press    (UK Sales)
2000-       Executive Director: University Press    (Customer and Corporate Relations Director)

Atkinson, Paul Eustace

1976-80     Research Officer: Applied Economics, Department of

Atkinson, William

1786        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)    CTH    forename surmised
1789        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)

Attenborough, David, Sir

1986        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    'Islands'

Attfield, John Paul

1991-98     Assistant Director: Superconductivity, Research Centre in
1991-2000   Chemistry, Lectureship in    (Reader in Materials Chemistry, 2000)
2000        Materials Chemistry, Readership in

Attwater, Aubrey Leonard

1926-27-    English, Lectureship in

Attwood, Richard

1715        Esquire Bedell    M.A.; Fellow of    PEM    vice Pern, deceased

Audley, John

1707        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Logic)    PET    forename surmised

Auffret, Serge

1979-81     Medieval and Modern Languages, Lector, French: Medieval and Modern Languages, Special Board for (Lectors)

Aunger, John

1610        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Austin, Colin François Lloyd

1969-73     Classics, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1973)
1973-88     Classics, Lectureship in    (Reader in Greek Language and Literature, 1988)
1988        Greek Language and Literature, Readership in    (Professor of Greek, 1998)
1998        Greek, Professorship of

Austin, Colin Russell

1967        Animal Embryology, Charles Darwin Professorship of    (retired 1981)

Austin, Daniel

1743        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Rhetoric)

Austin, George Wesley

1945        Metallurgy, Goldsmiths' Professorship of

Austin, Lloyd James

1961-66     French, Lectureship in    (Reader, 1966; Drapers' Professor, 1967)
1966        French, Readership in    (elected Drapers' Professor of French 1967)
1967        French, Drapers' Professorship of

Auty, Nadira

1988-89-    Oriental Languages, Faculty of (Lectors), Arabic: Oriental Languages, Faculty of (Lectors)

Auty, Robert

1937-45     German, Probationary Faculty/Faculty Assistant Lectureship in
1945-62     German, Lectureship in
1949        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior

Avery, Peter William

1958-90     Persian, Lectureship in
1966        Proctor (new cycle)    Senior
1986-87     Director: Middle Eastern [and Islamic] Studies, Centre of

Awbery, Samuel

1701        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior

Axton, Marie Horine

1979        Proctor (new cycle)    Junior
1984-89     English, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1989)
1989-99     English, Lectureship in

Axton, Richard Patrick

1966-71     English, Assistant Lectureship in    (University Lecturer, 1971)
1971-72-    English, Lectureship in

Aydelotte, Margaret Beesley

1959-63     Physiology, Senior Demonstrator

Aylen, Carl Arthur William

1973-74     Architecture, Lectureship in

Aylmer, Charles Alexander

1986-87-    Assistant Under-Librarian: University Library

Aylmer, Thomas

1723        Sir Robert Rede's Lecturer    (Philosophy)    forename surmised

Ayloffe, Thomas

1703        Civil Law, Regius Professor of

Ayloffe, William

1696-1726   Orator/Public Orator
1711          LLD Caput Senatus    T    F. 1687; LLD 1705; Orator 1696-1726
1725          LLD Caput Senatus    T    F. 1687; LLD 1705; Orator 1696-1726

Ayndesworth, Ralph

1535        Proctor    Senior

Ayris, Paul

1985-86-    Assistant Library Officer: University Library

Azzawi, Farook Al-

1985-90     Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Clinical Lectureship